跪求英文翻译 感激不尽!我没有财富值了抱歉麻烦翻译得动情一点感激不尽自从听说某件事以后我的心就跳的很乱我就一直关机了只是你从来都没有发现但我不曾离开因为我根本离不开不管

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:09:51
跪求英文翻译 感激不尽!我没有财富值了抱歉麻烦翻译得动情一点感激不尽自从听说某件事以后我的心就跳的很乱我就一直关机了只是你从来都没有发现但我不曾离开因为我根本离不开不管
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跪求英文翻译 感激不尽!我没有财富值了抱歉麻烦翻译得动情一点感激不尽自从听说某件事以后我的心就跳的很乱我就一直关机了只是你从来都没有发现但我不曾离开因为我根本离不开不管
跪求英文翻译 感激不尽!

跪求英文翻译 感激不尽!我没有财富值了抱歉麻烦翻译得动情一点感激不尽自从听说某件事以后我的心就跳的很乱我就一直关机了只是你从来都没有发现但我不曾离开因为我根本离不开不管
Since I heard of something
My heart is out of my control
I have turned off my phone.
But you never know
And I have never been away
Because I can't give up
Whether you care or not
You are in my heart
Whether you admit or not
My heart belongs to you
Only increasing day to day
I won't let anyone to take you away from me
One day you will know what i do

my heart beat violently since i heard that thing. I turned off my cell phone then, it's just you did not know that. but i never left because i cann't. no matter you care or not, my love is here. no ma...


my heart beat violently since i heard that thing. I turned off my cell phone then, it's just you did not know that. but i never left because i cann't. no matter you care or not, my love is here. no matter you admit or not, my love is here, it's increasing, not to lessen. i won't let anybody take you away from me, and you will find that out one day.


Since heard something later
My heart was jumping is a mess
I have been shut down
But you have never found
But I never left
Because I can't live without
Whether you care about i...


Since heard something later
My heart was jumping is a mess
I have been shut down
But you have never found
But I never left
Because I can't live without
Whether you care about it or not
Feeling is here
Whether you admit it or not
Feeling is here
Just kept growing
I won't let anyone take you away from me
One day you'll understand


I have no wealth value
I 'm sorry
Trouble translation love point
Be deeply grateful
Ever since I heard something later
My heart beats very messy
I have been shut down.
But ...


I have no wealth value
I 'm sorry
Trouble translation love point
Be deeply grateful
Ever since I heard something later
My heart beats very messy
I have been shut down.
But you never find
But I never left
Because I can't live without
Whether you care or not
Love is here
Whether you admit it or not
Love is here
Not only increase
I won't let anyone put you away from me
One day you will understand


跪求英文翻译 感激不尽!我没有财富值了抱歉麻烦翻译得动情一点感激不尽自从听说某件事以后我的心就跳的很乱我就一直关机了只是你从来都没有发现但我不曾离开因为我根本离不开不管 求GRE写作软件我搜不到,谁能给我个,感激不尽,我没有财富值可以给了 求一篇400字左右的文章.仿写纪伯伦的《组歌》 要求:1.散文诗2.拟人3.第一人称.将感激不尽.原谅我没有财富了.一自然景物、雪啊露啊什么的. 求送一个满级的造梦西游3号,就送我一个吧.我没没财富值了,感激不尽 数学题,求过程,我没有财富值了,不要介意,谢谢! 百度知道的财富值怎么来的?怎么我现在没有财富值了? 有没有开平方的公式,最好简单一点的,要6年纪看得懂的!越快越好!感激不尽!这是我的全部财富值了,虽然不多,但还是希望你们能帮我一下. 求英文翻译,谢谢 暂时没有财富值了,新手 但是会追加悬赏的那些 忘不了的,你是怎么忘记的.那些 过不去的,你是怎么过去的.那些 说过的永远,是怎么停下的.我从来不去触碰那些可能会让我上 跪求我不能没有你的标准英文翻译! 原谅我没有太多的财富值 我明白了的作文400字,我没有多少财富值,所以我没搞财悬赏 比较吸引人的作文题目!由于我没有财富值了,对不起了, 我后悔的一件事作文我没有财富值了,对不起 为什么我给许多篇文章给了评价,我的财富值却没有增加呢? 求学会感恩,做个懂事的好孩子手抄报500字以上,我现在没有财富值,回答了一定给,求 求“世界没有忘记我,只是我遗忘了这个世界.”这句话的英文翻译 这种钢板预埋件是什么作用的求详解?没有财富值了给不了 望理解 跪求2010吉林数模竞赛A题优秀论文.(所有财富值都压上了 )我在数学中国 数模网站上都找了的 没有找到.