LOL中未来战士说的英文未来战士说的英文是什么啊 一定要英文 最好附带中文翻译 感觉其中一句说的挺好听的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 11:03:32
LOL中未来战士说的英文未来战士说的英文是什么啊 一定要英文 最好附带中文翻译 感觉其中一句说的挺好听的
xV]OG+W[x(M$ @y;N;n@%$(M!i͟;mk[TU3=s=gw6Q=؋7nף?m,o[_=Z}} ѓě _,E;{˵WG/=ވW əW<8T0GG/[g=]!LNM 8)s4 9 lu]PS |*fkd*Zb"8MLPW` SἩ:̪Ab JBG͢QEOs3gHzXM3 E?^;s3 &fxGc)DT\pd^k(4&ctIJ\bL&0fdU? ! 6Ƥb) i.hI( yNچ!8Hh$2KfO7jG͇r2fC8 [NUw9HP t 35II]|T<:#lQz#:BQp6&ҠNS0s X#QC dzv5ZlEm<jGyGMOOr0'eFJP$Rk6.n2RN=s)ExcnMd1T[ѧk?"bizBWnXd&N`0]F7zE<@"!N_PB%91p hVYD5u> Z@w dUm!D/~Hg8lqYQ~tjeϐQ "r4(wY"}"l}MPѲdg &h|JԐnww 1_F[ۓvApJdbj">[^vilx ۖ;۩j~3+Vibt }g?_D{NAǕܢ|km[XxTwPJ;= L[?OGF 1m

LOL中未来战士说的英文未来战士说的英文是什么啊 一定要英文 最好附带中文翻译 感觉其中一句说的挺好听的
未来战士说的英文是什么啊 一定要英文 最好附带中文翻译 感觉其中一句说的挺好听的

LOL中未来战士说的英文未来战士说的英文是什么啊 一定要英文 最好附带中文翻译 感觉其中一句说的挺好听的
Ezreal: "Hey PEARL, run a diagnostic."
PEARL: "All systems operational."
PEARL: "Pulsefire systems online."
Ezreal: "Let's do this."
PEARL: "Pulsefire systems online."
Ezreal: "Run a quick analysis for me."
PEARL: "All systems operational."

PEARL: "Re-initiating pulsefire systems."
PEARL: "Pulsefire systems re-activated."
PEARL: "Pulsefire back online."

"They're still living in the past."
"Cannons primed."
"Can't fight the inevitable."
"They don't know what they're up against."
"Scanning for real threats, none detected."
"Their weapons are a little outdated."
"Phase 'em out."
"They're nothing but relics!"
"Weapons hot!"

PEARL: "Ezreal, do you require a map?"
Ezreal: "No."
"I'll make my own future."
"What is their position?"
"No turning back now."
"Time's running out."
"Grim dark future huh?"
"Too easy."
"I am centuries ahead of them."
"All systems charged."
"Sounds apocalyptic, I'm in."

"What's the scanner say about their power level?"
PEARL: "No enemies display power levels over 9000."
Ezreal: "Heh, I thought so."

"There's no match for.."
PEARL: "Systems offline, recharging."
Ezreal: "Hey. Wait. Don't.." ºbamº "Daah!... Not cool."
"Time for a true display of.."
PEARL: "Systems offline, recharging."
Ezreal: "Ahhh just a sec ehhh." ºbamº
使用 强击波
PEARL: "Targeting."
PEARL: "Calibrating."

PEARL: "Taking a break Ezreal?"
PEARL: "Warp Mode activated!"
PEARL: "Leaving the grid."
PEARL: "Pulsefire Portal Opened"

Computer: "Systems upgraded. (level 6)"
Computer: "Systems nearing full capacity. (level 11)"
Computer: "All systems fully charged. (level 16)"
学习 秘术射击
PEARL: "Mystic Shot armed."
学习 精华流动
PEARL: "Essence Flux primed."
学习 奥术迁跃
PEARL: "Arcane Shift enabled."
PEARL: "Trueshot Barrage charged."
