
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 09:20:46
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大家都知道罗马尼亚吗?那有没有看过罗马尼亚的国徽呢?罗马尼亚国徽为盾徽,蓝色的大盾面右上角为红色地上的公牛头,牛头两侧为银色玫瑰花和银色月牙,这是摩尔多瓦公国的国徽图案,国花为狗蔷薇白蔷薇 ,该花作为自己民族热情,纯洁,真挚,高贵,朴素和丰收的象征,每年收获季节,姑娘们戴着狗蔷薇花环,歌舞欢庆.
狗蔷薇这种生长于树篱与咋林丛的灌木,花期从早春一直开到秋末.花朵有一股甜甜的清香,颜色从白色到深粉红色都有,几世纪以来,狗蔷薇早已被列入一般药典中,由于狗蔷薇并不能治愈疯狗咬过的伤口,因此,无从解释它的植物名称由来,果实富含维生素C,具有振奋的功效.狗蔷薇在欧洲是一个常见的品种,属于灌木植物,枝茎呈弓形或者蔓生,小叶用于外敷可治疗创伤,花朵为白色或粉红色,单生或簇生,蔷薇果为朱红色,是制作果酱,糖浆,茶和甜酒的主要原料.那么下面就听我们下一个组员给大家介绍rose 在别的国家又是怎样的一个情况呢.

Does everyone konw Romania?And what about its national emblem?Its national emblem is a coat of arms,there is a red bull's head on the top right corner of the blue emblem,the silver rose is at left side while the silver crescent is on another,it was designed by moldavian,Its national flower is cottage rose(dog rose),and this flower symbolizes the enthusiasm,chastity,sincerity,nobility,simplicity and harvest of the nationality.When the harvest season comes,all the girls will wear a garland,sing and dance to celebrate.
The cottage rose usually grows among hurdle and bush,its florescence lasts from early spring to the end of autumn.The flower has light perfume,there are several kinds of colors,such as white and deep pink,long long ago,the cottage rose was collected into pharmacopeias.Due to it could not cure the wound bited by the mad dog,we still do not konw why it is called dog rose.
its fruit is full of vitamin C,it can brace people up.The cottage rose is a common breed in Europe,it belongs to suffruticosa plant,its branchs and stems is bow-liked or sprawlling,applying its leaves on the skin may cure the wound,the flower is white or pink,single or tufted.the color of fruit is red,the cottage rose is also the main raw material to make jam,syrup,tea and sweet wine.
Now the next member will introduce the situation of roses in other countries.

Everyone knows Romania? The national emblem of Romania ever seen? Romania national emblem for shield emblem, big blue shield of the earth for red face top-r bull, tauren two sides for silver roses and...


Everyone knows Romania? The national emblem of Romania ever seen? Romania national emblem for shield emblem, big blue shield of the earth for red face top-r bull, tauren two sides for silver roses and silver crescent, this is the principality of the national emblem of moldova, national flower rose white roses for dogs, should spend as their national passion, purity, sincere, noble, simple and abundant harvest symbol, annual harvest season, girls wearing dog rose wreath, singing and dancing euphoria.
This growth in dog rose LinCong shrub with zha hedge, flowering from early spring stays open till qiu. Flower sweet scent, there is a strong color from white to dark pink has, over the centuries, the dog was listed in general pharmacopoeia rose already, because the dog rose cannot cure mad dog bite wounds, therefore, don't explain its botanical name origin, fruits, rich in vitamin C, have exciting efficacy. The dog rose in Europe is a common varieties, belongs to the shrub plant, a bow or branch stems, leaflets for and external treatment can sprawling treatment of wounds, white or pink flowers, single or tufted, rose fruit as scarlet, is making jam, syrup, tea and the main raw liqueur So below hears us under a crew introduce started in other countries and what a situation?


We all know that Romania it? That Romania's national emblem has not seen it? Romania national emblem for the coat of arms, big blue shield in red on the ground surface of the upper...


We all know that Romania it? That Romania's national emblem has not seen it? Romania national emblem for the coat of arms, big blue shield in red on the ground surface of the upper right corner of the Bulls Head, Lower Ngau Tau and silver rose on both sides of the silver crescent, which is the National Emblem of the Principality of Moldova, the national flower is white rose Rosa canina, The flowers as their national passion, pure, sincere, noble, simple, and the symbol of harvest, harvest season each year, the girls wearing dog rose garlands, singing and dancing to celebrate.
Rosa canina growing in the hedge and gnaw this forest cluster of shrubs, flowering from early spring to late fall has been opened. There was a sweet fragrance of flowers, the color from white to deep pink are a few centuries, the dog rose have long been included in the pharmacopoeia in general, and can not be cured because the dog mad dog bites rose over the wound, therefore, no explanation of its plant origin of the name, the fruit is rich in vitamin C, has the exciting effect. Rosa canina in Europe is a common species, are shrubs, stems arched or prostrate, leaflets for the topical treat wounds, white or pink flowers, single or clustered, rose fruit is red, is the production of jam , syrup, tea and wine of the main raw material. Then we heard the following members to introduce the next rose in other countries and what kind of a situation yet.


Everyone knows Romania? The national emblem of Romania ever seen? Romania national emblem for shield emblem, big blue shield of the earth for red face top-r bull, tauren two sides for silver...


Everyone knows Romania? The national emblem of Romania ever seen? Romania national emblem for shield emblem, big blue shield of the earth for red face top-r bull, tauren two sides for silver roses and silver crescent, this is the principality of the national emblem of moldova, national flower rose white roses for dogs, should spend as their national passion, purity, sincere, noble, simple and abundant harvest symbol, annual harvest season, girls wearing dog rose wreath, singing and dancing euphoria.
This growth in dog rose LinCong shrub with zha hedge, flowering from early spring stays open till qiu. Flower sweet scent, there is a strong color from white to dark pink has, over the centuries, the dog was listed in general pharmacopoeia rose already, because the dog rose cannot cure mad dog bite wounds, therefore, don't explain its botanical name origin, fruits, rich in vitamin C, have exciting efficacy. The dog rose in Europe is a common varieties, belongs to the shrub plant, a bow or branch stems, leaflets for and external treatment can sprawling treatment of wounds, white or pink flowers, single or tufted, rose fruit as scarlet, is making jam, syrup, tea and the main raw liqueur So below hears us under a crew introduce started in other countries and what a situation?


英语翻译大家都知道罗马尼亚吗?那有没有看过罗马尼亚的国徽呢?罗马尼亚国徽为盾徽,蓝色的大盾面右上角为红色地上的公牛头,牛头两侧为银色玫瑰花和银色月牙,这是摩尔多瓦公国的国徽 大家都知道孙武是个军事家,那他有劲敌吗 关于哲学的我们大家都知道有辩证唯物主义 和历史唯物主义,那有没有辩证唯心主义和历史唯心主义啊? 大家都知道never give up是永不放弃,那有没有表示never give up的adjective 匈牙利语,罗马尼亚语,捷克语,斯洛伐克语,挪威语 印地语 大家请帮我看下本科学哪种语言有前景些, 英语翻译大家都知道海关的商品编码是HS有谁知道它的全称吗 野良犬中的英文歌电影中大家都在唱的那首英文歌有没有谁知道那首歌的名字~~ 知道的说一声~~谢了! 大家都知道水能导电,那雪能导电吗. 有没有一致好评的电影?大家都知道影评人都蛮苛刻的,那有没有一致好评或是坏评很少的电影呢?如果有,那这部电影好在哪些方面? 最近大家都看了什么书,看有没有和我一样的 为什么大家都知道努力,是因为没有目标吗! 大家都知道有避雷针,不知道有没有谁听说过引雷针,是什么样的 英语翻译有没有达人知道...多少分都无所谓.. 两者都有吗?如果都有,意思一样吗?如没有,那哪个不存在?知道de 快说下, 二氧化碳灭火器,怎样看压力大家都知道二氧化碳灭火器没有压力表,装上表也容易损坏,我想问的是我们在使用前怎样才能知道里面有没有二氧化碳?里面有多少?谢谢. 大家都知道物质的温度是有一个最低的温度,但是物质有没有最高温度吗? 麻烦大家看一下CAD常用快捷键都有那些啊? 我想知道到, 英语翻译请那位知道的朋友 查了半天也没查出来是什么字 呵呵字都没有写错,但是 。再等几天,看还有没有朋友能帮忙。