
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 22:16:17
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(a) 含有 am is are 的句子,变否定句时,
只需在am is are 后加not.
例1 This is a book.
否定句 This is not a book .
例2 I am a teacher .
否定句I am not a teacher .
例3 These are pens .
否定句These are not pens .
(b) 含有实义动词的句子,变否定句分两步.
例1 He eats an apple.
否定句 He doesn't eat an apple.
例2 Jim does his homework.
否定句 Jim doesn't do his homework.
例3 Marry goes to school.
否定句Marry doesn't go to school.
(2) 如果主语不是第三人称单数时,只 需在实义动词前加don't.
例1 I teach English.
否定句 I don't teach English.
例2 They go to school.
否定句 They don't go to school.
例3 We sing a song.
否定句 We don't sing a song.
(c) 含有情态动词的句子,变否定句时,只需在情态动词后加not.
例1 I can dance.
否定句 I can not dance.
或 I can't dance.
例2 They can speak English.
否定句 They can not speak English.
或 They can't speak English.
例3 He must go home.
否定句 He must not go home.
或 He mustn't go home.
例4 He must be on the playground.
He can not be on the playground.
析:当must be用来表示推测,有“一定”的含义时,
否定式要用can not.
例5 You must say something at the mecting.
You needn’t say anything at the mecting.
其否定式可用needn’t 或mustn't表示“不需要”,“不必”,
语气委婉,must not表示“禁止”,“千万别”语气生硬.
例6 You may come in now.
You mustn't come in now.
其否定式用must not,而不用may not.
例7 He may watch TV .
He mustn't watch TV.
(1) 见到some 变否定句时,要换成any.
例1 I eat some apples.
否定句 I don't eat any apples.
例2 He has some books.
否定句 He doesn't have any books.
例3 He does his home work.
否定句 He doesn't do his home work.
(2) 见到and 变否定句时,要换成or.
例1 There is some air and water on the moon.
否定句 There isn't any air or water on the moon.
例2 He has some brothers and sisters.
否定句 He hasn't any brothers or sisters.
例3 He eats apples and oranges.
否定句He doesn’t eat apples or oranges.
(3) 见到too和also变否定句时,要换成either.
例1Tom goes to school too.
否定句 Tom doesn’t go to school either.
(4 见到already变否定句时,要换成yet.
例1 He has had supper already.
He hasn’t had supper yet.

(a) 含有 am is are 的句子,变否定句时,
只需在am is are 后加not.
例1 This is a book.
否定句 This is not a book .
例2 I...


(a) 含有 am is are 的句子,变否定句时,
只需在am is are 后加not.
例1 This is a book.
否定句 This is not a book .
例2 I am a teacher .
否定句I am not a teacher .
例3 These are pens .
否定句These are not pens .
(b) 含有实义动词的句子,变否定句分两步。
例1 He eats an apple.
否定句 He doesn't eat an apple.
例2 Jim does his homework.
否定句 Jim doesn't do his homework.
例3 Marry goes to school.
否定句Marry doesn't go to school.
(2) 如果主语不是第三人称单数时,只 需在实义动词前加don't.
例1 I teach English.
否定句 I don't teach English.
例2 They go to school.
否定句 They don't go to school.
例3 We sing a song.
否定句 We don't sing a song.
(c) 含有情态动词的句子,变否定句时, 只需在情态动词后加not.
例1 I can dance.
否定句 I can not dance.
或 I can't dance.
例2 They can speak English.
否定句 They can not speak English.
或 They can't speak English.
例3 He must go home.
否定句 He must not go home.
或 He mustn't go home.
例4 He must be on the playground.
He can not be on the playground.
析:当must be用来表示推测,有“一定”的含义时,
否定式要用can not.
例5 You must say something at the mecting.
You needn’t say anything at the mecting.
其否定式可用needn’t 或mustn't表示“不需要”,“不必”,
语气委婉,must not表示“禁止”,“千万别”语气生硬。
例6 You may come in now.
You mustn't come in now.
其否定式用must not,而不用may not.
例7 He may watch TV .
He mustn't watch TV.
(1) 见到some 变否定句时,要换成any.
例1 I eat some apples.
否定句 I don't eat any apples.
例2 He has some books.
否定句 He doesn't have any books.
例3 He does his home work.
否定句 He doesn't do his home work.
(2) 见到and 变否定句时,要换成or.
例1 There is some air and water on the moon.
否定句 There isn't any air or water on the moon.
例2 He has some brothers and sisters.
否定句 He hasn't any brothers or sisters.
例3 He eats apples and oranges.
否定句He doesn’t eat apples or oranges.
(3) 见到too和also变否定句时,要换成either.
例1Tom goes to school too.
否定句 Tom doesn’t go to school either.
(4 见到already变否定句时,要换成yet。
例1 He has had supper already.
He hasn’t had supper yet.
一 将下列句子变否定句。
例1 I am a boy.
例2 You are a girl.
例3 He is a teacher.
例4 Jim is English.
例5 These are bikes.
例6 Those are maps.
例7 They are buses.
例8 We are Chinese.
二 将下列句子变否定句。
例1 I’m a boy.
例2 You’re a girl.
例3 He’s a teacher.
例4 It’s a pen.
例5 These are some bikes.
例6 Those are maps and pencils.
例7 They’re some buses and cars.
例8 She is your teacher.
三 将下列句子变疑问句。
例1 I am a boy.
例2 You are a girl.
例3 He is my teacher.
例4 Jim is our English.
例5 These are some bikes.
例6 Those are my maps.
例7 They are some buses.
例8 We are Chinese.
四 将下列句子变成疑问句。
例1 I’m a boy.
例2 You’re a girl.
例3 He’s my teacher.
例4 It’s a pen.
例5 These are some bikes.
例6 Those are maps and pencils.
例7 They’re some buses and cars.
例8 She is your teacher.
五 将下列句子变否定句。
例1 I teach English.
例2 They go to school.
例3 We sing a song.
例4 He spells it.
例5 She goes to school.
例6 He does his homework..
例7 They do their homework.
例8 I do my homework.
六 将下列句子变否定句。
例1 He teaches my English.
例2 They speak English and French.
例3 We eat some apples.
例4 Jim spells it.
例5 She goes to our school.
例6 He does some homework..
例7 They do their homework.
例8 We do some homework.
七 将下列句子变疑问句。
例1 I teach English.
例2 They go to school.
例3 We sing a song.
例4 He spells it.
例5 She goes to school.
例6 He does his homework..
例7 They does their homework.
例8 I do my homework.
八 将下列句子变疑问句。
例1 He teaches my English.
例2 They speak English and French.
例3 We eat some apples.
例4 Jim spells it.
例5 She goes to our school.
例6 He does some homework..
例7 They do their homework.
例8 We do some homework.

九 将下列句子变否定句。
例1 I can dance.
例2 They can speak English.
例3He must go home.
例4 He must be on the playground.
例5 You must say something at the mecting.
例6 You may come in now.
例7 He may watch TV .
例8 We need speak English.

十 将下列句子变否定句。
例1 I can dance and sing.
例2 They can speak some English.
例3You must go home.
例4 They must be on the playground.
例5He must say something at the mecting.
例6 Jim may come in now.
例7 They may watch TV .
例8 We need speak English and English.
十一 将下列句子变疑问句。
例1 I can dance.
例2 They can speak English.
例3He must go home.
例4 He must be on the playground.
例5 You must say something at the mecting.
例6 You may come in now.
例7 He may watch TV .
例8 We need speak English.

十二 将下列句子疑问定句。
例1 I can dance and sing.
例2 They can speak some English.
例3You must go home.
例4 They must be on the playground.
例5He must say something at the mecting.
例6 You may come in now.
例7 They may watch TV .
例8 We need speak English and English.
十三 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。
1 go 2 spell 3 speak 4like 5teach
6 Be 7 are 8 study 9 have 10 do
十四 将下列名词变成复数。
1 apple 2 orange 3 map 4 pen 5 pencil
6 desk 7 dog 8 tomato 9 photo 10 knife
十五 将下列名词变成复数。
1 man 2 woman 3 child 4 person 5people
6 fish 7 sheep 8 deer 9 foot 10 tooth
十六 写出人称代词主格。

十七 写出人称代词宾格。
十八 写出形容词性物主代词。

十九 肯定回答和否定回答。
1 Is this your book ?
2 Are you a teacher ?
3 Is there any water in the cup ?
4 Are there any books or pens on the desk?
5 Does he do his homework ?
6 Does Jim go to school ?
7 Do you like your English teacher ?
8 Do they study English ?
9 Can you dance ?
10 May he go home ?
11Must you come in time.
12 Need I finish the work today?
13 Do you study English ?
14 Do they speak English?
二十 写出一般现在时的四种构成。




She is six.而否定是She is not six. 其中IS为系动词