有关毒品的英文 像是dope drug 愈多愈好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:00:13
有关毒品的英文 像是dope drug 愈多愈好
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有关毒品的英文 像是dope drug 愈多愈好
有关毒品的英文 像是dope drug 愈多愈好

有关毒品的英文 像是dope drug 愈多愈好
各类毒品,根据不同的标准有不同的划分方法.联合国麻醉药品委员会将毒品分为六大类吗啡型药物(包括鸦片opium、吗啡morphine/morphia、可卡因cocaine/cocain、海洛因heroin/smack和罂粟poppy植物等)是最危险的毒品; 可卡因、可卡叶;大麻;安非它明等人工合成兴奋剂;安眠镇静剂narcotic/quietive(包括巴比妥药物和安眠酮);精神药物,即安定类药物sailizer.
世界卫生组织(WHO)将当成毒品使用的物质分成8大类:吗啡类、巴比妥类、酒精alcohol类、可卡因类、印度大麻hemp类、苯丙胺amphetamine类、柯特(KHAT)类和致幻剂类.其他还有烟碱、挥发性溶液等.目前毒品种类已达到200多种.从近年来广州所查获的吸毒人员所吸毒品来看,主要有海洛因,其次是苯丙胺类即冰毒amphetamin chloride等种类.

“I thought drugs were an escape.”
“When I was 15, a guy I knew raped me. I turned to my friends for support, but they accused me of lying! I was devastated2. I needed to relieve my pain, and I t...


“I thought drugs were an escape.”
“When I was 15, a guy I knew raped me. I turned to my friends for support, but they accused me of lying! I was devastated2. I needed to relieve my pain, and I thought drugs were the answer. I found that smoking weed3 made me feel secure and loved, but when the high4 wore off5, I felt even more empty, lost and alone. I thought the solution was to do more drugs, so I started using harder drugs like cocaine and Ecstasy6.
One night, I was smoking pot7 at my boyfriend's house. We had a fight and I stormed out and drove off. That's the last thing I remember. When I regained consciousness8, there were paramedics9 over me and lights flashing. I'd smashed into a telephone pole. I suffered shock and a concussion10, but my doctors said I was lucky to be alive—the crash could've killed me.
The crash cost me nearly $10000! But I got a second chance at life. I quit drugs, and I look forward to my future—because now I have a future.”
—Stephanie? 18
FACT: “Life's tough enough without a drug addiction,” says Howard Simon, spokesman for Partnership for a Drug-Free America. “Drugs just add more problems to the pile.”
“I didn't think drugs were a big deal.”
“My mom started abusing drugs when I was in fourth grade, so when a friend offered me weed in seventh grade, it didn't seem wrong to try it. Pot made me feel distant from my misery at home, and I started smoking and drinking on a daily basis. Then my mother left. It broke my heart—I felt like she chose drugs over me. But that didn't make me stop using them. I relied on weed to handle my pain and anger.
I moved in with my dad, but he drank a lot and we argued. I'd avoid going home, staying out with friends instead, drinking and getting high. Before, I only smoked for fun, but now I depended on it to help me through each day.
When I turned 18, I hopped a bus to California to try to start my life over. But I felt isolated there. I was smoking weed every day. Getting high was all I had, and it scared me. I realized I was just running from my problems. I called my dad and told him I wanted to come home.
I can happily say I've been off drugs for nearly a year now. My dad has also been sober for several months, and it's a lot easier for us to get along now that drugs aren't in the way. I've made new friends, too—my best friend is a girl from high school who didn't do drugs or drink. I still don't see my mom much, and I don't know if we'll ever be close again. All I know is that I don't want to waste my life getting high like she did. I'll never go back to the person I was—I would rather be the girl I always dreamed I could be!”
—Megan? 18
FACT: “Nobody knows how drug use is going to affect them,” Simon says. “You're playing Russian roulette11. Once you start, you can't be sure you'll walk away.”
“I did drugs so I would fit in.”
“I started hanging with a crowd that was into drugs. I wasn't into that stuff, but I didn't have anyone else to hang out with, so I started smoking pot to fit in. My parents found out, and my mom started crying. I realized I wasn't just hurting myself, I was hurting the people who loved me.”
—Lisa? 15
“I thought some drugs were harmless.”
“I started smoking weed when I was in 6th grade. It seemed like a harmless drug. I was wrong—I've been smoking weed for three years now, and I've ditched all my old friends and probably blown a thousand dollars on pot. The short buzz12 just isn't worth it.”
FACT: “Sure, marijuana13 is safer—like jumping from the fifth floor is safer than jumping from the eighth floor,” Simon says. “It's still a dangerous drug.”
“I wanted to rebel.”
“I tried marijuana because it gave me a sense of rebellion. I didn't like being told what to do, so smoking weed made me feel defiant14. But I realized people expect teens to try drugs, and by smoking pot, I was just conforming to their expectations. It's dumb to think that doing drugs will somehow make you different or unique.”
—Azura? 15
FACT: “Yes, you're making a statement—you're saying, "I'm willing to risk becoming a drug addict,” Simon says. “Really, how does that sound?”
实话实说: “你是在做一个声明——你在说,‘我愿意冒险做一个瘾君子,’西蒙说,“真的,这听上去又怎么样呢?”

