万分火急啊~~~~英语翻译!1,这是我们能去看动物的地方.This is a place _____ _____ ______go to see animals.2,这木桥正在建设中.The wooden bridge ______ _____ _____.3,我母亲通常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服.My mithe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 02:41:55
万分火急啊~~~~英语翻译!1,这是我们能去看动物的地方.This is a place _____ _____  ______go to see animals.2,这木桥正在建设中.The wooden bridge ______  _____  _____.3,我母亲通常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服.My mithe
xVIoF+SZ@`H/!@c58]&ٲ&d5KlYVrԩCj4ȱ%nz}n8>;Eʗ 掽zm7φ"^{]yo[]7&yH*&4QJ1F#<8EE -u|%}wVUԞ.oyF T%=v%E줓-F(WjU>/*rz*EN%5+A-_}$+?F \D6gB&Æ*@wmCř`74 bx4 bp.wb253piF >Ja@IƉ`ٷ) b 4i,#DL4&yŰ2Fm4Ta"hD,X]'T5>|qۙSP#q3ތ\b4%' ߲˾xsSl<7.!_~EaיAӗ^gّ&n7۬X^Ϝ9/F휻u(X+7W^8g={}uYhYS Q2JM" ':cLJߏQ61 Atf)ScD 5qKERI&u[*<&DzMpo[bXSh*y*Av -TI T&M3x۝hJ() DUt[nTiS@faL,!߆Ð.C2+蘿_IT*s5J*\_M?&}ïqUy|js/Oc_ tG=Ez3mNH;`*)gq5B)HRZdm; \

万分火急啊~~~~英语翻译!1,这是我们能去看动物的地方.This is a place _____ _____ ______go to see animals.2,这木桥正在建设中.The wooden bridge ______ _____ _____.3,我母亲通常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服.My mithe
This is a place _____ _____ ______go to see animals.
The wooden bridge ______ _____ _____.
My mither usually _____ some_____and_____on Sunday.
We're_____to_____ ______at the party this evening.
____can you ____ _____ _____with your neighbors?
The_____ _____ _____at the new changes in Changsha
The South Pole _____ _____ ______ snow_____ _____ _____ _____
_____ ______all the light _____ ______ _____ before you leave the classroom
_____ ______ that this is the fourth time that that Big Ben has _______ ______.
He _____ _____ ____ ______ ____to be doctor when he ____ _____.
______ ______ _____ _____ _______to work out the maths problem
The girl is ten years old but she ______ _____ _____ _____ _____

万分火急啊~~~~英语翻译!1,这是我们能去看动物的地方.This is a place _____ _____ ______go to see animals.2,这木桥正在建设中.The wooden bridge ______ _____ _____.3,我母亲通常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服.My mithe
1,where we can
2,is being built
3,does housework washing
4,going enjoy ourselves
5,How get on well
6,visitors are surprised
7,is covered with all around the year
8,Make sure are turned off
9,It's said stopped working
10,has made up his decision grows up
11,It took him ten minutes
12,can neither write nor read

1. where we can
2. is under construction
3.does cleaning washing
4.happy enjoy ourselves
5.how get on well
6.visitors are surprised
7.is covered with during a whole year


1. where we can
2. is under construction
3.does cleaning washing
4.happy enjoy ourselves
5.how get on well
6.visitors are surprised
7.is covered with during a whole year
8.make sure are cut off
9.it is stopped running
10.has made up his mind grow up
11. it took him ten minutes
12. can not read nor wright


1.where we could
5.How get along well
6.visitors are suprised(suprising)
8.Be sure were turn off
10.has make up his mind grow up
11.It took him ten minutes
12.can neither read nor write

英语翻译十万分火急 万分火急啊~~~~英语翻译!1,这是我们能去看动物的地方.This is a place _____ _____ ______go to see animals.2,这木桥正在建设中.The wooden bridge ______ _____ _____.3,我母亲通常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服.My mithe 万分火急 英语翻译Agent-Based 连在一起时说明意思?万分火急! 造句着急 : 悬崖勒马 苟且偷生 前程似锦 造成一句话真的是万分火急啊 100财富值!!!! 朋友是什么?培根是怎么说的?万分火急! 少年鲁迅的小故事万分火急啊! 不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵有关的辩论材料 我们是正方 求几个比较犀利的问题 万分火急 一根长方体钢材的横截面是18平方分米,长1米,如果每立方分米的钢材重7.8千克,这根钢材重多少千克.万分火急呀! 英语翻译请帮忙翻译一下一段文字,万分火急,急性双表型白血病(BAL)是一种少见类型的白血病,其具有独特的临床、生物学和预后特征.BAL的诊断和治疗均不同于单一类型的白血病.因此,我们 英语翻译万分感激啊! 昼夜长短变化在北半球与南半球相反啊?那不遵守 夏至:昼长夜短 冬至:昼短夜长 这一规律啊?万分火急 一道数学题,十万分火急啊.若方程组3x+y=k+1,x+3y=3的解为x,y,且2 安恩和奶牛续写人们等安恩走后会说些什么300字 快啊.万分火急~ 英语作文 关于名人要100词左右的哦,万分火急!各位,帮帮忙啊 聊斋志异 偷桃的翻译啊!十万分火急,明天要交! 《约会荷花》的答案写完了,呵呵万分火急啊( ⊙ o ⊙ 求一篇今天我当家啊500字啊 十万分火急