
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:43:41
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At the time of the British women are hard to obtain a seat in wherever the status, sadly, they almost deprived women enjoy free and happy feelings symbol - love. Countless utilitarian marriage without spouse, women who divorces pair of freedom. But Jane is a dare, not against the existing order to relinquish the mercy of fate, rich new view of women. She and Mr Rochester love is neither of the men, women and men, not women, but the conquest of equality in the emotional communication based on communication, fit and spirit, is a kind of "soul" love for the soul. She said: "I don't need any stranger -- and I have no common language, and for the stranger, I need to fit in with the type is with me, I can get together with their emotional chord." the complete [21] love is equal and mutual exchange, this is the first criterion is Jane's spouse, but also her independent personality. Jane short stature, there is no feminine beauty, but a poor teacher, he won the love, rochester lies in her unique personality and spirit. Jane velvet glove character, transcendental and free from vulgarity temperament, abundant feeling and profound thought deeply attracted rochester, make him with Jane mentally. In Britain, Jane was the first novel by a beauty by beautiful women love men win. But Mr Rochester let Jane go with his love, family property, no relation, is he abandoned the noble prejudice and Jane equality of civilian style, he is trusted to Jane for money and secular ideas with Jane sympathetic disdain. Visible, Jane and the love between the rochester has surpassed the age, conentionalities, property, birth of worldly conception, is the heart and soul of the spirit, and the spirit. Soul and spirit of mutual echo, and attract the equality between men and women is true love.
In a social status of love, so wide that should be Jane, she followed the out-and-out divine principles - self-esteem, self-respect, self-respect. She was no longer in love for the market is selected. Although she is clearly aware and Mr Rochester exists between the gap, but she didn't discouraged or degeneration, but the brave actively pursue love, because she thinks people in spirit and personality is equal in the hierarchical class society there is undoubtedly the dare to social prejudice.
When she found Mr Rochester had a wife, even the wife is crazy woman, she also resolutely left alone, and do not want to do her mistress, rochester say to yourself: "I care about oneself, the more I alone, without friends, the more support, the more I respect myself." [22] is a kind of spirit of Jane's free spirit. She dares to suppress the sorriness free and true love. Especially in rochester, put forward the marriage law when Jane from her loved ones to arms, unwilling to lead the unfair of life. "Jane, calm down," he said, "don't struggle, like a wild bird..." Jane answered: "I am not is thought-provoking, and no bird can bind my net; I was a free man, have their own will, so now I have to leave you," [23] Jane a firm decision because her love and people's real value tightly together, so love sublimated higher realm. She's not evade reality, but to run for worldly conception, in defiance of the bold is higher levels of choice! In Jane, have freedom and moral liberty for women, too severe bound and absolute stagnation will make her pain. By the strong willpower, is in the spirit of "Jane himself firmly in control, so the soul is safe. Namely, hold their personality and spirit of the independent, not by a whirlwind of love. Volume table zheng Jane's words and actions of these broken before the woman passive role, broke through the Victorian women with traditional ethical and moral norms, taboo for her extraordinary performance of love. She started from the patriarchal society in the tender women are given, passive personality break out.




At the time of the British women are hard to obtain a seat in wherever the status, sadly, they almost deprived women enjoy free and happy feelings symbol - love. Countless utilitarian marriage without...


At the time of the British women are hard to obtain a seat in wherever the status, sadly, they almost deprived women enjoy free and happy feelings symbol - love. Countless utilitarian marriage without spouse, women who divorces pair of freedom. But Jane is a dare, not against the existing order to relinquish the mercy of fate, rich new view of women. She and Mr Rochester love is neither of the men, women and men, not women, but the conquest of equality in the emotional communication based on communication, fit and spirit, is a kind of "soul" love for the soul. She said: "I don't need any stranger -- and I have no common language, and for the stranger, I need to fit in with the type is with me, I can get together with their emotional chord." the complete [21] love is equal and mutual exchange, this is the first criterion is Jane's spouse, but also her independent personality. Jane short stature, there is no feminine beauty, but a poor teacher, he won the love, rochester lies in her unique personality and spirit. Jane velvet glove character, transcendental and free from vulgarity temperament, abundant feeling and profound thought deeply attracted rochester, make him with Jane mentally. In Britain, Jane was the first novel by a beauty by beautiful women love men win. But Mr Rochester let Jane go with his love, family property, no relation, is he abandoned the noble prejudice and Jane equality of civilian style, he is trusted to Jane for money and secular ideas with Jane sympathetic disdain. Visible, Jane and the love between the rochester has surpassed the age, conentionalities, property, birth of worldly conception, is the heart and soul of the spirit, and the spirit. Soul and spirit of mutual echo, and attract the equality between men and women is true love.
In a social status of love, so wide that should be Jane, she followed the out-and-out divine principles - self-esteem, self-respect, self-respect. She was no longer in love for the market is selected. Although she is clearly aware and Mr Rochester exists between the gap, but she didn't discouraged or degeneration, but the brave actively pursue love, because she thinks people in spirit and personality is equal in the hierarchical class society there is undoubtedly the dare to social prejudice.
When she found Mr Rochester had a wife, even the wife is crazy woman, she also resolutely left alone, and do not want to do her mistress, rochester say to yourself: "I care about oneself, the more I alone, without friends, the more support, the more I respect myself." [22] is a kind of spirit of Jane's free spirit. She dares to suppress the sorriness free and true love. Especially in rochester, put forward the marriage law when Jane from her loved ones to arms, unwilling to lead the unfair of life. "Jane, calm down," he said, "don't struggle, like a wild bird..." Jane answered: "I am not is thought-provoking, and no bird can bind my net; I was a free man, have their own will, so now I have to leave you," [23] Jane a firm decision because her love and people's real value tightly together, so love sublimated higher realm. She's not evade reality, but to run for worldly conception, in defiance of the bold is higher levels of choice! In Jane, have freedom and moral liberty for women, too severe bound and absolute stagnation will make her pain. By the strong willpower, is in the spirit of "Jane himself firmly in control, so the soul is safe. Namely, hold their personality and spirit of the independent, not by a whirlwind of love. Volume table zheng Jane's words and actions of these broken before the woman passive role, broke through the Victorian women with traditional ethical and moral norms, taboo for her extraordinary performance of love. She started from the patriarchal society in the tender women are given, passive personality break out.


英语翻译在当时的英国,女性是难以在普天之下取得一席地位的,更为可悲的是,她们几乎被剥夺了享受标志女性自由幸福的感情——爱情的权利.无数的功利婚姻造成一对对怨偶,女性没有择偶 大同社会的理想在当时是难以实现的,那么它有什么积极意义? 英国之所以能够举办首届世博会,是因为当时的英国在政治经济科技方面有成就,有哪些成就? 《外国小说欣赏》之《墙上的斑点》,作者英国的伍尔夫,求它的写作背景是什么?当时写作的年代是1915-1919,作者在那时候只是思想上的改变还是和当时的背景有一定的关系? 英语翻译请帮我翻译这句话~英国是女性的乐园;骏马的地狱. 英语翻译在当时的时代,儒教思想带来的社会影响是,男性被规定和理解为支配、强健、尊贵,相反,女性被规定和理解为服从、柔顺、卑贱,形成对比. 英语翻译摘要:《简·爱》是一部女性主义文学经典,英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特塑造了一位敢于冲破父权制社会的束缚、敢于反抗、敢于争取自由和平等的女性形象,在另一方面也不可避免出 英语翻译在中国传统文化中,水与女性之关系可谓千丝万缕、源远流长.远古时代,水与女性首先因着生殖崇拜而被联系在一起,随着母权制衰落、男权不断强化,为了加强对女性的束缚,中国古代 请问二战时期加拿大为什么是英国的殖民地,加拿大在北美洲和美国相邻,为什么会被英国占领当时美国不是很强大了吗 当时只道是寻常,天长地久概率:70%—80%之间.你对他有一种难以言喻的信任和依赖感,你需要的感觉,无论是肯定、是祝福或者是安慰、是责备,总要在他那里寻找.你们是缘定今生的爱侣,你们之 历史上的英国东印度公司是在英国还是在印度? 英语翻译爱美是人的天性,作为新时代的女性,对于美丽的追求更加执着.因此,化妆品大行其道,成为爱美女性生活必不可少的一部分.化妆品广告也成为媒体广告的投放大户.女性消费者在选购化 女性的胃在哪里 首届世博会为什么在英国举办?请推测当时英国最有可能参展的一例展品 英语翻译萧红与莫言作品中女性形象的比较萧红与莫言都以描写女性形象见长,二位作家从不同的视角出发,描写女性在冷漠而残酷的世界里的生存史.同样是描写女性,萧红和莫言笔下的女性形 鸦片战争前,当时英国正常的商业活动为什么会在中国受到限制?急 作者在《格列弗游记》中批判了当时英国社会的哪些“不良人性”? 英语翻译我这句话是:在穆斯林国家的街头,穿这种服饰的女性常见么?