s o 什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 18:52:52
s o 什么意思
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s o 什么意思
s o 什么意思

s o 什么意思
缩写词 abbr.
1.=seller's option 【商】卖主选举权 2.=strikeout
副词 ad.
I'm so pleased to see you.
看我真高兴 2.样,像样;此
Hold the fork so.
要样拿叉子 3.(so用倒装结构)也此,也样
I was tired,and so were the others.
I like dancing; so does my wife.
我喜欢跳舞,我太太也喜欢 4.(so置于句首)确此,正样 5.因此,所
He is sturdy and so fit for the job.
健壮,所适合担任工作 6.此看来
So you'll quit school?
连接词 conj.
The manager was ill so I went in her place.
经理病了所我代去 2.因而,从而
Mum told him to go to bed early so he could get up early the next morning.
感叹词 int.
So!You've kept me in the dark all the time.
哦!原来直把我蒙鼓里 2.(表示同意等)好,行 so.
缩写词 abbr.
1.=seller's option 卖主选择权 2.=senior officer 高级军官,校级上军官;高级船员 3.=sex offender性罪犯 4.=shipping order 装货单 5.=ship's option 承运船选择权(用尺码吨和重量吨计算运费),船舶选择权 6.=shop order 工作单,派工单;工厂定单 7.=south(ern) 8.=standing order【军】现行命令;长期定单;标准作业程序 9.=supply office(r) (英国)补给军官;勤处长