
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:00:09
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/ deɪm; dem/ n
(US sl 俚) woman 妇女: Gee! What a dame! 嘿! 多标致的女人!
Dame (Brit) (title of a) woman, who has been awarded an order1(10a) of knighthood (获有爵位的)夫人(的头衔).
(also pantomime dame) elderly female comic character in pantomime, usu played by a man (童话剧中常由男性扮演的滑稽的)老太婆.
pt of come.
/ feɪm; fem/ n [U] (condition of) being known or talked about by many people 名声; 名气; 声誉: achieve fame and fortune 获取名利 * The young musician rose quickly to fame. 那个年轻的音乐家很快就出了名. > famed adj [pred 作表语] ~ (for sth): famed for their courage 以他们的勇敢着称.
name 1
/ neɪm; nem/ n
[C] word or words by which a person, an animal, a place or a thing is known and spoken to or of 名字; 名称: My name is Peter. 我名叫彼得. * What is the name of the town where you live? 你住的那个城市叫什麽名字?
(a) [sing] reputation; fame 名誉; 名声: a shop with a (good, bad, etc) name for reliability 信誉(好、 不好等)的商店. (b) [attrib 作定语] (esp US) having a well-known name or an established reputation 有名的; 名声卓着的: a name brand of soap 名牌肥皂 * a big-name company 大名鼎鼎的公司.
[C] famous person 着名的人物; 名人: the great names of history 历史上的伟人 * All the big names in the pop music world were at the party. 流行音乐界的头面人物都参加了聚会.
game 1
1 / geɪm; ɡem/ n
[C] (a) form of play or sport with rules 游戏; 运动: popular children's games 儿童喜爱的游戏 * a game of chance/skill 一种碰运气的[赛技巧的]游戏. (b) instance of this 游戏; 运动: to play a game of chess, football, hide-and-seek, etc 下棋、 踢足球、 捉迷藏 * Let's have a game of snooker. 咱们打一局台球吧. =>Usage at sport 用法见sport.
games [pl] (a) athletics or sport as part of a school curriculum (学校的)体育活动: Mary never played games at school. 玛丽在学校从不参加体育活动. (b) (also the Games) (international) athletic contests (国际)体育比赛, 运动会: the Olympic/Commonwealth/Highland `Games 奥林匹克[英联邦/苏格兰高地]运动会.
[C] part of a game (eg tennis or bridge) that forms a scoring unit (网球或桥牌的)一局, 一盘, 一场: We need another twenty points to make game, ie in bridge. 我们需再打20分才够一局(桥牌). * They lost the first game of the second set, ie in tennis. 他们在第二盘中输了第一局(网球赛). * (one) game all, two games all, etc, ie each player or team has won one game, two games, etc 各赢一局、 各赢两局等 * Game, set and match (to...), ie The tennis match has been won (by...) 赢得这局、 盘、 场网球赛的是... * [attrib 作定语] game `point, ie stage in a competition when one point is needed to win the game (比赛中)决胜的一分.
[C] set of equipment for playing a game (游戏或运动的)器材: My uncle always gives us a `board game for Christmas. 我叔叔每逢圣诞节总要送给我们一副棋.
[C] (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml 口) (a) secret and cunning plan; trick 诡计; 计谋; 花招: So that's his (little) game! ie Now I know what he has been planning. 原来那就是他的鬼点子! * I wish I knew what her game is, ie what she is planning to do. 但愿我知道她打的是什麽主意. (b) type of activity or business 活动类型; 行业: the `publishing game 出版业 * the game of `politics 政治工作 * How long have you been in `this game? 你从事这一行业有多久了?
[U] (flesh of) wild animals or birds hunted for sport or food 猎物; 野兽或野禽的肉: [attrib 作定语] game `pie 野味馅饼.
/ teɪm; tem/ adj (-r, -st)
(of animals) gentle and unafraid of human beings; not wild or fierce (指动物)驯服的, 不怕人的, 不凶猛的: a tame monkey 驯服的猴子 * The pigeons are so tame they will sit on your shoulder. 这些鸽子不怕人能落在人的肩膀上.
[attrib 作定语] (joc 谑) (of people) available and willing to be told what to do; submissive (指人)听使唤的, 温顺的: I've got a tame mechanic who keeps my car in order. 我有个随和的汽车修理工, 他把我的车保养得很好.
dull or unadventurous 沉闷的; 无奇的; 平淡的: I quite enjoyed the book but found the ending rather tame. 我很爱看那本书, 只是结尾颇觉逊色. * The scenery around here is a little tame. 这周围的风景没什麽特色. * a tame attempt to reform the system 对改革体制浅尝辄止.
[wєm; wєim]
‘苏、北英’1 腹部; 肚子
2 ‘废’子宫
lame 1
/ leɪm; lem/ adj
unable to walk normally because of an injury or defect 瘸的; 跛的: The accident made him lame in the left leg. 出事后他的左腿瘸了. * Halfway through the race the horse went lame. 那匹马赛跑中途跛了腿.
(of an excuse or argument) weak and unconvincing (指藉口或论据)蹩脚的, 软弱无力的, 无说服力的.
(idm 习语) help a lame dog over a stile => help1. a ,lame `duck (a) person, organization or thing that is in difficulties and unable to manage without help 处於困境无法自理的人、 组织或事物: The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks. 政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业. (b) (esp US) elected official in his final period of office (任期将满的)官员: [attrib 作定语] a ,lame duck `President 即将卸任的总统.
> lame v [Tn] make (a person or an animal) lame; disable 使(人或动物)跛, 瘸; 使残废: lamed in a riding accident 骑马摔瘸了腿.
lamely adv.

amuse 给....以娱乐(消遣),逗乐;打发,消磨(时光)
ambulance 救护车,救护船
amaze 使惊奇,使惊愕;使迷惑,使困惑
amateur 业余的,外行的

tame Lane game