
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 02:20:15
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本人从2004年3月起跨入职场,主要从事的都是研发或者技术支持类的工作。做过PC端的windows开发,手机应用或者MMI的开发,做过的平台有MTK、Cs等,能够较熟练运用C/C++/WINDOWS编程/VC。支持客户也极为认真负责,加班加点任劳任怨,工作经验丰富,工作能力很好,同事客户皆有口碑。要求:1、熟悉coolsand平台软件,了解各部分代码的功能和用途。2、熟练使用版本控制工具SVN,能够正确使用Merge。能够正确的给客户Release软件,能够熟练的为客户升级软件。3、熟练掌握各种调试手段:Trace,GDB,Simulator,熟悉Coolwatcher的使用 4、能够处理大部分编译问题,熟悉MAKEFILE和软件环境变量的设置(Cgywin的环境、env)5、能够独立完成软件集成工作。配置Target、配置键盘、修改驱动文件、代码压缩、替换或者更新部分代码等等 6、能够生成T卡升级、Flash下载RAMRUN,修改Calib相关文件 7、对于现场不能解决的问题,能够收集足够的信息(Trace,GDB,Bug描述,复现条件等等)反馈给研发,8、PC端一些工具的开发,供相关运营商使用,作自行设计和编程。MMI设计,基于VIA的CDMA2000手机平台做功能开发和扩充,包括V200,2905型号的手机等。需要用windows编程。

I started working from March 2004, mostly on R&D or techinical support jobs. I did Windows development, mobile phone application or MMI development; I worked with platforms such as MTK, Cs, etc. I am experienced in using C/C + + / Windows programming/VC. I am responsible and hard-working in customer support, willing to work for extended hours. I have rich work experience, am able to do my job well. I have long gained a good reputation among the colleagues and customers.
1, familiar with coolsand platform software, understand the functions and purposes of each segment of code.
2, skilled with SVN version control tool, can correctly use Merge. provide the correct Release software to customers, experienced in for upgrading software customers.
3, experienced in various testing means: Trace, GDB, Simulator, familiar with Coolwatcher
4. able to handle most compilation issues, familiar with MAKEFILE and software environment variable Settings (Cgywin environment, env)
5, independently integrate software. Target configuration, keyboard configuration, driver files modification, code compression, code replacement or update, etc.
6, able to generate files related to T-card upgrade, Flash download RAMRUN, Calib modification
7, gather sufficient information (Trace, GDB, Bug description, reiteration condition, etc.) for further investigation by R&D when unable to solve problems on site, able to help accelerate problem-solving.
8. develop certain PC tools for service carriers, design and programming independently. MMI design, CDMA2000 (including V200, 2905 models) application development and extension based on VIA platform. Must use Windows programming.


I am starting from March 2004 into the workplace, are mainly engaged in research and development or technical support class work. PC side of the windows did the development, the development of mobile ...


I am starting from March 2004 into the workplace, are mainly engaged in research and development or technical support class work. PC side of the windows did the development, the development of mobile applications, or MMI, done platform MTK, Cs, etc., can be more skilled in using C / C + + / WINDOWS program / VC. Support customer is also very serious and responsible, hard working overtime, work experience, ability to work well, colleagues customers Jieyou reputation. Requirements: 1, familiar coolsand platform software, the various parts of the code to understand the function and purpose. 2, the skilled use of version control tools SVN, to correctly use the Merge. Release to the correct software to customers, customers can upgrade the software for skilled. 3, master a variety of debugging tools: Trace, GDB, Simulator, the use of familiar Coolwatcher 4, capable of handling most of the compilation issues, familiar environment variables MAKEFILE and software settings (Cgywin environment, env) 5, able to finish the software integration work. Configure Target, configure the keyboard, modify the driver files, code compression, replace or update the part of the code, and so 6, can generate T card upgrade, Flash download RAMRUN, modify the relevant documents Calib 7, the field can not solve the problem, to collect enough information (Trace, GDB, Bug description, condition of reproduction, etc.) feedback to the research and development, to speed up the solution to the problem. 8, PC-side development tools for the relevant operators to use for their own design and programming. MMI design, based on VIA's CDMA2000 mobile platform to feature development and expansion, including the V200, 2905 models of mobile phones. Need to use windows programming.


翻译:I from March 2004 up into the workplace, mainly engaged in are r&d or technical support class work. Did the Windows development, mobile phone PC application or MMI development, done platform has MT...


翻译:I from March 2004 up into the workplace, mainly engaged in are r&d or technical support class work. Did the Windows development, mobile phone PC application or MMI development, done platform has MTK, Cs, etc, also can skillfully use C/C + + / Windows programming/VC. Support customer is responsible earnestly, work overtime hard-working, rich work experience, ability to work well, the colleague customer is reputation. Requirements: 1, familiar with coolsand platform software, understand each segment of code of function and purpose. 2, skilled with SVN version control tool, can correctly use Merge. Correctly give customer Release software, can skilled for customers upgrading software. 3, mastering various commissioning means: Trace, GDB, weathering steel during the use of Coolwatcher, familiar with 4, can handle most compilation, familiar with MAKEFILE and software environment variable Settings (Cgywin environment, env) 5, independently software integration work. Configuration Target, configuration keyboard, modify driver files, code compression, replacement or update part 6, ability to generate code etc T card upgrades, Flash RAMRUN, modify download Calib relevant documents 7, for site cannot solve problems, be able to gather enough information (Trace, GDB, Bug description, reiteration condition, etc.) feedback to r&d, can accelerate the solution of the problem. 8, PC some tools development, for relevant operators use, make itself design and programming. Based on the design, MMI CDMA2000 VIA mobile platform do functional development and expansion, including V200, 2905 type of cell phones, etc. Need to use Windows programming.



英语翻译本人从2004年3月起跨入职场,主要从事的都是研发或者技术支持类的工作。做过PC端的windows开发,手机应用或者MMI的开发,做过的平台有MTK、Cs等,能够较熟练运用C/C++/WINDOWS编程/VC 职场英语翻译 意义 本人1990年03月17日生 叫孟祥伟 帮忙起个英文网名 嘻嘻 从2013年3月3号开始 算起 第555天是 几年几月几号 英语翻译:从当前日期起向未来推8个月 英语翻译是从5月1日起,能否换成from 英语翻译是从FOB日期起,之后24个月,还是,在FOB日期之前 24个月? 英语翻译1,本法经2004年8月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过,自2005年4月1日起施行.2,本办法自2009年3月31日起施行,2005年2月8日发布的《电子认证服务管理办法》同时废 英语翻译“从第一天起” 英语翻译2005年9月---2008年3月在苏州市贸易有限公司从采购工作 英语翻译贵单位从2006年4月起成为中国机械工程学会压力容器分会团体会员单位,会籍工作由压力容器分会秘书处管理.特此发证 一家游泳馆每年6~8月出售夏季会员证,每张会员证80元,只限本人使用,凭证购入场券每张一元,不凭证购入场券每张3元.请你分情况计算选择哪种方式更合算? 2009年7月时事政治从7月4日起的时事,最好是每天的各有3条 英语翻译2009年1月2日 - 新加坡国家环境局去年底宣布,从2009年1月1号起,进一步扩大禁烟范围,以减少公众吸入二手烟.怎么翻译呢? 英语翻译请假条本人由于家中有事,需请教回家,从4月26日岛5月23日期间,望老师批准.要地道的. 英语翻译介绍信兹证明:**女士(生日:19**年*月*日)于2003年8月起在我公司工作,担任OTC 销售代表,年薪¥**(RMB),主要工作职责为;负责OTC渠道销售.从2007年4月起提升为销售主管,年收入为 英语翻译介绍信兹证明:**女士(生日:19**年*月*日)于2003年8月起在我公司工作,担任OTC 销售代表,年薪¥**(RMB),主要工作职责为;负责OTC渠道销售.从2007年4月起提升为销售主管,年收入为 SAT数学怎么考满分本人5月考试,从2月中旬起自己在家平均3天做一套数学题,每次都很悲催的错1 2题.(粗心或者没看懂题之内的原因) 无论怎么提醒鼓励自己不要错 都会悲催的错1道.做了这么