
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:42:04


The yo-yo is a popular toy consisting of a length of string tied at one end to a flat spool.It is played by holding the free end of the string (usually by inserting one finger in a slip knot) and pulling at it so as to cause the spool to turn whilst suspended in mid-air,either taking up or releasing the string.First made popular in the 1920s,yo-yoing is still very much enjoyed by both children and adults,though it was originally made as a children's toy.
In the simplest play,the string is initially wound on the spool by hand; the yo-yo is then thrown downwards so that it first descends unwinding the string,then (by inertia) climbs back winding it up; and finally the yo-yo is grabbed,ready to be thrown again.Many other trick plays exist,most based on the basic sleeper trick

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