GMAT语法时态问题A 1972 agreementbetween Canada and the United States (reduced the amount of phosphatesthat municipalitieshad been allowed to dump) into the Great Lakes.(A) reduced the amountof phosphates that municipalities had been allowed

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 16:24:06
GMAT语法时态问题A 1972 agreementbetween Canada and the United States (reduced the amount of phosphatesthat municipalitieshad been allowed to dump) into the Great Lakes.(A) reduced the amountof phosphates that municipalities had been allowed
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GMAT语法时态问题A 1972 agreementbetween Canada and the United States (reduced the amount of phosphatesthat municipalitieshad been allowed to dump) into the Great Lakes.(A) reduced the amountof phosphates that municipalities had been allowed
A 1972 agreementbetween Canada and the United States (reduced the amount of phosphates
that municipalitieshad been allowed to dump) into the Great Lakes.
(A) reduced the amountof phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump
(B) reduced thephosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping
(C) reduces thephosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump
(D) reduced the amount ofphosphates that municipalities are allowed to dump
(E) reduces the amountof phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities
现在完成时:过去发生and continues into the present
现在完成进行:过去发生 continue into the present and may continue into the future
那么这题里说法力规则过去生成,持续到现在,为什么OG给的解释说C have been allowed不对啊,现在完成时 表达持续的动作或影响我觉的没错啊
而且OG说用are allowed说明现在仍有效,were allowed说明现在已经无效

GMAT语法时态问题A 1972 agreementbetween Canada and the United States (reduced the amount of phosphatesthat municipalitieshad been allowed to dump) into the Great Lakes.(A) reduced the amountof phosphates that municipalities had been allowed
在1972年的协议达成之前,应该有相关协议允许各个州向五大湖去投入的磷酸盐数量,这里就用had been allowed是指1972年以前的协议允许投入量,1972年的协议只是把以前的允许投入量减少了


GMAT语法时态问题A 1972 agreementbetween Canada and the United States (reduced the amount of phosphatesthat municipalitieshad been allowed to dump) into the Great Lakes.(A) reduced the amountof phosphates that municipalities had been allowed GMAT语法问题,求高人指点. GMAT语法问题怎么解决呢? GMAT OG 语法SC132 2011GMAT语法全解:GMAT语法题如何复习 GMAT语法题如何复习 GMAT语法全解怎么样 请教一道GMAT语法题 求GMAT语法备考经验 为什么GMAT语法题的A选项总和题目一样为什么有的时候选A,有的时候不选呢? gmat语法知识求解~一.those 用法 如OG85、99 看到它就慌二.for doing & in doing 貌似对的不多 什么原理?啰嗦?如OG109 BC选项 thank her for helping那in doing呢?三.时态并列的问题 doing/done 在都做后置定语时可 gmat语法问题The fact of some fraternal twins resembling each other greatly and others looking quite dissimilar highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs,namely they vary considerably on a spectrum of genetic r 德语语法与时态 sha admitted having stolen the money的语法问题语法是不是有错,having stolen 有这种时态吗 英语语法问题-请从语法成分和时态方面帮我解析下这句话 SAT语法!可以说XXX,the most lazy person I know,ate...(时态问题) 英语翻译这是语法书上的一个例子可是这样时态就有问题了啊, 外国人在日常对话中注重语法时态吗?他们在对话中,是不是时态语法用得很准确?还是也会出些这样那样的问题,但他们不在乎这些?平时,他们用什么语法时态较多?