2010.12 四级作文考什么

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2010.12 四级作文考什么
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2010.12 四级作文考什么
2010.12 四级作文考什么

2010.12 四级作文考什么
Craze for Civil Service Examinations
1. 现在有越来越多的大学毕业生报考公务员
2. 引起此现象的原因
3. 你的看法本文来源:恒星英语学习网
Every year hundreds of thousands of people in China take civil service exams conducted at various levels in the hope of becoming government employees. Among them, college graduates are a fast-growing force that can’t be ignored. The craze for being a civil servant is not limited to liberal arts majors, as it’s also gaining popularity among science and engineering students.
In the final analysis, this growing trend among the youngsters is mainly attributable to two factors – ambitions and comforts. On one hand, many ambitious college graduates view these exams as a springboard to a higher social status, greater power and prestige, on which many of their other wishes rest. On the other, as being a civil servant generally means a as well stable income, enviable healthcare and pension programmes, as other comforts of life, it’s quite an appealing career option to many people, especially in this age of sluggish萧条的 world economy.
Personally, the desire to be a government official is beyond reproach(无可厚非), as the nation and the people do need an injection of new blood into the civil service sectors. The fresh-faced college graduates, armed with lofty崇高的 ideals, new vision, and strong drive, are undoubtedly among the best candidates.
求职信sample 1
Directions: For this part, you are asked to write An Application Letter in about 120 words based on the information provided below in Chinese:
Wang Peng来源:恒星英语学习网
No.3120, Zhongshan Road
Xu Hui District
Shanghai, 200076
September, 28th, 2003
Department of Human Resources
Lansheng Building
No.8560, Huaihai Zhong Road
Shanghai, 200033
Dear Sir or Madam,
I learned from Beijing Youth Daily Oct. 2 that your company is offering a position for a secretary, and it's a great pleasure for me to write to explore the possibility of seeking the job.
I graduated two years ago from Beijing University of Technology, and obtained a bachelor's degree in the field of business manage¬ment. During my stay in the university my major courses included macro-economics, business communication skills, marketing and com¬puter applications. I was especially fond of the communication skills which enabled me to deal with people and things around well.
Upon graduation I engaged with HP China Branch as an assis¬tant to the head of Marketing Department. My responsibilities consist¬ed of carrying out market surveys, writing reports and organizing meet¬ings within the department. This two-year experience has helped me a lot in many ways. In particular, I become increasingly aware of the importance of co-ordination and co-operation among co-workers. I also believe the experience will qualify me for the current vacancy in your company.
I passed both CET-4 and CET-6 with high marks. My spoken English is also fluent enough to organize meetings in English, which was actually my routine work in HP. Most of my market reports were presented in English, as my former boss is a native English speaker
I enclose herein my resume and some relevant documents as re¬quired. And if you need any further information on me, I also refer you to Mr. Johnson, my ex-colleague, who is available at 021-66668888.
I appreciate your sincere consideration of me, and am looking forward to an early interview with you.
Sincerely yours,
Wang Peng
求职信sample 2
Directions: The summer vacation is drawing near. You, Liming by name, want to find a part-time job. Write an application letter of about 120-150 words within 30 minutes.
Dear Sirs,来源:恒星英语学习网
I'm Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in English at XX University. I read in yesterday's newspaper that you are looking for a part-time secretary and I think I'll prove to be a real find for you.
During the past two years at university, I’ve taken over 18 compulsory and optional course, and have according improved my ability of English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation considerably. Besides, I have learned a lot about foreign relations and trade. At leisure, I always try to grasp every precious opportunity to practice English with native speakers. As a matter of fact, I've already tried some translation and interpretation jobs. I once worked as a temporary interpreter at the East China Export Commodities Fair. In addition, during the past two years, I have been working as a part-time tour guide. My jobs offered me good opportunities to improve my English and work competence and I enjoy them very much.
Two weeks from now, I will be on holiday again. If you can grant me the honor to work for your company as a secretary for two months, I'd feel obliged. Thank you for reading my application letter. I'm looking forward to your reply.
Volunteer teaching in the west
1. 每年,高校许多大学生受到鼓舞去贫困地区支教.
2. 支教活动的意义.
3. 我的看法.来源:恒星英语学习网
Every year, college students are inspired to help students with their study in underdeveloped areas in china. They have been trying their best to impart knowledge and offering help to those students who are so eager to learn.
This volunteer practice has been beneficial in two aspects. On one hand, college volunteers are really devoted to the cause. They have opened the eyes of students in underdeveloped regions to the outside world by bringing them new knowledge and thoughts. As a result, they are extremely welcome and respected by the children there. On the other hand, college students have received a rigorous training by adapting to the harsh living



Jobs for Graduates


作文:Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 120 words folllowing the outline given below.
1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切
2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该……

2011年6月大学英语四级46841600 欢迎加入。答案考中发布到QQ群里。

写你一日的情况题目是:My Day.(不小于6句)
My day is happy. I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 6:15. I go to school at 6:30. I usually have lunch at school. I go home at 4:30. Then...


写你一日的情况题目是:My Day.(不小于6句)
My day is happy. I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 6:15. I go to school at 6:30. I usually have lunch at school. I go home at 4:30. Then do my honework.I go to beb at 9:15. Today I am very happy .Bye-bye. Welcome to use my composition .
