
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 05:50:46
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In Chinese culture,the dragon has an important status and influence.From the Neolithic Age 7,000 years ago,
Ancestors of the original dragon totem worship,and today people are still mostly with the "dragon" character idioms,or Code
Therefore,to describe the good things in life.
Up and down for thousands of years,the dragon has infiltrated all aspects of Chinese society has become a culture of cohesion and product
Sediment.Long became a symbol of China,a symbol of the Chinese nation,a symbol of Chinese culture.For each Yanhuang
Descendants,the image of the dragon is a symbol,an Italy-threaded,a flesh and blood associated emotional!."Dragon
Children and grandchildren,"" Descendants of the Dragon "These titles are often made us excited,energetic,proud.Dragon Culture
In addition to the spread of inherited land of China,the overseas Chinese Yuan Du was also brought to the world,alive
Chinese residential sector,country or the Chinese city,the largest and most

For children, the dragon is a symbol,◤ a YiXu◥, a kind of flesh of emotion! .‘

In the Chinese culture, the dragon has an important position and influence. From 7000 years the neolithic,
The original dragon ancestors' totem worship, people still more to today to contain "drag...


In the Chinese culture, the dragon has an important position and influence. From 7000 years the neolithic,
The original dragon ancestors' totem worship, people still more to today to contain "dragon" or the idiom cult
So to describe the finer things in life.
Fluctuation for thousands of years, the Chinese dragon has penetrated all aspects of the society, to become a kind of culture and product
Deposit. Dragon became the symbol of China, the symbol of the Chinese nation, the symbol of the Chinese culture. For every Chinese
For children, the dragon is a symbol, a YiXu, a kind of flesh of emotion! . "
The children ", "descendants of the dragon" these appellation, and often makes us excited and proud of dragon culture,....
In addition to the earth shall spread outside, still far over the overseas Chinese to all over the world, living
All the Chinese border city residential or China, and the most compelling decorations still is the dragon. because
But, "descendants of the dragon" and "dragon's kingdom" also won the world's identity.


谁有英文版的龙的含义如果没有的话,谁能帮我翻译一下这个:在中国文化中,龙有着重要的地位和影响.从距今7000多年的新石器时代,先民们对原始龙的图腾崇拜,到今天人们仍然多以带有“龙 六芒星,倒五芒星的含义及召唤作用有没有全一点的~如果没有的话分就给你了~ 活着就是阳气要足啊 有没有什么含义 要是有的话 谁能用自己的思想 有没有Ricky这个英文名?如果有的话它是男名还是女名?其含义是什么?如果没有,那么有没有相似发音的英文名,同样它是男名还是女名?其含义是什么? 在古汉语中有没有“迪”这个字,这个字有没有什么含义,如果有的话能给举几个例子吗,知道的请告诉我,谢 英文词汇大全就好是分好类的!如果有我要的话, 有没有什么复仇的电视剧或者电影 英文的 类似revenge 的这样的最好的英美剧 如果没有的话 中文也是可以的 关于Barbados...Barbados只是指巴巴多斯群岛吗?它有没什么特殊的含义?- -...如果没有的话就帮我介绍下巴巴多斯吧... 我们不是没有说什么不能告人的话么,如果有,即然说了,就不怕发表 含义要是对的 有没有好看又有含义的英文单词,有能力的话给我写上100个, 有没有好看又有含义的英文单词,有能力的话给我写上100个, 新世纪福音战士有没有什么深刻的含义?有的话请说明 谁有胡适 英文版的 我的信仰(what i believe),刚开始应该是用英文发表的如果有的话请贴上, 求ia结尾的英文女子名.越多越好.最好有含义.好的话追分. OPPO有没有英文含义? 有谁知道英文名Joshua的含义的么?请说出名字的来历,含义,如果可以的话,象征意义‘‘‘ 谁能帮我写一篇《野性的呼唤》的读后感啊,要英文的(500到1000个单词,还要中文的意思).如果没有的话中文的也行如果没有《野性的呼唤》的话,《金银岛》、《秘密花园》、《爱丽斯镜中 折断翅膀的天使的含义如果知道的话,顺便问一下,遗失翅膀的天使,单翼天使,没有翅膀的天使的含义和代表?