用英语简介一下排球和网球的历史不要很多的...3 4句就可以了~主要是什麽时候起源 谁在哪创造的 现在流行于那些国家 就可以了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:17:00
用英语简介一下排球和网球的历史不要很多的...3 4句就可以了~主要是什麽时候起源 谁在哪创造的 现在流行于那些国家 就可以了
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用英语简介一下排球和网球的历史不要很多的...3 4句就可以了~主要是什麽时候起源 谁在哪创造的 现在流行于那些国家 就可以了
不要很多的...3 4句就可以了~主要是什麽时候起源 谁在哪创造的 现在流行于那些国家 就可以了

用英语简介一下排球和网球的历史不要很多的...3 4句就可以了~主要是什麽时候起源 谁在哪创造的 现在流行于那些国家 就可以了
The sport originated in the United States,and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S.that it has received on a global basis,where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports.
Today there are more than 46 million Americans who play volleyball.There are 800 million players worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a week.
In 1895,William G.Morgan,an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke,Mass.,decided to blend elements of basketball,baseball,tennis,and handball to create a game for his classes of businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball.He created the game of Volleyball (at that time called mintonette).Morgan borrowed the net from tennis,and raised it 6 feet 6 inches above the floor,just above the average man's head.
During a demonstration game,someone remarked to Morgan that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net,and perhaps "volleyball" would be a more descriptive name for the sport.
On July 7,1896 at Springfield College the first game of "volleyball" was played.
In 1900,a special ball was designed for the sport.
It was in France that the game as we know it today really came into being.During the 16th,17th and 18th centuries it became the highly fashionable sport of kings and noblemen and was called ' Jeu de paumme' - the game of the palm.Early French players would begin a game by shouting 'tenez' i.e.'Play!' and the game soon became known as Royal,or Real Tennis.
Real tennis was actually very different to the game that we know today.It was played indoors,in large galleries with jutting roofs and points were won according to how the ball was played off of the gallery walls.This is very different to today's Lawn Tennis,where the rectangular court is laid out on a grass surface and the play is within marked boundaries,not off of the walls.Another key difference is that Real tennis used a system of chases.In today's game if a ball bounces twice it is dead.In Real Tennis however,a marker would mark the point of the second bounce.This was known as the chase.In addition to playing for points,opponents would compete by trying to put their chase as close as possible to their opponents back wall.A player who had lagged behind in the points could come from behind to win the match by being more skilful at the chase.
After its initial rise in popularity with the French nobility,tennis spread throughout Europe,becoming particularly popular in England.As in France the game became recognised as the sport of kings.Henry VIII was a very keen player and built a court at his palace in Hampton Court,still used today by Real Tennis enthusiasts.Tennis wasn't just confined to France and England though,and the game also spread to Spain,Italy,Holland,Switzerland and Germany.In the 18th century however,the game went into decline,the French revolution and the Napoleonic wars virtually eliminating it across most of Europe.

用英语简介一下排球和网球的历史不要很多的...3 4句就可以了~主要是什麽时候起源 谁在哪创造的 现在流行于那些国家 就可以了 英语翻译让我们做运动、喜欢散步、每天走向我的碗很多次、喜欢打排球、擅长打网球、洗最喜欢的运动是什么?、你呢?、每周去游泳请英语好的人解答,不要用在线翻译. 乒乓球的三单形式 英语怎么说还有网球,排球, 排球的简介(用英语写)5-6句话. 急需中国奥运健儿的简介(5个),分别是:篮球奥运健儿、排球奥运健儿、乒乓球奥运健儿、网球奥运健儿和足球奥运健儿(每个简介150字)!不好意思,急需中国奥运健儿的简介(5个),分别 奥林匹克运动会历史 英语简介奥林匹克运动会历史 英语简介 词汇最好以初中的为主 要不是看不懂..最好简介一些 但要介绍的全面 麻烦大家不要复制 要有中文注释 最后我会加分 加很多----- 照片的三单形式 英语怎么说还有乒乓球,网球,排球,足球,篮球,棒球,羽毛球,橄榄球, 排球的历史 排球,篮球,羽毛球,网球,乒乓球用英语怎样说 女子排球孙晋芳的简介 乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、垒球、排球、篮球的质量 谁能帮我翻译一下网球运动员李娜的简介,谢谢啦! 牛津大学简介,用英语请用英语介绍一下牛津大学,可以是它的历史,特殊的习俗等等.希望英语能够尽可能地简单,适用于初三.希望再简单一点拉不要从网上直接COPY下来拉 排球历史是怎样的 英语翻译请一些高手帮助我翻译(翻译成英语)一下以下单词:奥运会、多灾多难、地震、洪水、雪灾、跳水、排球、网球、羽毛球、体操、跳高、田径.附加:我是一个挺爱简洁的人,希望 打网球的英语怎么说 打网球的英语是 网球的由来英语怎么说?