世界历史的题目(英文)求求英文答案!中文答案也可以!Where was the Inca Empire?印加帝国在哪?Why was the Inca Empire in a difficult place to live?为什么印加帝国是一个很难居住的地方?Give an exanple to show th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 06:00:10
世界历史的题目(英文)求求英文答案!中文答案也可以!Where was the Inca Empire?印加帝国在哪?Why was the Inca Empire in a difficult place to live?为什么印加帝国是一个很难居住的地方?Give an exanple to show th
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世界历史的题目(英文)求求英文答案!中文答案也可以!Where was the Inca Empire?印加帝国在哪?Why was the Inca Empire in a difficult place to live?为什么印加帝国是一个很难居住的地方?Give an exanple to show th
Where was the Inca Empire?印加帝国在哪?
Why was the Inca Empire in a difficult place to live?为什么印加帝国是一个很难居住的地方?
Give an exanple to show that it was a well organized empire 举一个能表现出它是一个管理严密的帝国的例子
In what way did the Inca religion differ from the Christian religion?印加帝国的宗教和基督教的不同之处
Who was Inti?  这个不知道咋翻==
What was sacrificed to the gods?印加帝国中的什么会用来供奉给上帝
Who was the head of the Inca Empire?谁是印加帝国的管理者
Name the city the Inca Empire ruled or governed form?列一个被印加帝国管理的地方的名字
Where were Llamas and Alpacas used for?在印加帝国中,美洲驼和羊驼是用来干嘛的?
Why do you think the Incas limited the use of the coca leaves?在你的观点中,为什么那里的人限制使用古柯叶?

世界历史的题目(英文)求求英文答案!中文答案也可以!Where was the Inca Empire?印加帝国在哪?Why was the Inca Empire in a difficult place to live?为什么印加帝国是一个很难居住的地方?Give an exanple to show th








