GMAT prep一道CR,求助Some historians contend that con- ditions in the United States during the Second World War gave rise to a Line dynamic wartime alliance between (5) trade unions and the African American community, an alliance that advanced the

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GMAT prep一道CR,求助Some historians contend that con- ditions in the United States during the Second World War gave rise to a Line dynamic wartime alliance between (5) trade unions and the African American community, an alliance that advanced the
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GMAT prep一道CR,求助Some historians contend that con- ditions in the United States during the Second World War gave rise to a Line dynamic wartime alliance between (5) trade unions and the African American community, an alliance that advanced the
GMAT prep一道CR,求助
Some historians contend that con-
ditions in the United States during the
Second World War gave rise to a
Line dynamic wartime alliance between
(5) trade unions and the African American
community, an alliance that advanced
the cause of civil rights. They con-
clude that the postwar demise of this
vital alliance constituted a lost oppor-
(10) tunity for the civil rights movement that
followed the war. Other scholars,
however, have portrayed organized
labor as defending all along the rela-
tively privileged position of White
(15) workers relative to African American
workers. Clearly, these two perspec-
tives are not easily reconcilable, but
the historical reality is not reducible
to one or the other.
(20) Unions faced a choice between
either maintaining the prewar status
quo or promoting a more inclusive
approach that sought for all members
the right to participate in the internal
(25) affairs of unions, access to skilled
and high-paying positions within the
occupational hierarchy, and protec-
tion against management’s arbitrary
authority in the workplace. While
(30) union representatives often voiced
this inclusive ideal, in practice unions
far more often favored entrenched
interests. The accelerating develop-
ment of the civil rights movement
(35) following the Second World War
exacerbated the unions’ dilemma,
forcing trade unionists to confront
contradictions in their own practices.
The passage is primarily concerned with
A. providing a context within which to evaluate opposing viewpoints about a historical phenomenon
B. identifying a flawed assumption underlying one interpretation of a historical phenomenon
C. assessing the merits and weaknesses of a controversial theory about a historical phenomenon
D. discussing the historical importance of the development of a wartime alliance
E. evaluating evidence used to support a particular interpretation of a historical phenomenon
According to the passage, the historians mentioned in line 1 and the scholars mentioned in line 11 disagree about the
A. contribution made by organized labor to the war effort during the Second World War
B. issues that union members considered most important during the Second World War
C. relationship between unions and African Americans during the Second World War
D. effect of the Second World War on the influence of unions in the workplace
E. extent to which African Americans benefited from social and political changes following the Second World War

GMAT prep一道CR,求助Some historians contend that con- ditions in the United States during the Second World War gave rise to a Line dynamic wartime alliance between (5) trade unions and the African American community, an alliance that advanced the
A中的opposing viewpoints指的是历史学家和学者各自的观点.第二段是A中的context
B中的flawed assumption错误,文章没有提到任何的假设.
C中a controversial theory错误,文章提到两个观点,历史学家的和学者的.不是“一个矛盾的理论”.
E的错误在于,a particular interpretation,文章提到两个观点,如果把第二段看成是evidence,这些evidence也并没有针对某一个观点
Q7 选C
学者认为organized labor在维护(defending)白人工人相对于African workers既有的优势(privileged position)
A中organized labor对战争的贡献,两个观点都没有提到
B中union members认为最重要的事情在两个观点中都没有体现

GMAT prep一道CR,求助Some historians contend that con- ditions in the United States during the Second World War gave rise to a Line dynamic wartime alliance between (5) trade unions and the African American community, an alliance that advanced the GMAT prep一道CR,The more frequently employees take time to exercise during working hours each week,the fewer sick days they take.Even employees who exercise only once a week during working hours take less sick time than those who do not exercise.Th 请问GMAT的PREP哪儿有啊~ GMAT两道prep数学题如图 Gmat CR题怎么做 GMAT prep cr请大牛指教Downtown Villieu was once a flourishing business district,but most Villieu-area businesses are now located only in the suburbs.The office buildings downtown lack the modern amenities most business operators demand today.To 求GMAT的prep语法逻辑阅读笔记~ GMAT中提到的PREP和GWD是什么?如题 gmat prep 破解版麻烦发一个吧! 求gmat prep所有破解版,祝好人一生平安! gmat数学DS部分 prep上的一道题,gmat数学DS部分 prep上的一道题,也看不到答案.177.If x and y are positive integers,what is the value of xy (1) The greatest common factor of x and y is 10.(2) The least common multiple of x and y is GMAT备考中途的迷茫,准备GMAT差不多2个月了,OG看完一遍,词汇积累3000多,作文ISSUE写了2篇,ARGUMENT写了10篇.现在看阅读还是觉得有点慢,有些难句理解还是困难.prep的CR,SC做起来准确率不高,写作时的 GMAT一道数学题, GMAT的一道题, 一道GMAT的数学题 求助一道GMAT语法题A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously suggest that the economy might not be as weak as some analysts prev gmat prep数学prep里有这样一道数学题.for all the positive integers m, m(这个m外面有方框)=3m if m is odd, m(方框)=1/2m if m is even. Then which of the following is equivalent to 9(方框)*6(方框)?答案包括:81,54,36,27 who 有gmat prep破解版的数学PS和DS,尤其是PS.thankyou