
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:17:26
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The Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution,or China People's Revolution Military Museum (Chinese:中国人民革命军事博物馆) is a museum located in Beijing,China immediately west of central Beijing in the Haidian District.It displays restored military equipment from the history of the People's Liberation Army,up to and including modern-day machinery.
The museum's four floors include ten halls,the largest of which is the Hall of Weapons.The Hall's extensive holdings of antiquated weaponry showcase domestic and foreign weapons,including blades,small arms,artillery,tanks,armored personnel carriers,anti-air weaponry,jet fighters,rockets and rocket launchers,and cruise missiles.Foreign weapons include:Soviet tanks purchased or donated during the 1950's and 1960's,American weaponry captured from the KMT during the Chinese Civil War and from UN forces during the Korean War,and Japanese weaponry captured during the Sino-Japanese War.In addition,the weapons hall displays equipment from China's space program,satellites and an orbital capsule with two seats.
With two exceptions,other halls are largely historical exhibits,combining plaster sculptures,maps and paintings,historical relics,movies,and plaques with text (in Chinese,with selected plaques translated into English).The other nine halls include the Hall of the Agrarian Revolutionary War (the 1927-1937 confrontation between the Chinese Communist Party with associated revolutionary forces,and the ruling KMT),the Hall of the War to Resist Japanese Aggression (the 1937-1947 Second Sino-Japanese War),Hall of the War of Liberation of China (the 1945-1949 Chinese Civil War),Hall of Ancient Wars (internal and external wars during the 4,000 years before the Qing dynasty),Hall of Modern Wars (internal and external wars between 1840 and 1949),Hall of National Defense and Army Building (modern military achievements and development of self-defense since 1949),Hall of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (Chinese involvement in the Korean War,1951-1953),the Hall of Presents (gifts to the Chinese military or state by foreign militaries or states),and Hall of Cheng Yunxian's Sculptural Arts (plaster reproductions of sculptures of world leaders,historical figures,and scientists by Cheng Yunxian).
Currently there is no cost to enter the museum,as it is set up as a public service.The museum is accessible by Line 1 of the Beijing Subway at the Military Museum Station and City Bus Routes 1,4,21,65,68,205,308,320,337,617,728,and 802.

谁有中国人民革命军事博物馆的英文介绍词? 中国人民革命军事博物馆英语怎么说 那里有北京军事博物馆的英文介绍呢? 谁有军事博物馆的读后感.600字左右 一个粗瓷大碗在中国人民革命军事博物馆里,陈列着一个粗瓷大碗,是赵一曼烈士用的,她那时是东北抗日联军的团政委.这个碗,赵一曼仅仅用过一次,却有一段感人的故事.有一回,一场激烈的战 《一个粗瓷大碗》用一两句话给这件文物的来历写个简介中国人民革命军事博物馆里,有一个粗瓷大碗,是赵一曼用过的。她那时是东北抗日联军的团政委。这个碗,赵一曼仅仅用了一次, 中国人民解放军和军事博物馆英语怎么说?请网友赐教 博物馆惊魂夜人物介绍 英文的 英文介绍中国人民大学 金沙博物馆英文介绍 参观军事博物馆的感受 中国共产党领导中国人民取得革命胜利的原因有哪些? 一个粗瓷大碗 在中国人民革命军事博物馆里,陈列着一个粗瓷大碗,是赵一曼烈士用的,她那时是东北抗日联军(1) 赵一曼叫小通讯员把这个粗瓷大碗“从哪里拿来的”,“还到哪里去”,是因 大连自然博物馆英文介绍 如今这只粗瓷大碗陈列在中国人民军事博物馆里为国家一级文物请用一两句话给这文物的来历写个简介 如今这只粗瓷大碗陈列在中国人民军事博物馆里,为国家一级文物,请你用一两句话给这件文物的来历写个简介. 中国人民解放军的军事战略方针是什么 军事博物馆观后感要汶川大地震的,