英语填写单词 需要填写新课标高中必修一第四单元单词1 A recent (s )shows that teens like to spend money on ,DVDS ,and vedio games2 It has been a (p ) long time since we met each other 3MY father has been looking for a job since h

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:49:02
英语填写单词 需要填写新课标高中必修一第四单元单词1 A recent (s )shows that teens like to spend money on ,DVDS ,and vedio games2 It has been a (p ) long time since we met each other 3MY father has been looking for a job since h
xTOoE*ZZ(PDB*AB@Hgw[ i*h)-qۄZ04]Π8ٞ߿q7]wGLJh7GOKlZӟhQ9@9l۠ĀCj00` @0:$́p/||Cp 0}~ Bdz I%}02F21@@&D DhC`ZyqAhf>_ d1CLAA{m])_$/!L#XSlϏ9 :d eu" 5JOY#O& /M1rk>ÃdC 6`A,|YgTqx G䍏.cIcǼnRCdJ*"5:cc.67e lȀO򯡌"eФސ\lnN|u3wCO}"ka5Ed loB@!j+dJʶg,Tfa NqrڽceZsЊ__Єv34%2_m-[rr{>ʭrꮤY`^oVv9 caB`FcP{̱/UV~P\K(~;.^Njj6kkŧbWTm5)m dZs"rѺܼP$}-o>hlz68ݞ<_?}[N,n\燷?I5=|%^“

英语填写单词 需要填写新课标高中必修一第四单元单词1 A recent (s )shows that teens like to spend money on ,DVDS ,and vedio games2 It has been a (p ) long time since we met each other 3MY father has been looking for a job since h
英语填写单词 需要填写新课标高中必修一第四单元单词
1 A recent (s )shows that teens like to spend money on ,DVDS ,and vedio games
2 It has been a (p ) long time since we met each other
3MY father has been looking for a job since he became ( u )two months ago
4IF you can not buy a house at the moment ,you can (r )one instead
5How can I wish I could (a )a house in the city ,bue my income is too lw
6I make the (j )to Japan three times a year
7THE increase in the number of cars has brought serious problems ,such as (t )jams
8 Once we have kids ,we will move to the (郊区)
9THE children excellent medical care from (专业的) doctors and nurses
10THE representatives are (交换) ideas of how to control the growth of population
10 分钟以内回答 再加50分

英语填写单词 需要填写新课标高中必修一第四单元单词1 A recent (s )shows that teens like to spend money on ,DVDS ,and vedio games2 It has been a (p ) long time since we met each other 3MY father has been looking for a job since h
3 unemployed失业
4,rent 租
5,afford 买得起
6,journey 旅游
7,traffic 交通事故
10,exchanging 正在交换


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