电机驱动芯片SA57U的英文说明PDF的翻译VS: Supply voltage for the output transistors. These pins require decoupling (1μF capacitor with good high frequency characteristics is recommended) to the PGND pins. The decoupling capacitor should

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电机驱动芯片SA57U的英文说明PDF的翻译VS: Supply voltage for the output transistors. These pins require decoupling (1μF capacitor with good high frequency characteristics is recommended) to the PGND pins. The decoupling capacitor should
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电机驱动芯片SA57U的英文说明PDF的翻译VS: Supply voltage for the output transistors. These pins require decoupling (1μF capacitor with good high frequency characteristics is recommended) to the PGND pins. The decoupling capacitor should
VS: Supply voltage for the output transistors. These pins require decoupling (1μF capacitor with good high frequency
characteristics is recommended) to the PGND pins. The decoupling capacitor should be located as close to the VS
and PGND pins as possible. Additional capacitance will be required at the VS pins to handle load current peaks and
potential motor regeneration. Refer to the applications section of this datasheet for additional discussion regarding
bypass capacitor selection. Note that Vs pins 29-31 carry only the phase 1 supply current. Pins 46-49 carry supply
current for phase2. Phase 1 may be operated at a different supply voltage from phase 2. Only the B & C supply pins
(46-49) are monitored for undervoltage conditions.
OUT 1 , OUT 2: These pins are the power output connections to the load. NOTE: When driving an inductive load, it
is recommended that two Schottky diodes with good switching characteristics (fast tRR specs) be connected to each
pin so that they are in parallel with the parasitic back-body diodes of the output FETs. (See Section 2.6)
PGND: Power Ground. This is the ground return connection for the output FETs. Return current from the load flows
through these pins. PGND is internally connected to SGND through a resistance of a few ohms. See section 2.1 of
this datasheet for more details.
SC: Short Circuit output. If a condition is detected on any output which is not in accordance with the input commands,
this indicates a short circuit condition and the SC pin goes high. The SC signal is blanked for approximately
200ns during switching transitions but in high current applications, short glitches may appear on the SC pin. A high
state on the SC output will not automatically disable the device. The SC pin includes an internal 12kΩ series resistor.
1b, 2b: These Schmitt triggered logic level inputs are responsible for turning the associated bottom, or lower Nchannel
output FETs on and off. Logic high turns the bottom N-channel FET on, and a logic low turns the low side
N-channel FET off. If 1b or 2b is high at the same time that a corresponding 1t or 2t input is high, protection circuitry
will turn off both FETs in order to prevent shoot-through current on that output phase. Protection circuitry also includes a dead-time generator, which inserts dead time in the outputs in the case of simultaneous switching of the
top and bottom input signals.
1t, 2t: These Schmitt triggered logic level inputs are responsible for turning the associated top side, or upper Pchannel
FET outputs on and off. Logic high turns the top P-channel FET on, and a logic low turns the top P-channel FET off.

电机驱动芯片SA57U的英文说明PDF的翻译VS: Supply voltage for the output transistors. These pins require decoupling (1μF capacitor with good high frequency characteristics is recommended) to the PGND pins. The decoupling capacitor should
VS: Supply voltage for the output transistors. These pins require decoupling (1μF capacitor with good high frequency characteristics is recommended) to the PGND pins. The decoupling capacitor should be located as close to the VS and PGND pins as possible. Additional capacitance will be required at the VS pins to handle load current peaks and potential motor regeneration. Refer to the applications section of this datasheet for additional discussion regarding bypass capacitor selection. Note that Vs pins 29-31 carry only the phase 1 supply current. Pins 46-49 carry supply current for phase2. Phase 1 may be operated at a different supply voltage from phase 2. Only the B & C supply pins (46-49) are monitored for undervoltage conditions.
OUT 1 , OUT 2: These pins are the power output connections to the load. NOTE: When driving an inductive load, it is recommended that two Schottky diodes with good switching characteristics (fast tRR specs) be connected to each pin so that they are in parallel with the parasitic back-body diodes of the output FETs. (See Section 2.6)
PGND: Power Ground. This is the ground return connection for the output FETs. Return current from the load flows through these pins. PGND is internally connected to SGND through a resistance of a few ohms. See section 2.1 of this datasheet for more details.
SC: Short Circuit output. If a condition is detected on any output which is not in accordance with the input commands, this indicates a short circuit condition and the SC pin goes high. The SC signal is blanked for approximately 200ns during switching transitions but in high current applications, short glitches may appear on the SC pin. A high state on the SC output will not automatically disable the device. The SC pin includes an internal 12kΩ series resistor.
1b, 2b: These Schmitt triggered logic level inputs are responsible for turning the associated bottom, or lower Nchannel output FETs on and off. Logic high turns the bottom N-channel FET on, and a logic low turns the low side N-channel FET off. If 1b or 2b is high at the same time that a corresponding 1t or 2t input is high, protection circuitry will turn off both FETs in order to prevent shoot-through current on that output phase. Protection circuitry also includes a dead-time generator, which inserts dead time in the outputs in the case of simultaneous switching of the top and bottom input signals.
1b,2b:这两个施密特触发的逻辑电平输入负责将相关的底部或下方N沟道FET开通或切断. 逻辑高接通底部N沟道FET, 而逻辑低则切断下侧N沟道FET.如果1b或2b同时高,那相当于1t或2t的输入高,那么两个FET的保护电路将切断,以便防止在该输出相的直通电流.保护电路还包括一个死区时间发生器,它在顶部和底部输入信号同时切换情况下,在输出中插入死区时间.
1t, 2t: These Schmitt triggered logic level inputs are responsible for turning the associated top side, or upper Pchannel FET outputs on and off. Logic high turns the top P-channel FET on, and a logic low turns the top P-channel FET off.
1t,2t:这两个施密特触发的逻辑电平输入负责将相关的顶部或上方P沟道FET输出开通或切断. 逻辑高接通顶部P沟道FET, 而逻辑低则切断顶部P沟道FET.

拜托,怎么都是机译的,麻烦改改再粘上来,中文读着不觉得别扭吗?Cheat well. Ok?

VS:电源电压为输出晶体管。这些引脚需要解耦( 1μF电容器具有良好的高频


VS:电源电压为输出晶体管。这些引脚需要解耦( 1μF电容器具有良好的高频
( 46-49 )是监测欠压条件。
输出1 ,输出2 :这些引脚输出功率连接负载。注意:当驱动感性负载,它
引脚,使他们在并行与寄生虫回体二极管的输出场效应管。 (见第2.6节)
PGND :电源接地。这是返回地面连接输出场效应管。返回电流负载流动
通过这些引脚。 PGND内部连接到SGND通过性的几个欧姆。见第2.1节
第1b , 2b干扰素:这些施密特触发逻辑电平的投入负责把相关的底部,或降低Nchannel


电机驱动芯片SA57U的英文说明PDF的翻译VS: Supply voltage for the output transistors. These pins require decoupling (1μF capacitor with good high frequency characteristics is recommended) to the PGND pins. The decoupling capacitor should 74HC04芯片的用途是什么在单片机驱动步进电机的电路中,是这样的:单片机连到74HC04 再接到 ULN2003 在接到步进电机74HC04 芯片在这里的用途是什么? 急求步进电机驱动芯片L297 与L298的SENS1 SENS2,SENSB,SENS1引脚均接相同的电阻,那这些电阻起什么作用? 为什么用万用表测直流电机两端是导通的?驱动直流电机一定要用驱动芯片是吗? 英语翻译本设计介绍了步进电机的原理及其驱动控制模块,通过上位机PC与单片机为下位机之间的通信,TB6560驱动芯片来完成步进电机的各种运作方式,实现步进电机的正反转速度控制并且在上 英语翻译声卡驱动,显卡驱动的,网卡驱动,主版驱动的英文怎么写帮标好谢谢 声卡驱动的英文是什么 同功率太阳能电池板直接驱动电机和太阳能板接蓄电池然后驱动电机,其驱动的电机功率是否一样大? 请问电动车的驱动电机可不可以做发电机使用 除了电机 实现旋转运动的驱动装置 步进电机;单片机;驱动;控制的英语单词是什么啊? 电脑芯片的“托盘”的英文 24引脚8*8 LED点阵我求引脚图 以及驱动她的芯片 稳压芯片输出电流与后级电路电流问题我稳压芯片输出12v电压,0.5A电流,给后级电路使用(如图),那么这个电路电流是多少,电机的驱动电流是0.15A,这个电流又怎么得到?改变mos管上面的电阻吗? 声卡驱动的英文应该怎么拼 芯片散热片用不和接地用接地?如7805稳压芯片、电机驱动芯片等?如需接地,该如何接地? 什么是集电极开路脉冲,什么是差分驱动方式求问伺服电机的脉冲驱动方式 关于驱动英文拼写请问你知道随机光盘中网卡驱动的英文拼写吗?