
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:40:38
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有个楚国人乘船过江时,剑从船上掉进水里,他就在船帮上刻下一个记号,说:“这是我的剑掉下去的地方.”等船靠岸,他就从刻记号的地方跳进水里去找剑.船已走了很远,而剑却没走,这样去找剑,不是很糊涂吗? There is a person boat crosses the of Chu, the sword fell into the water, he may in which a mark, said: “ this is my sword fall.” etc ship ashore, he carved from Mark dive to find a sword.Ship was gone too far, and the sword but no go, so go find swords, is not very confused?

Chu crossing a man, his sword from the ship into the water. He hurried along in the ship engraved on a sign, saying: "here is my sword fell down." When the ship is in port, the man down the ship along...


Chu crossing a man, his sword from the ship into the water. He hurried along in the ship engraved on a sign, saying: "here is my sword fell down." When the ship is in port, the man down the ship along engraved mark down to look for a sword. Ship has walked along (far away, and jian) in place will be accessible and forward. Use this way to look for a sword, not very confused?
