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by Sonia Tiao刁青琅
Cecily: Sue’s boss
Faith: Sue’s friend
Jodie: Policewoman
Sue: Sue
Vicky: Guest
Zoe: Sue’s friend
Today is March 31st. Faith, Vicky, Zoe, Cecily and Jodie are talking. Faith and Zoe want to give their good friend, Sue, a “happy” Fool’s Day.
Faith: I think we need to prepare a lot.
Zoe: You’re right. Thus, we have Vicky and Jodie. Jodie is my friend and she is a policewoman. Oh…I almost forget, we also have Sue’s boss Cecily.
Vicky: And what should I do?
Faith: Mmm…, I think you just do what you usually do.
Vicky: WHAT?
Zoe: She means you will not have to change yourself. And tomorrow you have to go to Cecily’s coffee shop to buy something.
Vicky: Oh, I see. Just buy something?
Faith: Zoe says you need to find Sue (Take out Sue’s picture to Vicky and Jodie also looks at it). See, this is Sue. And buy things from her.
Zoe: I think you can do a good job. (pat Vicky’ s shoulder.)
Faith: Jodie, then, it’s your turn. Tomorrow morning, you have to give Sue a fine because…
Jodie: I know I know and next?
Zoe: Next, she’ll be late to work.
Cecily: And I can cut down her salary. Ha Ha Ha. (laugh)
Vicky: How much you want to cut down? A half day?
Cecily: No, No, No. A half month.
Faith, Vicky, Zoe, Jodie are laughing.
Faith: OK, after her job, she’ll go home, and Jodie, again, you know what I mean?
Jodie: Yes, I see. It’s that like? “Oh! “, there is someone sitting by you (to Zoe) he doesn’t even have a head.
Zoe: Me? Where? (Scared)
Faith: Yeah, yeah, good job.
Cecily and Vicky are laughing.
Vicky: Then, that’s all?
Zoe: Yes, basically yes. But we also need a phone call to make sure she will go home very soon.
Cecily: How about talk her that “You’re house is on fire.” And I’ll let her home early. But who will call her?
Jodie: Don’t worry, Zoe will do it.
Zoe: OK. The last, remember tomorrow 9:00pm at Sue’s home. We’ll be waiting for the poor baby.
Vicky, Faith, Cecily, Jodie: Poor baby.
Zoe: Any questions?
V, F, C, J: No.
Jodie: Cheers! Wish everything is “fine”.
V, F, Z, C: Cheers!
They drink together.
At the day. Sue has a bad morning at the beginning.
Sue: Oh my god. (feel scared and look at the alarm clock) I’m late. My boss
will kill me (shouted).
Then she goes to work immediately. She rides her motorcycle over speed and the policewoman Jodie stops her.
Jodie: (blow a whistle) Hey, stop! Stop! Do you know you drive too fast and exceed the speed limit a lot?
Sue: (feel wronged) Sorry…I…. (stammer)
Jodie: (interrupt Sue) Don’t speak anymore! And don’t argue with me.
Sue: (pleadingly) But….could you let me go, please.
Jodie: No way! (Resolutely)
Sue gives up and get the fine from Jodie.
In the coffee shop—When Sue gets to the shop, she finds that her boss Cecily is busying in the bar.
Sue: Sorry, sorry…(still apologize to her boss) I’m so sorry that I’m late.
Cecily: (glare at Sue) Don’t say anything at this time. You should do you work right now.
Sue: (stun) OK…I’ll do at once.
Cecily: Go away. Don’t stay in my way.
Then Sue wears her uniform and does her work.
Vicky: Waitress. Come here! (raises her hand and feels angry)
Sue goes there very quickly.
Sue: May I help you?
Vicky: (speak louder) Where is my meal? I’m waiting for a long long long time.
Sue: Sorry. I’ll go to check right away. (goes to a kitchen)
Five minutes later…………
Vicky: (clap the table) Hey ~ you! Do you know my time is very precious?
Sue: Sorry… It’s my fault.
Vicky: Do you know who I am?
Sue: Excuse me. Who are you?
Vicky: You don’t know me? Call your boss. I want to see your boss right now.
(Cecily comes over)
Vicky: Your waitress doesn’t know who I am.
Cecily: What? She doesn’t know who you are. I am really sorry. (turn to Sue) She is our VIP. (turn to Vicky) I’m very sorry for our service. The meal is free. (turn to Sue) Sue, take meal for her quickly.
(After work)
Cecily: Hey~ Sue. I don’t think you did a good job today.
Sue: But I…Cecily: I don’t want to listen to any excuse. After all, you made a big mistake at first. (Sue can’t say anything)
Cecily: I decide to cut down half of your salary for this month.
Sue: Oh, please don’t do that to me! I promise I won’t make any mistake any more
Cecily: Or you want to get fired.
Sue: Ok… I’ll do my best in the future.
Sue accepts this fact and goes home.
After work, Zoe tells Sue that her home was on fire. Sue goes home immediately.(on her way home)
Sue: God damn it! Today is not my day.
is in a bad mood and ride fast. Then the cell phone rings….then Sue answers, but there is nobody talks on the phone. Few minutes later, the phone rings again, still the same condition as before. Later, a police stops her on the road…)
Police: Stop, please! (Gestures…)…Miss, the person behind you doesn’t wear a hamlet.
Sue: (Shocked…) What?! Only I ride my motorcycle, and there is nobody behind me at all, ok?
Police: I’m sure there’s a girl sitting behind you, she looks pale and has long hair. Look! She is staring at you now with a smile….Wait…gosh! She looks like one of my friends who died two years ago..!
Sue: What?! I don’t believe you, police! There’s really nobody behind me and don’t scare me, all right?
Police: (Scared) well…well…you just go…gosh! How Terrible it is…!
Sue: (Very scared) Oh, my god! Is it real? Or it’s really a ……behind me?! Please don’t scare me, ok? Tell me it’s all nonsense…I got to go …!
Police: Go, go ,go….and believe it or not! Be careful!
(Sue is going home….Sue rushes through to go home anxiously. She just wants to know if her house is ok.)
Sue: Fire! Where is the fire?
Sue looks at the house for a while. Nothing happened to it.
Sue: There is no fire. Why the light on?
Sue opens the door carefully. She is afraid that a thief is at her house now.
Zoe, Cecily, Jodie, Faith, Vicky: Surprise! Happy Fool’s Day!
Sue sees the policewoman and the customer who make trouble to her. Sue doesn’t understand why they are here.
Sue: What’s going on here?
Zoe, Cecily, Jodie, Faith, Vicky: Ha~Ha~ You are the fool today.
Sue: Oh! You guys! Why do you treat me in this way?
Zoe, Cecily, Faith: Because you are our good friend.
Sue laughs helplessly.





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