How will you travel to New York?翻译下

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:38:19
How will you travel to New York?翻译下
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How will you travel to New York?翻译下
How will you travel to New York?翻译下

How will you travel to New York?翻译下


How will you travel to New York?翻译下 How do you think you will travel to work in 15 years' time?什么意思? How long will you be able to come back from you travel If you travel around the world,you will be surprised to find just how different 全文, How will astronauts travel to space翻译 How would you like to travel?回答.. How much do you like ____(travel Will you travel ___ ___ ___(乘飞机)? 用travel in 还是travel to 合适travel in ,travel to 这两个词组的用法都是有的吧?我想表达一个句子 【 你要去北京旅行多久?】1 翻译的时候 这么说可以吗How long will you travel in Beijing / travel to Beijing 用 travel in 还是 travel to travel in ,travel to 这两个词组的用法都是有的吧?我想表达一个句子 【 你要去北京旅行多久?】1 翻译的时候 这么说可以吗How long will you travel in Beijing / travel to Beijing 句子 If you travel around the world,you will be surprised to find just how different the foreign customs can be from your own. 请问如何翻译? Wherever you travel to ,I will follow you.改错 1.Where are you going and when will you start to travel?will you get there? long will you spend for your journey?3.who will you go with?who will be in charge of the money?how much money are you takeing onshis trip?4.why did you choose this place how will you gohow will you go How much time do you spend in _______?(travel) How far does you travel to school?是啥意思? How are you going to travel?回答什么 I like books space travel.How about you