谁能给我一些 关于毒品的英文表达呀?急用啊急用啊!像什么禁毒方面的、如果有关于毒品合法化的英文表达和文章那简直是太好了!急需急需!跪求跪求!我会追加奖赏的!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:12:15
谁能给我一些 关于毒品的英文表达呀?急用啊急用啊!像什么禁毒方面的、如果有关于毒品合法化的英文表达和文章那简直是太好了!急需急需!跪求跪求!我会追加奖赏的!
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谁能给我一些 关于毒品的英文表达呀?急用啊急用啊!像什么禁毒方面的、如果有关于毒品合法化的英文表达和文章那简直是太好了!急需急需!跪求跪求!我会追加奖赏的!
谁能给我一些 关于毒品的英文表达呀?急用啊急用啊!

谁能给我一些 关于毒品的英文表达呀?急用啊急用啊!像什么禁毒方面的、如果有关于毒品合法化的英文表达和文章那简直是太好了!急需急需!跪求跪求!我会追加奖赏的!
The damage caused by drugs can say a lot, to sum up the main harm has two kinds big:
One of the dangers of body and mind, drugs
(1) drugs on the body of toxic effect: refers to the toxic effects of drugs dosage too big or too long on the body caused a harmful effect, usually accompanied by the body's dysfunction and histopathological changes.
Poisoning main features: lethargy, insensitive, ataxia, illusion, delusions, directional obstacles, etc.
(2) withdrawal reaction: is a kind of long-term drug caused serious and potentially deadly of physical and mental impairments, usually in abruptly terminated after drug or reduce the dosage occur. Many drug users in 购毒, drugs no economic sources, under the situation of severe physical or died from various complications reaction in the withdrawal, or because of pain and sufferings bear hard and suicide. Withdrawal reaction is the important reason junkie withdrawal difficult.
(3) : drugs with abnormal psychiatric disorders caused by the mental disorders are the most prominent hallucinations and thought disorder. Their behavior characteristics, even turn around drugs for drugs and loss of humanity.
(4) infectious diseases: intravenous drug to abusers bring infectious complications, the most common are suppurative infection and b form hepatitis, and alarming AIDS problem. In addition, still damage nerve system and immune system, infectious disease.
Second, the harm to society drug.
(1) for the family harm: family once appeared drug addicts, home and not make home. Drug users in self-destruction while, also broken against his own family, make families into economic bankruptcy, relatives of discrete, even difficult decimated.
(2) the great destruction of social productivity: drugs first cause the body disease, affect production, the second is the great cause social wealth loss and waste, and drug activity also caused the deterioration of the environment and narrow human survival space.
(3) drug activities disrupt social security: drug activity intensifies caused all sorts of illegal and criminal activities, and disturbing the social security, to social stability and enormous threat.
No matter use what means taking drugs, to the human body body can cause great damage.
Let teenagers to stay away from drugs
According to understand, China's drug personnel are on younger, more jobs and cultural levels such as medicine abuse tendency. According to the survey, smoking teenagers opportunities than trying to take drugs 25 times higher than nonsmokers. The infant smokers about 500 million. Teenagers again to drugs by smoking, is a problem that nots allow to ignore.
Let teenagers from drugs, health education, to let the children understand the dangers of drugs with addiction, enhance the ability of self-discipline. In addition,
Social and school to eliminate the bad environment incentives, and indeed banned smoking, vigorously create primary and middle school students have no smoking school. On this basis, create drug prevention education demonstration school, creating a good environment, ensure the healthy growth of teenagers in school.
Let teenagers to stay away from drugs
"6 · 26" international anti-drug day is approaching, the author interviewed some counties, knowing the anti-drug drug addiction rehabilitation by compulsory drug addiction rehabilitation, the district counties of drug addicts to 200-300 year over, little also have more than 100 passengers, including 18 -- 25-year-old account for 85%. By public security bureau in gutian county smashed three drugs earlier safe havens, captured drugs over 20 technicians, teens make up 80%, including minor and young women about 20%. Creepy drug serious harm a number of ignorant teenagers, attention and save teenagers, keep them away from drugs, it becomes urgent.
In the interview we found: the most regrettable is that these drug users have been drug molestation lost his handsome and beautiful, some even completely unlike personal kind; The most sad in these sisters and brothers to drug personnel of Muenster lovers of certain proportion; Most repugnant is family and parents lack of effective education, spoiling children to spare, tutoring is insufficient, indulgence in society, children wander disciplined if they find a child, not simply die to the society, no matter, push the addicted to indulge in a mud puddle child deeper.
According to understand, most of the youth initially near-fatal cocaine addiction vice is mainly because young and ignorant, easy to be drug offenders hunted object; No legitimate career, spiritual emptiness; Cultural degree, and generally very low dropout, dropout, school dropouts more, school no matter, parents cannot manage, social unmanned tube, once and social idle, inferior personnel exchanges and could easily come drugs; stench congenial Incomplete affinity, the lack of a family of families to produce psychological inferiority distortion teenagers, misguided; The unhealthy social effect and social phenomena caused by the "edification". Many teenagers are emulated video camera, or in the drug to learn the ballroom, dean and seek stimulate snorting entertainment such as "head wriggling pills" and became addicted to heroin; Lack of ecstasy, methamphetamine etc derivatives, recreational drugs enough understanding and recognition ability.
Drugs to teen poison for cannot be underestimated, quick increase of drugs to heavier clampdown of crime, plug up the underground passage, eradicate drugs, and strengthen drug planting propaganda, danger of drug for teenagers to stay away from drugs. Meanwhile the attention to the psychological health of teenagers, purifying social environment, organize special forces purification, management school peripheral environment, strengthen to baal ballroom, dean public places such as management, for young people to create a healthy and orderly, a good social environment and atmosphere. -
(1) 吸毒对身体的毒性作用: 毒性作用是指用药剂量过大或用药时间过长引起的对身体的一种有害作用,通常伴有机体的功能失调和组织病理变化.

(2) 戒断反应:是长期吸毒造成的一种严重和具有潜在致命危险的身心损害,通常在突然终止用药或减少用药剂量后发生.许多吸毒者在没有经济来源购毒、吸毒的情况下,或死于严重的身体戒断反应引起的各种并发症,或由于痛苦难忍而自杀身亡.戒断反应也是吸毒者戒断难的重要原因.
(3) 精神障碍与变态:吸毒所致最突出的精神障碍是幻觉和思维障碍.他们的行为特点围绕毒品转,甚至为吸毒而丧失人性.
(4)感染性疾病:静脉注射毒品给滥用者带来感染性合并症,最常见的有化脓性感染和乙形肝炎,及令人担忧 的艾滋病问题.此外,还损害神经系统、免疫系统,易感染各种疾病.
(2) 对社会生产力的巨大破坏: 吸毒首先导致身体疾病,影响生产,其次是造成社会财富的巨大损失和浪费, 同时毒品活动还造成环境恶化, 缩小了人类的生存空间.
(3) 毒品活动扰乱社会治安: 毒品活动加剧诱发了各种违法犯罪活动,扰乱了社会治安, 给社会安定带来巨大威胁.

苯丙胺类amphetamine即冰毒amphetamin chloride

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