:)下班前最后一题.)I would appreciate ___ it a secret.a;your keepingb:to be finedc:that you keepd:that you will keep选哪个呢?感觉C比较像.但是will这里要不要加呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:39:42
:)下班前最后一题.)I would appreciate ___ it a secret.a;your keepingb:to be finedc:that you keepd:that you will keep选哪个呢?感觉C比较像.但是will这里要不要加呢?
xTMSA+(ʔ!H!q+P*H@@0`" "Y T0{/g֠M%rYvt{_tn2LjeDžKYU.tbblDW$Ɣ +yO^Gc䕢DյKZ,)dY]S¡Ym%tʘgtA ;{ʒ5~3G Htb)~7'Rlw$xHC22􀑌DKܸ?-ayG!ĵG|~c*ԱѸ_b'I,K\!1uxY'-dJ0xjտr +0i/囉Gkszepx@jXz*0J a)h%I[)aekܼdy<$iǎ,:;Ժ, .w:NqxV ?mc AN0rxC-Z| KybE$a{ B#C4ű=ΏG;Ŏ8:uGeD}q}ӄbol]mgZ;`OUH"7Tf <{H9h"\h@uzθӟ jI{Y@}*ŧ Q[L-m;dn!C}/

:)下班前最后一题.)I would appreciate ___ it a secret.a;your keepingb:to be finedc:that you keepd:that you will keep选哪个呢?感觉C比较像.但是will这里要不要加呢?
I would appreciate ___ it a secret.
a;your keeping
b:to be fined
c:that you keep
d:that you will keep

:)下班前最后一题.)I would appreciate ___ it a secret.a;your keepingb:to be finedc:that you keepd:that you will keep选哪个呢?感觉C比较像.但是will这里要不要加呢?
appreciate doing sth.
还有一个结构是 I would appreciate it if .
I would appreciate it if you could keep it a secret.

应当选C, 句意为我会很高兴你将它当作一个秘密.


B也不对,would后不能加to do

选A才对,这里your keeping是动名词。
C从语法上是没有错的,但地道的英语不会这样说,而是说I would appreciate it if you could keep it a secret.

it和a secret是什么关系?
我觉得i would appreciate that you keep it as a secret才通


:)下班前最后一题.)I would appreciate ___ it a secret.a;your keepingb:to be finedc:that you keepd:that you will keep选哪个呢?感觉C比较像.但是will这里要不要加呢? 下班前最后一题:)I could not persuade him to accept it,___ make him see the importance of it.A:if only (只要) I could notb:no more than (只是) I couldc:or I could notd:nor could I选哪个呢? I would like a pizza(?)olives andmushrooms )it?问下 句型转换 i would like ( )a birthday party. 谁能帮我解读一下重庆2012年高考作文题目,我看了半天都看不懂2012年重庆高考作文题(材料作文)这是一个发生在肉类加工厂的真实故事.下班前,一名工人进入冷库检查,冷库门突然关上,他被 求歌i used to dream of it when i was a boy.这是最后一句歌词(是念的)i used to dream of it when i was a boy never thought it would end up this way 广播里听见的. 七下 最后一题 Would you like some coffe?Yes,()A.I‘d like B.I like C.I would 询问一道高一英语时态题---If I _______(see)a tiger walking acrosshyde park,I would climb a tree.---That _____(not be)any use .The tiger______(climb)after you.可否帮我填空下,再翻译一下. I would like_____(be)a teacher(时态填空) Even a busy fall,I would still love Yan ) I would like going to a tennis match.(改错 ) 八下语文最后一课(《诗五首》)是哪几首诗 照列句把下面句子中的“问题”的近义词写在括号里列:今天的数学竞赛一共有15个问题(题目).(1)爸爸谦虚地说:“我的工作中还存在不少问题( ).”(2)下班前完成这项工作应该没 I would have written before,but I ( ) ill.A.were B.had been C.would be D.was 七年级下数学同步练习与测评答案(1.2的最后一题) 初一下最后一课后题!急 麻烦做下最后一题,急,