They often buy school things to the store.(改错)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:02:52
They often buy school things to the store.(改错)
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They often buy school things to the store.(改错)
They often buy school things to the store.(改错)

They often buy school things to the store.(改错)
to 改为 in
in the store 在商店里.

they often buy a lots of things改错 They often buy school things to the store.(改错) you,do,to,often,our,come,schoo?连词组句 My mother often goes to the B____ House to buy clothes because they are cheap. There are so many goods in the supermarket that people will often wonder _____.A.what do they buy B.which to buy C.what they buy D.what to buy they often buy things ( ) thier way( )A in;home B on;to homeC in;to homeD on;home 连词成句:did,they,shop,what,at,the,buy?(2)go,often,you,ice-skating,how,do? do the students at your school often play basketball ______(behind,not befor) schoo 根据句意,首字母母提示完成单词we must eat some fruit and vegetables to keep h( )their parents will a( ) at two o'clock in the afternoonl often goto the s( ) to buy some food and drinks with my mumthe students are w( ) for us at the schoo It often rains 1.Read ___(fewer/more)books and your English will be better.2.It often rains ____(heavy)in summer.3.Tony seims quite___(good),and Betty swims even____(well)4.The ____(many)you give him,the ___(many)he wants.5They will meet(at the schoo 帮忙翻译一些英语,要语句通畅There is a beautiful farm near my home. The farmers there grow rice and wheat. Thet have many farm animals there. But they don't use them to do farm work. They use a tractor. We often go to the farm after schoo most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they l( ) secondary schoo What time do they start schoo China?(写意思.)What did you do with the boys (写意思.)Can you run fast?(给为陈述句.)I want to buy one kilo of cheese.(对划线部分提问.)-------- I did go to the park .(该为否定句.)Do you have a cap ( They often listen_music_the evenihg. 1.They have some foreigh friends at school.(改为单数句)2.My pen is broken.(就画线部分提问)3.It's ten past nine.(就画线部分提问)_______________4.Three and eight is eleven.(就画线部分提问)_______5.Tom often goes to schoo they'll buy some fish. Tom often to buy clothes to Shanghai buy often we plums at supermarket that