寻一篇300字英文文章 希望仍有中文翻译

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寻一篇300字英文文章 希望仍有中文翻译
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寻一篇300字英文文章 希望仍有中文翻译
寻一篇300字英文文章 希望仍有中文翻译

寻一篇300字英文文章 希望仍有中文翻译
Software demand transaction network mainly offers the demanders and makers a imformation exchange platform to make the software business process more transpare through the competitive tender form,and the software demanders can also have the softwares by quicker speed buys and a lower price.The main function of the website is providing the makers and the needers an release issue information and a competitive tender platform for the demand,the software and the website demanders can release demanding imformation in the website .Makers through reply form participate competitive tender discussions.Finally the software and the website demanders determine to complete the transaction.The main functions of the website include the information demanding management,the management of the competitive tender information,the information supplies management,as well as the backstage management function.
This website mainly designs and composes compilationby the methods of the object-oriented programming .To make the contact surface design and the code compilation with DreamWeaver and PHP Uses MYSQL with the backstage to found the database system,to give this system formidable technical support.Can satisfy the user fully the demand.
The main text is divided eight chapters:First chapter is the introduction,mainly involves the system the development background and the development goal; Second chapter to seventh chapter of narration software life cycle various stages duty,process,structurized method and tool; Eighth chapter is to the entire article summary

1 Coffee is one of the world's most widely-enjoyed beverages. Flavor aside, scientists have recognized it as a complex blend of chemical compounds with potential health effects, both good and bad. Now...


1 Coffee is one of the world's most widely-enjoyed beverages. Flavor aside, scientists have recognized it as a complex blend of chemical compounds with potential health effects, both good and bad. Now, new research suggests that if you drink enough coffee, it might help you avoid certain kinds of cancer.
2 Dr. Mia Hashibe of the University of Utah School of Medicine was interested in the link between coffee drinking and certain cancers of the head and neck. Researchers have looked into this before, but without reaching any firm conclusions. 犹他大学医学院的米亚•哈希贝医生对咖啡以及某些头部和颈部癌症之间的关连非常感兴趣。研究人员过去也曾经对此进行过探讨,可是没有提出任何肯定的结论。
3 "There were a few studies, but the findings were not consistent across the studies," she said, "so this finding from our current study was quite a surprise. We didn't really have any expectation of which direction it could go into." 她说:“有过一些研究,但并没有得出一致的结论。所以,我们目前研究中的发现,确实令人感到惊喜。我们事先并没有指望这项研究会朝哪个方向发展。”
4 To sort out the confusion, Hashibe and her colleagues used statistical techniques to, in effect, make one big study out of the previous smaller studies. 为了解决这些困惑,哈希贝医生和她的同事们利用统计学,综合过去各种小范围的研究结果,完成了一项大型研究。


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