
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 11:12:03
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还有就是make yourself at home,不要太随便也不要太拘束.HAVE FUN!

Whether invited to visit your favorite relative, staying a weekend with friends or grabbing a place to stay during a stormy night, your behavior, attitude and etiquette can make or break you next invi...


Whether invited to visit your favorite relative, staying a weekend with friends or grabbing a place to stay during a stormy night, your behavior, attitude and etiquette can make or break you next invitation. The following are tips to maintain the mass of invitations in your mailbox.
First, if an invitation for a visit is extended, R.S.V.P. promptly with an answer. An acceptance or decline will be appreciated. Don’t leave hosts hanging; they need to make plans, or open their house to others and it all depends on you.
Create an itinerary and share it with your host. Show up and leave exactly when you say you will.

Let your hosts know about other plans such as meetings, luncheons or golf dates with friends in the area. Try not to deviate from these plans as your hosts are making plans around you. Should circumstances change your plans, share the new information with your hosts and, if problems arise with scheduling differences, ask if the plans can be combined. Perhaps your hosts can join you and your friends to complete a golf foursome or maybe they too, would like an afternoon away from the house.
If pet allergies are a problem for you, ask your hosts before you arrive if they have pets. If they do, spare everyone your wheezing and sneezing and make other arrangements. With an explanation, your hosts will understand. Never assume that your own pets are invited, no matter how small. If you can’t part with them ask your hosts if pets are welcome or if there is a good pet hotel they can stay at and you can visit. Otherwise, make arrangements elsewhere or have others look after your pets.
Always present a host gift. Whether you bring one with you or purchase something along the way or during your stay, it will be appreciated. A gift that gives such as a new board game, a tote bag full of the latest magazines or a quick outdoor game like croquet or badminton will add lasting fun and provide an activity – one less thing for your hosts to plan.
Respect the hosts’ hours, routines and material goods. Though most hosts will allow their guests freedom with timing, try to keep a schedule that is similar to your hosts. Early risers may not demand you get up too, but don’t expect a hot breakfast ready and waiting when you face the day. Contrary, try not to schedule loud music and movies if your hosts go to bed early. With a little planning both guests and hosts can get all their favorite activities in without annoying each other. In addition, always ask before utilizing a host’s phone, television, electronic equipment or computer. Though the answer may always be “yes,” it’s nice to know that guests are conscience and respectful of other people’s things.
The best etiquette to have regarding meals is simply to make do. Not withstanding allergies or restricted diets, if a meal is made for you, try to get through it. Even if you only like one portion, fill up on that portion and enjoy. Offer your cooking services or the opportunity to pick up something for the next meal if you feel that mealtime may be an on-going issue.
A proper dress code should be adhered to unless this is a family gathering and everyone is used to your fuzzy bunny slippers. A simple t-shirt, jeans, clean face and hair (even if it’s wet) are best for meals, entertainment or get-togethers.
Don’t deplete your hosts’ best stash of cigars or brandy. Follow the house rules about smoking and drinking and purchase your own if needed. If a celebration is in order, offer to purchase the bar supplies so you can contribute, get that host gift out of the way, and have your favorites too.
The host gift does not preclude a thank you note. A gracious, handwritten, not e-mailed note should be left or sent immediately following your visit. Mention something specific; the view, the chocolates you just loved, the comfortable room or towels and the hosts’ flexibility along with the words “thank you.”
Chances are after following these tips, with minor adjustments as you see fit, your mailbox will be full with invitations.



去外国人家里要注意什么?下星期天我要和同学去我们外教家里做客,有什么需要注意的吗? 与外国人交流要注意什么 去美国人家里要注意什么?平时和美国人交谈要注意什么? 我父母下个星期天要去看电影用英语怎么说 王明说:我星期天要去姥姥家.把这句话改为陈述句注意,一定要是陈述句.越快越好 1下个星期天,妈妈要带我去西湖划船.4 在共产党面前,什么困难都能克服.以上改成双重否定句快,急用 到外国人家里装扮圣诞树应注意的礼仪有哪些?一个澳洲朋友邀请我后天到她的家里和他们一起装扮圣诞树,我应该带些什么东西呢?她说我可以带上我的朋友,可是外国人不喜欢热闹,我应该带 给外国人教作文要注意些什么? 这个暑假要去英国,住在别人家里.求一些常用的对话和用语. 还有与人交流时要注意什么 我第一次去咖啡厅和西餐厅吃饭要注意些什么?有什么礼节吗? “会的,这个星期天我要去深圳.”这句译英文 把肯定句改成否定句,不改变句子意思 下个星期天,妈妈要带我去西湖划船. 第一次去机场接外国人,应该注意些什么?我这周六要去上海浦东机场接2个外国客户,从来没有过这方面的经验,告诉小妹应该注意些什么细节.我都应该说些什么,做些什么, 我要去海边渡假,我该注意些什么 用英文介绍自己一天的活动6句就够。就起床。然后去白云山(Baiyun Hill)。中午回家吃饭然后去踢球。最后回家。注意开头要是下星期天。注意写好时间注意是写我!第一人称 接待外国人要注意那些礼节? 小明今年上初三,星期天正在家里复习功课,这时,小明爸爸的同事要打麻将,你该怎样和 小明向爸爸说什么, 星期天上午,我们一家人都去郊游,就我一个人在家里做作业