
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:47:39
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My father is a busy man who is working in a hosiptal,and he is 40 years old now.My good father is a professional doctor who is full of patient.So he always has to work untill midnight.
With his influence,I want to be a doctor too.
I was born in a not rich family.Once I saw the happy tears of the paients' faces,I thought,doctor is what I reallly want to be.In my eyes,doctor should heal the wounded and rescue the dying.So I set a goal and I will fight for my goal too.As the old saying goes:"No pain,no gain."To be a doctor is my dream.
我爸爸在医院工作是个忙碌的男人.他现在已经40岁了.我的好爸爸是个很专业的医生而且富有耐心.所以他经常要工作到半夜.在他的影响下,我也想成为一个医生.我出生在一个不太富裕的家庭.每当我看到病人脸上溢出快乐的泪水时,我就想,做一位医生正是我想要成为的人.在我看来,医生应该是救死扶伤的.所以我立下了目标,并且,我会为我的目标而奋斗.正如老话所说:"没有付出,没有收获." .成为一个医生是我的梦想.