英语翻译4.2 Policy challenges at the sectoral levelFollowing these considerations (and caveats) on the policy relevance of electronic business developments in general,the question is which instruments policy could use to intervene in this develop

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英语翻译4.2 Policy challenges at the sectoral levelFollowing these considerations (and caveats) on the policy relevance of electronic business developments in general,the question is which instruments policy could use to intervene in this develop
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英语翻译4.2 Policy challenges at the sectoral levelFollowing these considerations (and caveats) on the policy relevance of electronic business developments in general,the question is which instruments policy could use to intervene in this develop
4.2 Policy challenges at the sectoral level
Following these considerations (and caveats) on the policy relevance of electronic business developments in general,the question is which instruments policy could use to intervene in this development,in order to counteract undesirable outcomes on the aggregate level.This chapter presents a synthesis of policy challenges which have been identified in the first series of Sector Impact Studies (published in May 2004) on 10 sectors.As this analysis bears close links to ongoing policy initiatives of the Commission’s DG Enterprise,the introduction offers a brief summary of the current approach to e-business policies.The analysis attempts to map the challenges identified by the e-Business W@tch into the policy framework that was proposed in the Communication from the European Commission "Adapting e-business policies in a changing environment:The lessons of the Go Digital initiative and the challenges ahead".
4.2.1 Taking stock of existing policies – a record of recent EU initiatives
In this context,the Enterprise Directorate General has already undertaken a substantial effort to systematize "e-business policies" with respect to their objectives,targets and contents.The "Go Digital" campaign can be regarded as the starting point and initial background of this activity,and in particular the Communication “Helping SMEs to Go Digital”,in which the Commission identified benchmarking as a major step to further promote the use of ICT and the Internet by SMEs.
The Communication defined a policy-oriented objective for this benchmarking activity,namely "to describe and benchmark national and regional policies and instruments for the promotion of e-business for SMEs".The objective was to help Member States and regions to assess their policies and identify best policy practices.This policy benchmarking initiative received widespread political support and attention from all relevant stakeholders.

英语翻译4.2 Policy challenges at the sectoral levelFollowing these considerations (and caveats) on the policy relevance of electronic business developments in general,the question is which instruments policy could use to intervene in this develop
4.2 政策在分类的水平挑战
大体上在~之后在电子商务发展的政策中肯方面的这些考量 (和中止诉讼手续的申请),疑问是哪一个器具政策可以使用在这发展干涉,为了要在合计的水平上与不受欢迎的结果背道而驰.这一个章节呈现已经在 10个部门上的部门冲击研究 (在 2004 年梅出版) 的第一系列中被识别的一个政策挑战的综合.作为佣金的 DG 企业的对继续政策开始来说的这一项分析熊接近的联编,介绍提供一个现在达成的方式简短摘要电子商务政策.分析尝试映射进入在来自欧盟委员会的沟通被计划的政策结构之内被电子商务 W@tch 识别的挑战 "适应变更环境的电子商务政策:课那向前地去数传开始和挑战".
4.2.1 拿现有政策的存货 - 一笔最近欧盟开始的记录
在这上下文,企业理事之职上将已经接手一个可观的努力了组织起来有关于他们的目的、目标和内容的 " 电子商务政策 " .那 " 变数传 " 活动能被视为出发点和起始这活动的背景,和在个别项目中沟通 " 一份 SMEs 变数传 ",在那里佣金识别当做的主要步骤更进一步基点促进 SMEs 的 ICT 的使用和英特网.
沟通为这基点的活动定义了一个政策定向的目的,即 " 为 SMEs 描述和为电子商务的晋级基点国民和地方的政策和器具 ".目的将帮助成员美国和区域估定他们的政策而且识别最好的政策练习.基点开始的这政策受到了来自所有的有关保管赌注的人的广大的政治支持和注意.



以下这些因素(变数)对政策的相关性电子商业的发展一般,问题是哪台仪器可以使用的政策进行干预,在这方面发展,以抵制不良的结果,就总体水平。这一章提出了一种合成的政策挑战,其中已确定在第一一系列部门的影响研究(发表于2004年5月)对10个行业。作为这一分析熊紧密的联系,正在进行的政策措施,该委员会的危险品的企业,引入提供了一个简要的现行做法,以电子商业的政策。分析企图地图的挑战,确定了由电子商贸瓦特@ tch纳入政策框架,提出了在通信,由欧洲联盟委员会“适应电子商贸的政策在不断变化的环境:教训围棋数字倡议和面对未来的挑战“ 。
在此背景下,企业总局已开展了巨大努力,以系统化的“电子商业政策” ,尊重他们的目标,指标和contents.the “数字化”运动,可被视为出发点和初步的背景下,这活动,尤其是沟通“ ,帮助中小型企业到数字” ,在该委员会确定的基准作为一项重大的一步,进一步推广使用信息和通信技术和互联网的中小型企业。
通信界定的政策性目标,这一基准活动,即“来形容和基准的国家和区域的政策和手段,为促进电子商贸为中小型企业” 。目的是帮助会员国和地区,以评估其政策和确定最佳的政策做法。这项政策的基准倡议得到了广泛的政治支持和关注所有利益相关者。


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