
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:15:50
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Last Sunday,my classmate Rose and I went to the zoo to see the animal shows;
The zoo was very crowded,and I saw a tall young man wearing jeans stealing a girl's cell phone;
Rose went to the police,and I secretly followed the man.
At the exit of the zoo,the thief was caught by the police.Rose and I were very happy.

  1. Last Sunday, I and my classmate Ross took a bus to the zoo to watch an animal show.

  2. It was crowded in the zoo. I saw a tall man in jeans stealing a girl's mobile phone.


    1. Last Sunday, I and my classmate Ross took a bus to the zoo to watch an animal show.

    2. It was crowded in the zoo. I saw a tall man in jeans stealing a girl's mobile phone.

    3. Ross called the police, and I followed the man silently.

    4. At the exit of the zoo, the thief was caught by the police. Ross and I were so happy.


    1, Last Sunday, and the students rose by car to go to the zoo to see the animal shows;
    2, more people crowded in the zoo, I saw a tall young man wearing jeans to steal a...


    1, Last Sunday, and the students rose by car to go to the zoo to see the animal shows;
    2, more people crowded in the zoo, I saw a tall young man wearing jeans to steal a girl's cell phone;
    3, rose go to the police, I secretly followed the man;
    4, exports in the zoo, the thief was caught by the police. I and ROSS feel very happy


    1. Last Sunday, my classmate Rose and I took the bus to the zoo to see animal shows. 

    2. The zoo was crowded. I saw a tall man in jeans stealing a girl's cellphone. <...


      1. Last Sunday, my classmate Rose and I took the bus to the zoo to see animal shows. 

      2. The zoo was crowded. I saw a tall man in jeans stealing a girl's cellphone. 

      3. Rose went to call the police and I sneakily followed behind the man. 

      4. The theif was caught at the zoo gate. Rose and I were very happy. 



      i went to the zoo to watch the animals show by car with my classmate ROSE last sunday.
      the zoo was very crowded , i witnessed a lad in jeans stealing a girl's handphone.
      ROSE went to call the ...


      i went to the zoo to watch the animals show by car with my classmate ROSE last sunday.
      the zoo was very crowded , i witnessed a lad in jeans stealing a girl's handphone.
      ROSE went to call the police and i followed the man furtively.
      we walked out of the zoo,the thief was arrested by policemen. ROSE and i were very thrilled.


      1、 Last Sunday, my classmate Rose and I went to the zoo to see the animal shows;
      2、 The zoo was very crowded,and I saw a tall young man wearing jeans stealing a girl's cell phon...


      1、 Last Sunday, my classmate Rose and I went to the zoo to see the animal shows;
      2、 The zoo was very crowded,and I saw a tall young man wearing jeans stealing a girl's cell phone;
      3、 Rose went to the police, and I secretly followed the man.
      4、 At the exit of the zoo, the thief was caught by the police.Rose and I were very happy.


英语翻译1,上周日,和同学罗斯坐车去动物园看动物表演;2,动物园里人多拥挤,我看见一名穿着牛仔裤的高个子男青年在偷一名女孩的手机;3,罗斯去报警,我偷偷地跟在那个男的后面;4,在动 英语翻译你们上周日去哪了? 帮我写篇英语作文 1、上周日我和爸爸妈妈去了动物园2、天气情况3、看到的动物4、我最喜欢的动物及喜欢的原因5、我还做了些什么 现在大家学习紧张,为了放松心情,上周日你和你的同学去了北海公园 用英语怎么说 英语作文,和同学本周日要去西山旅游,60词.以有提示词 英语作文,和同学本周日要去西山旅游,60词.以有提示词 英语作文,和同学本周日要去西山旅游,60词.以有提示词 英语作文,和同学本周日要去西山旅游,60词.以有提示词 英语作文,和同学本周日要去西山旅游,60词.以有提示词 英语作文,和同学本周日要去西山旅游,60词.以有提示词 英语翻译我和我的同学上周日去参观了北京动物园,看到游客不文明行为,主动上前制止.之后我们又参观了Blue Water水族馆,还看了关于鲨鱼的电影.在下午四点钟乘出租车回家. 英语翻译李明和他的同学上周日去公园野餐.他们早上7点起床,然后坐公共汽车来到公园.他们带了许多食物.李明的三明治是他亲手做的,大家都觉得很好吃.吃晚饭,大家开始一起唱歌跳舞.他们 英语翻译这个周日就是她带我去杭州和她一起学英语. 周日你和你同学去公园野餐请描述一下当时的情景不少于五句话英语短文.快 1.五(1)班同学去郊游,如果去时步行,回来时坐车需3/2小时;如果往返都坐车,需要1/5小时.假设往返都步行,需要多少小时?2.一个等腰三角形的两条不同的边分别长2/7米和4/5米.这个等腰三角形 1.五(1)班同学去郊游,如果去时步行,回来时坐车需3/2小时;如果往返都坐车,需要1/5小时.假设往返都步行,需要多少小时?2.一个等腰三角形的两条不同的边分别长2/7米和4/5米.这个等腰三角形 假如你是本市第三中学的学生李华.上周日,你和几位同学去本市一家书店,却发现书店已变成餐馆.请根据以下要点用英语给《21世纪(英语)报》的编辑写一封信,谈谈你的感想1你的发现,了解 假如你是本市第三中学的学生李华.上周日,你和几位同学去本市一家书店,却发现书店已变成餐馆.请根据以下要点用英语给《21世纪(英语)报》的编辑写一封信,谈谈你的感想1你的发现,了解