这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:48:09
这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __  __are very nice
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这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice
这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice
这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice

这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice
pairs of trousers

这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice这两条裤子都很好看Both of the two__ __ __are very nice 汉译英:这两条裤子穿在你身上很好看.The two pairs of jeans both ____ ____ ____ you. both of them,both of the two books这些短句中的of是否都可省略?另外,短句both you and me中是否也可像上述短句那样加of(即both of you and me)? 英语翻泽1.我这里的服装全都是外贸的,是出口到欧美国家.2.这条裤子的服料和做工都很好.3.还有这是德国的牌子.4.你可以放心,这些裤子一定有很多人会喜欢的.5:这条裤子穿上去很好看. Did you break ( ) windows?A.both of B.both the c.either of D.the both both girls 和both of the girls有什么区别 did you break ( )windows A.the both B.both of C.both D.the the all both的用法 both of us和both of the us有什么区别 Both Sides Of The Story 歌词 along both sides of the street, both of the children is friendly对吗 both of the flowers are beautiful Both of my prents ___from the north. 是不是所有的混血儿都很好看? 衣服、裤子、鞋子怎么搭配?我看看大街上别人的衣服、裤子、鞋子搭配穿出来都很好看,我买衣服也都专卖店买,但搭配出来的就是难看,因为我不知道什么款式搭配什么款式,什么颜色配什么 _____ are very good.A.Both those boys B.The both boys C.Both of they D.Both they THE FARMER LOOKED AT BOTH OF THEM AND SAIDBOTH OF THEM BOTH OF 是什么 Both of her children live abroad. 意思1 Both of her children live abroad. 她的 两个 孩子都住在国外. 这么翻译 对吧.both of 两者都.谢谢 2 Both of us want to go to the party. 我们俩都想去参加聚会. 如果按照,