
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 11:20:22
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i have a happy family.my father is so tall.my mather is very beatiful and my grandparents are so kindly.

One day, when I was six years old, my aunt cane to see us form Shanghai. My parents and brother happened to be out then.
It was late in the afternoon. The room was a little dark. ...


One day, when I was six years old, my aunt cane to see us form Shanghai. My parents and brother happened to be out then.
It was late in the afternoon. The room was a little dark. My aunt felt tired. I asked her to sit down and have a rest. "When are your daddy and mummy, my dear?" asked Aunt. " They have gone shopping and will be back in an hour. I‘ll fetch a cup of tea for you, aunty." When I went into the kitchen, a good idea came into my mind: After a ling journey my aunt must be very hungry. I‘ll give her a cup of milk instead of a cup of tea. When I opened the cupboard. I saw a bottle of ‘milk‘ powder in it. I poured a cup of the ‘milk‘ and gave it to my aunt. " Thank you very much. It‘s verykind of you," she said. " Please taste the milk. Has it enough sugar?" My aunt took a sip of the ‘milk‘ and spilt it out at once. " What is it, Ranran?" she asked in surprise. " It‘s milk," I said loudly and proudly. " But it doesn‘t taste like milk. Where did you get it?" I took Aunt into the kitchen and showed the bottle to her. Oh, it turned out to be a bottle of washing powder!
In the evening my parents came back. When they heard what I did, my mother said to me with a smile, " You are great. You have learned to entertain guests without us."
Several years have passed. NNow I am a middle school student. Every time my parents repeat the story, we have a good laugh over it. Notes:
1. Cupboard: n. piece of furniture, with shelves and doors, for keeping things in. 碗柜
2.Powder: n. any fine stud like dust. 粉末;粉
3. Pour: v. flow steadily and rapidly; rain hard and steadily 倒;灌;大雨倾盆
4.?Sip: n. a very small amount of drink. 一呷之量
5. Entertain: v. to amuse and interest. 使高兴;使感兴趣
