谁能帮我看看这句英文?currently,the young folks refuse to be a responsible man,bearing the obligation of supporting parents.谁能帮帮看看,哪有语法错误?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:22:10
谁能帮我看看这句英文?currently,the young folks refuse to be a responsible man,bearing the obligation of supporting parents.谁能帮帮看看,哪有语法错误?
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谁能帮我看看这句英文?currently,the young folks refuse to be a responsible man,bearing the obligation of supporting parents.谁能帮帮看看,哪有语法错误?
currently,the young folks refuse to be a responsible man,bearing the obligation of supporting parents.

谁能帮我看看这句英文?currently,the young folks refuse to be a responsible man,bearing the obligation of supporting parents.谁能帮帮看看,哪有语法错误?
currently,the young folks refuse to be a responsible man to bear the obligation of supporting their own parents.

前面folks是复数,后面的a responsible man是单数,要改掉一处,最好把后面的改成responsible men。

谁能帮我看看这句英文?currently,the young folks refuse to be a responsible man,bearing the obligation of supporting parents.谁能帮帮看看,哪有语法错误? 麻烦谁能帮我看看这句英文什么意思.Puis toute la crainte fausse aux personnes. 帮忙看看这句英文啥意思? 能帮我看看我这句英文写得对吗?I will check mailing room. 英语翻译The companies of which you previously or currently occupy shares帮我看看这句话再帮我翻译一下:由您担任法人的公司 能帮我看看这句英文说的对吗May I honored ask who your name? 谁能帮我看看这张截图里面的英文是什么意思? 帮我看看这句话有没有语病吧 Currently,it is a heated topic whether people prefer doing same things or not.如果有的话,怎么改? .看看这两句英文对不对好么?What’s my fovrite.还有一句..我喜欢英语吗.这句怎么翻译... 帮我看看这 英文是什么字体 让我看看.英文 英语翻译我看不懂这把琴的牌子,大家帮我看看这句英文写的是什么字母? 帮我看看我这句英文写得对吗?Below please find the lists of ABC company unpaid bills. 懂英文的来 看看这句是不是错了? 帮我看看这句英文用词对不对.中文意思是:要改变自己用:Wanna change myself 帮我看看这句英文对不对,he poor as a church mouse when he was 19 帮我看看这句英文从语法上说有错吗?怎么改I want to be your future. 请帮我看看这句英文是什么意思?In any field it's important to have ambition and drive