
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/22 20:06:17
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但按世界文学归类,17世纪还是属于古典主义的,英国也受其影响!主要是他发展步伐快于同于欧洲各国,所以难定论,不能硬性归类!标志不清晰! 新古典主义主要

Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks.
1. In 1066, ____, with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England.
A. William the Conqueror B. Julius Caesar
C. Alfred the Great ...


Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks.
1. In 1066, ____, with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England.
A. William the Conqueror B. Julius Caesar
C. Alfred the Great D. Claudius
2. In the 14th century, the most important writer (poet) is ____ .
A. Langland B. Wycliffe C. Gower D. Chaucer
3. The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is ____.
A. novel B. drama C. romance D. essay
4. The story of ___ is the culmination of the Arthurian romances.
A. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. Beowulf
C. Piers the Plowman D. The Canterbury Tales
5. William Langland’s ____ is written in the form of a dream vision.
A. Kubla Khan B. Piers the Plowman
C. The Dream of John Bull D. Morte d’Arthur
6. After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke _____.
A. French B. English C. Latin D. Swedish
7. ______ was the greatest of English religious reformers and the first translator of the Bible.
A. Langland B. Gower C. Wycliffe D. Chaucer
8. Piers the Plowman describes a series of wonderful dreams the author dreamed, through which, we can see a picture of the life in the ____ England.
A. primitive B. feudal C. bourgeois D. modern
9. The theme of ____ to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances.
A. loyalty B. revolt C. obedience D. mockery
10. The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called _____.
A. Morte d’Arthur B. Robin Hood
C. The Canterbury Tales D. Piers the Plowman
11. ______, the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in about 1340.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon D. John Dryden
12. Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in ____.
A. Flanders B. France C. Italy D. Westminster Abbey
13. Chaucer’s earliest work of any length is his _____, a translation of the French Roman de la Rose by Gaillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meung, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14th centuries not only in France but throughout Europe.
A. The Romaunt of the Rose B. “A Red, Red Rose”
C. The Legend of Good Women D. The Book of the Duchess
14. In his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupations that had impact on the wide range of his writings. Which one is not his career? ____.
A. engineer B. courtier C. office holder
D. soldier E. ambassador F. legislator (议员)
15. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named _____ based on Boccaccio’s poem “Filostrato”.
A. The Legend of Good Women B. Troilus and Criseyde
C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D. Beowulf
Key to the multiple choices: 1-5 ADCAB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ADAAB
Ⅱ. Questions
1.What are the features of Beowulf?
2.Comment on the social significance and language in The Canterbury Tales.

