
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:04:35
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The middle of eighteenth Century,the British aristocracy liked to make egg tarts and British red tea collocation together when they ate the tea of afternoon ,.This is because the new route was opened,and sugars were transported to England from India ,so the west master workers also were willing to put sugar in pastry.At that time the egg tart mold was invented,and the British egg tarts were spread to europe each place in the British hegemony time.

In the middle of the 18th century, the noble of England like conbining the egg tart with the black tea when they have afternoon tea, because after the opening of the New Route, sugar has been transpor...


In the middle of the 18th century, the noble of England like conbining the egg tart with the black tea when they have afternoon tea, because after the opening of the New Route, sugar has been transported from India to England continually, and the cookie chefs are willing to put sugar into the wrappers as well. And the egg tart mould also being invented at the same time. At the era of Britain dominated,the British egg tart has spreaded all over the Europe.


In the middle of the 18th century, aristocrats in England liked drinking the black tea with the egg tart when they were having afternoon tea, because the cookie chefs were willing to put sugar into th...


In the middle of the 18th century, aristocrats in England liked drinking the black tea with the egg tart when they were having afternoon tea, because the cookie chefs were willing to put sugar into the wrappers since sugar has been transported from India to England continually after the opening of the New Route. And at that time, the egg tart mould was also invented, therefore, the British egg tart has begun to spread all over the Europe in the era of British domination. 绝对没语病哦。


英语翻译18世纪中期,英国贵族们吃下午茶最爱将蛋挞与英式红茶搭配,这是因为新航路开辟后,砂糖不断从印度运往英国,西点师傅也舍得在面皮里放糖了。这时还开始有了蛋挞模具,在 英国为什么能在18世纪中期成为世界第一强国 英国是在18世纪中期 还是后期称霸的? 英国的下午茶 英语翻译 17世纪中期,18世纪中期英国的政治、经济领域分别进行了什么革命?对英国的影响分别是什么? 18世纪 英国贵族和平民常用的家具,服饰,建筑物的详细介绍 18世纪中期开始的工业革命给英国社会带来的重大变化是 在18世纪中期,英国成为世界上最强大的国家的原因有哪些?.. 18世纪中期,被称为日不落帝国的是?A、荷兰 B、美国 C、日本 D、英国 简要概括英国18世纪中期政治变革意义有限的政治原因, 18世纪中期英国工业革命解决资本主义发展的什么问题? 19世纪中期英国历史人类发展的阶段 19世纪中期英国在亚洲占领了哪些殖民地 归纳概括英国成为世界上第一个工业化国家和条件和英国在18世纪中期到19世纪引领者世界发展的表现. 18世纪中期,清朝平定了回族贵族大小和卓兄弟叛乱,对巩固西北边疆祈祷重大作用. 历史辨析题 历史:17世纪中期至19世纪中期,英国经济领域的革命对中国有影响?历史问题~~ 18世纪中期英国成为“日不落帝国”和到19世纪上半期完成工业革命有什么共同的政治前提求快速准确的答案! 13世纪初到14世纪中期英国社会政治基本特点