One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.完形填空答案One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.The hostess(女主人) opened the door.31 she didn’t know them,she asked them to 32 and have somet

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:14:51
One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.完形填空答案One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.The hostess(女主人) opened the door.31 she didn’t know them,she asked them to 32 and have somet
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One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.完形填空答案One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.The hostess(女主人) opened the door.31 she didn’t know them,she asked them to 32 and have somet
One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.完形填空答案
One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.The hostess(女主人) opened the door.31 she didn’t know them,she asked them to 32 and have something to eat because she thought they must be 33 .To the woman’s surprise,they were not 34 to come into the house together.One of them explained,“We are called Wealth(财富),Success and Love.You have to choose 35 of us.”“Go in and discuss with your 36 which of us you want in your home,” added another old man.
The woman told the family 37 had happened.Her husband advised inviting Wealth.He hoped their house would be filled with 38 .But the woman 39 Success.Their daughter was 40 from one corner of the house.She jumped in with her own suggestion,“It would be 41 if we invited Love.Our house will then be full of love!”
“Les’s listen to our daughter.” The husband finally made the 42 .The woman went out and asked the three old men,“Which one of you is Love Please come in and be our guest(客人).”
Love 43 and started walking towards the door.The other two 44 .Surprised,the woman asked,“I 45 invited Love,why are you coming in?”
The old men replied together,“Wherever Love goes,we go with him.Wherever there is Love,there is also Wealth and Success!”
( ) 31.A.Though B.Because C.Before D.When
( ) 32.A.leave B.walk C.enter
( ) 33.A.unhappy B.thirsty C.angry D.hungry
( ) B.willing C.afraid D.sorry
( ) 35.A.some B.three C.two
( ) 36.A.son B.husband D.daughter
( ) 37.A.what B.anything D.that
( ) B.time
( ) 39.A.refused B.preferred C.disliked D.remembered
( ) 40.A.listening B.reading C.playing D.drawing
( ) 41.A.more generous B.more interesting C.better D.safer
( ) 42.A.mistake B.plan C.wish D.decision
( ) up B.gave up C.grew up D.woke up
( ) 44.A.left B.crid C.followed D.argued
( ) 45.A.once B.only C.always D.often

One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.完形填空答案One evening,three old men came to a house and knocked at the door.The hostess(女主人) opened the door.31 she didn’t know them,she asked them to 32 and have somet