
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:03:23
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Band of Brothers is a brilliant mini series about W.W.II.It tells the story of Easy company,a group of soldiers who fought in this terrible war.The first couple of episodes are about the drill of the men,the drill-sergeant is played by David"Ross from Friends"Schwimmer(not quite Full Metal Jacket).Then the company gets dropped on D-Day in Normandy where we follow their moves.The serie ends with an episode after the war when we see the company,or what is left of it,"relaxing" at a lake and thinking over this dreadful period.BoB is very realisticly filmed with great acting,although there are no big names in it.Maybe that is why it is so realistic.The series is produced by Tom Hanks(directed 1 episode) & Steven Spielberg,so it couldn't miss.And it doesn't,all 10 episodes are of very high quality,from the training in peaceful areas to a big shootout in the woods of Belgium and from fights in my own country Holland(with actual Dutch actors!) to a grueling episode about a concentration camp.
This is the story of "E" Easy Company,506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division from their initial training starting in 1942 to the end of World War II.They parachuted behind enemy lines in the early hours of D-Day in support of the landings at Utah beach,participated in the liberation of Carentan and again parachuted into action during Operation Market Garden.They also liberated a concentration camp and were the first to enter Hitler's mountain retreat in Berchtesgarten.A fascinating tale of comradeship that is,in the end,a tale of ordinary men who did extraordinary things.

如题,我要做英文板报,需要关于电视剧“兄弟连”的英文介绍.急!这周日关闭!要求:1.全文最好是六年级的英文水准,实在不行的话就算了.2.不要长篇大论,文字适中. 我需要刑侦类文章的板报标题如题,迅速! 关于国庆主题的板报怎么做要我制作板报,我想做个国庆主题的,大家帮我出出主意吧~ 让我们热爱英文!翻译阿!做板报要用! 关于初三励志文章 明天要做板报 要做一期关于初二新学期的板报,什么标题好?要创新一点的,给我多一点参考, 关于奥运的英文介绍作板报 关于辛亥革命的板报怎样做 帮我写一份以“春天的脚步”为主题的电子板报文章做电子板报要交的 求关于5.12汶川地震的电子板报~求关于5.12汶川地震的电子板报~本人因为作业需要,现急需一个WORD格式的电子板报,如果可以的话,能否传给我~ 求关于60年国庆的文章(要求:包含爱国主义教育内容,做板报宣传用)如题,500到800字左右,内容比较激昂向上. 英文板报标题—爱护地球来一个英文的板报标题,关于爱护地球的! 电视剧英文怎么说如题.还有电视剧的一集怎么说? 求萤火虫(firefly)的电视剧英文剧本如题 我要做一份板报,题目是身边感动的人和事,最好是青少年的就是关于身边的朋友的请认真回答 你所在的班级要出一期关于长征的主题板报,请你做一个策划 关于重阳节和敬老爱老的知识要做板报,谁能出出主意? “珍惜时间,励志成才”.主题板报 “珍惜时间,励志成才”主题板报,我很需要,