英语作文 how to leran to smile 求一篇 learn 打错了

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英语作文 how to leran to smile 求一篇 learn 打错了
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英语作文 how to leran to smile 求一篇 learn 打错了
英语作文 how to leran to smile 求一篇
learn 打错了

英语作文 how to leran to smile 求一篇 learn 打错了
"To defeat to pursue,were to marry to marry to give happiness".This is a language examination paper one of composition part of the content,I am like,one lifetime didn't pursue,that he will not be people; One lifetime not happy,so he is incomplete.Long time no leisure time stay down write,even know his moving west was happy,but again almost feel happiness of existence.Now,some fear.
In eleventh grade,homework with volume I submerged.Where I struggled,almost without a break.Feeling decadent,work also become low-key,precisely,the passion in gradually be cut.Suddenly thought of the song "wild grass" :"wildfires burn born again,spring breeze." Perhaps suddenly one day,I hit upon a sudden idea,burning passion and grubby,devote my limited life to the limitless life.Will,one day,I am looking forward to...
Now,not in the fantastic,heart,and some forlorn unwilling to,but want to forget.Play so long,all kinds of people are met,of the person you like,doesn't like someone,charlatan,good man...On the desktop press delete,forever shattered.Just the memory cannot erase.I'm waiting,waiting time will they bleaching.
Harvard University has such a few words:"why,woke up after the death of long sleep will die." And one of my hobbies is sleeping.When sleeping,can......

Did you know that those people who smile train muscles and slow down the aging process? It is actually a well-known fact.
What else do you know?
This article presents fresh ideas for those who...


Did you know that those people who smile train muscles and slow down the aging process? It is actually a well-known fact.
What else do you know?
This article presents fresh ideas for those who have to prepare an essay on smile.
Smile when you are at work.
One of the rules is not to show off your problems at work. When going to work, forget about all the troubles outside and enter the office with a smile!
Discuss in your essay on smile whether it is difficult to have this “working” smile all the time, whether it is necessary to smile all the time, etc.
Women smile more than men do
Of course, women have much more reasons to smile. Buying a new dress, watching a favorite soap opera, or listening to a pleasant song makes women smile. And what are those reasons that can make a man smile? Write about them in your essay on smile.
Present statistics in your smile essay: women smile 62 times a day and men only 8 times! So, you can conduct a little investigation and present in your essay on smile a top ten list of those things that can make a man smile.
Gelotologists – who are they?
Can you believe that there are people who study such phenomenon as laugh, its reasons, consequences, etc.? Well, this profession does exist! These people are called gelotologists. So, you can try to learn more about them, their field of specialization, findings, etc. and present the results in your smile essay.
Mona Lisa’s smile
You cannot but mention about Mona Lisa’s smile in your essay on smile. Its mystery causes so many debates. Write about Da Vinci and his masterpiece. Get more information from a Mona Lisa smile essay.
What do other people think about smile?
If you do not like any of the above-mentioned ideas, you can use a quotation and describe it in your essay on smile. Here are several examples:
“Smile is the language of love.” (David Hare);
“You haven’t lost your smile at all, it’s right under your nose. You just forgot it was there.” (unknown author)
“Don’t cry for a man who’s left you, the next one may fall for your smile.” (Mae West)
“Smile – It’s the second best thing you can do with your lips.” (unknown author)
“Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” (Thich Nhat Hanh)
“Beauty is power; smile is its sword” (John Ray)
Use some of these quotations as the thesis statement of your smile essay!
Now, smile and start writing your essay on smile! Good luck!
