五、写作题 写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.五、写作题写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点名称或其他可能泄露考生信

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 10:40:43
五、写作题 写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.五、写作题写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点名称或其他可能泄露考生信
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五、写作题 写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.五、写作题写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点名称或其他可能泄露考生信
五、写作题 写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.

五、写作题 写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.五、写作题写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点名称或其他可能泄露考生信
1,An Unforgettable Experience
Last weekend,I walked to the school for an English competition.On my way to school,I saw an old lady lying on the ground,crying.There were many people around her.I went to her and found that she was bleeding,I was sure that she was very dangerous at that time,but nobody gave her a hand.
copyright dedecms
I had to make a decision:should I go to take the competition or help the waman in need.In fact it was hard for me because I could win the trust of my teachers and parents again if I got a satisfatory result.Last week,my teacher said I cheated in the English exam,but I didn't do it.In the other hand,the woman would die if nobody helped her.
At last,I decided to help her.I sent her to the hospital and tried to keep in touch with her family members.They all thanked me.dedecms.com
When I got to school,I was too late for the exam.Fortunate,our English teacher allowed me to take the competition alone and praised me.I was very surprised.Later I knew that the husband of the woman had called my teacher and told him the trueth.Of course I got a high scores in the exam.
2,Lastsummer holiday,I learned to swim.It was very unforgettable and interesting.Iwent to the swimming pool with my father.He taught me how to swim.At first,Iwas afraid of diving in the water.And I felt uncomfortable in the water.But fathersaid it doesn’t matter and he would protect me.Then I began to swim,but I couldn’tswim forward at all.It made me upset.Then father told me how to move,how to stretchout my hands and legs.Slowly,I could move a little.In fact,it was not thateasy.I learned it for almost half a month.I was excited when father told me Imade it.
 3,I like traveling very much.My trip to XiAn is really unforgettable.Before I went there,I always wanted to see Bin Ma Yong,so I chose to go there.
  I went to there by train with my parents and I had breakfast in the hotel.Then we went there by bus.When I got off the bus,I was very excited.I saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things.
  I took many pictures.Finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon.
  Though I was very tired,I felt very happy.I dwill never forget it for ever.


五、写作题 写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.五、写作题写一段你人生中比较难忘的经历.字数:120词左右.提示:短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点名称或其他可能泄露考生信 作文难忘的经历要求:在你人生的道路上,你也曾经历过对你产生深远影响的事情吧.请你以“难忘的经历”为题,写一篇500字左右的文章,让老师、同学了解你所经历的事,共享你人生的收获. 说一说:人生经历多又多,在你的人生经历中一定发生过令人难忘的维护自尊或被人尊重的事例.请你说出来与大家一起分享! 人生经历是一笔财富.在你的人生经历中一定有令人难忘的维护自尊的事例,请你说出来和大家分享.一定要符合生活实际 求 生活好比( ) 作文 600字以上 ,先写回忆难忘的经历,品味其中的人生经历. 文天祥的《过零丁洋》中写出作者难忘两次人生经历的诗句是 我相信这将是我人生中最难忘的经历之一 英文 这个作文怎么写?给我题材就行写一写这六年中你最难忘的一段校园生活经历,题目自拟,内容具体,语句通顺. 你最难忘的看病经历是什么? 写难忘的一段话 一次难忘的经历开头怎么写? 作文《难忘的经历》怎么写 (信任)阅读题从王晓梅的人生经历中你获得了怎样的人生启示?80字以上 生活中难忘的经历 作文 听雨、淋雨、看雨,你喜欢哪一种方式与雨亲近?写一段你的雨中经历. 你最难忘的春节经历 老师教我们写短文,给我素材即可. 五年级的学习就要结束了,这学期在学习上、生活中,你有哪些收获和难忘的经历呢?作文五年级的学习就要结束了,这学期在学习上、生活中,你有哪些收获和难忘的经历呢?选择你想向大家讲述 用英文写一篇120字左右的小作文(容易懂的,一段难忘的运动经历