
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 14:32:50
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备注:金刚石条可以翻译作 diamond log

Diamonnd log is evenly worn in the whole course of usage.
Its cross section remains immovable,unlike the midway desquamation phenomenon of Monocrystalline diamond,thus ensuring the comformity of sectional parameters,and making the most use of the meterial.

Article diamond in the course of the process from beginning to end even wear, and its cross-section remains unchanged, unlike single-crystal diamond particles occurred as a half-way off and, therefore...


Article diamond in the course of the process from beginning to end even wear, and its cross-section remains unchanged, unlike single-crystal diamond particles occurred as a half-way off and, therefore, both to ensure consistency in cross-section parameters, but also to maximize the use of the material to be .


The diamond in use process, the process of its last even wear cross-sectional unchanged, won't resemble monocrystalline diamond particles that occurs midway falls off phenomenon, so as to ensure the consistency and section parameter to maximize use materials.

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