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The two countries, one is the world's largest developing country with rich labor resources, significant cost advantages, vast market and development potential is enormous; the other is to have the world's most powerful economic and technological strength the world's largest developed country. Sino-US relations, direct impact on world economic development. The current Sino-US relations, it is in a honeymoon period, but the problem also exists with the conflict. Between countries because there is no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. To the current situation of Sino-US, also ideological, political influence, economic and trade frictions have problems.
The development process in the modern state, the economy is strong material conditions of a country is the most crucial and most practical and most effective of the national interest, directly determines the country's status and influence. So trade is a barometer of relations between States. The two countries are at different stages of economic development, with the deepening of economic globalization, the economic relations between the two countries have strong mutual benefit and complementarity. Meanwhile, in another competition, and there are all kinds of friction. Sino-US economic and trade frictions that exist mainly in the following three aspects: trade balance, currency, intellectual property protection.
The growing U.S. trade deficit with China-US relations is a determining factor in turbulent. In 2005, China exported 162.9 billion U.S. dollars the United States, imported 48.73 billion U.S. dollars from the United States, a surplus of 114.77 billion U.S. dollars. According to U.S. statistics, in 2005 the U.S. trade deficit with China surged 24.5%, reaching 201.6 billion U.S. dollars. The reason why China and the U.S. will have such a large trade gap, on the one hand and the two sides to take on statistical methods; the other hand, with the United States related to the politicization of economic issues. U.S. and parties mainly due to statistical differences in the specificity of Sino-US trade and statistical methods are different. China's exports to the U.S. 60% and 30% of imports from the United States, is the result of re-exports of Hong Kong-based third party carried out. U.S. exports to Hong Kong to China, Southeast Asia and other countries, these countries are sub-ports to the United States are counted as imports from China. U.S. exports to China in the statistics when they are on its China and Hong Kong re-exports by commodity ignored. This is one of the reasons causing the different statistics. China's commodity exports to the U.S., many U.S. enterprises in China Branch of the goods. China earned only a small processing fee, large profits made by U.S. companies in China. According to David? Ricardian theory of comparative advantage, a country should produce its products have a comparative advantage through free trade and the export of such products have a comparative advantage. Meanwhile, imports it has no comparative advantage or a comparative disadvantage products. In such a free trade framework, in accordance with the theory of comparative advantage in international trade conducted by all participating countries will maximize the benefits of trade. United States are at different stages of development, are highly complementary economies, also in line with comparative advantage theory. Sino-US trade will cause such a large balance of trade with the United States to take China's trade restrictions. China's exports to the United States to labor-intensive products, mainly agricultural products, low added value to meet the needs of the average consumer the United States. U.S. exports to China should be based on capital and technology-intensive products. But the United States to politicize economic and trade, refused to secure high-tech export to China. U.S. high-tech is a global leader and technology products in the United States, exports also play a vital role; and in the process of modernization of China, the growing demand for technology products. U.S. trade restrictions which seriously affected the trade complementarity, leading to further expand the trade balance. Look at this issue from the U.S. trade deficit with China and the U.S. is missing is an understanding and trust. It is this lack of understanding, mistrust, resulting in a trade friction. Just calm down the two sides to enhance understanding, trust, is a better solution, rather than direct confrontation.
The other end is the Sino-US trade the yuan exchange rate issue. Since 1994, the RMB under the current account of about 8.277 according to 1 U.S. dollar exchange rate convertibility. U.S. dollar continued to depreciate since 2002. Since 2003, the U.S. asked China to open "flexible exchange rate." In the U.S., there is a view that China's exchange rate policies aggravated the unemployment problem in the United States. Many Americans blamed the U.S. trade deficit with the exchange rate is too low. But in fact, not all U.S. companies and the public want to see the yuan appreciate. At present, China has become the largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds. China to increase yuan exchange rate, such as large holdings of U.S. Treasuries, U.S. government spending and personal consumption may all be affected. A floating exchange rate and open capital markets, China's financial industry will increase the difficulties inherent deterioration, disrupt China's economy, and even disrupt the global economy. In fact, China has implemented a floating exchange rate mechanism, but this process is relatively slow, but it is in full accordance to the development of China's national conditions for the development of China's actual situation. U.S. to revalue its currency again, and require a large range of appreciation to one step, which is unrealistic. What the world does not exist right or wrong exchange rate. Is only in the appropriate machine, floating exchange rate will be achieved on Sino-US bilateral economic and trade advantage. Appreciation of the renminbi issue the United States in one hand, a significant appreciation of the yuan, on the one hand there is no set for the high appreciation of the renminbi "timetable." Can be seen, the two sides are stakeholders, who can do without development. Only two sides better understand each other's national conditions and reality, to find the balance between the two sides of the fulcrum. Strong pressure is not the answer.
Intellectual property protection, is caught in a thorn in Sino-US trade. Back in the 80s of last century, the United States on the issue of intellectual property disputes. Technology-intensive industries in the United States has obvious advantages, the United States is very concerned about intellectual property protection, and as a matter of its core competencies and advantages of the United States position on major issues. Intellectual property protection in this regard, we are done in China is not good enough, but we in the protection of intellectual property legislation and enforcement have been making significant progress. We have strengthened the inspection to combat piracy and counterfeiting operations, and strengthen public respect for intellectual property rights of publicity. However, the protection of intellectual property is a process, it requires international cooperation, not the internal affairs of a country. Only the two sides under the guidance of the spirit of seeking truth from facts, strengthen dialogue, enhance supervision and cooperation, can effectively protect intellectual property rights, ensure full freedom of competition, the final settlement of intellectual property disputes.
In an interdependent world, a world of economic globalization, the friction is normal and inevitable, this is not terrible. Sino-US economic and trade frictions regular, reflecting the close economic relations between the two countries. Sino-US economic importance to both sides and every year. Issues arising from trade, the two sides is only rational to face, on a regular coordination and cooperation mechanism, through equal consultation approach to be properly addressed. Sino-US trade friction from the point of view, because the two sides of the ideological difference, different national conditions, lack of understanding, mistrust and other causes. The two sides should be put right attitude, cooperative, respectful manner in order to more effectively balance interests of both countries to find in order to achieve win-win.
In order to improve Sino-US trade relations, elimination of trade friction, we Chinese can take the following measures: to continue to deepen economic reform and improve the operation of the market economy so that China eventually become a true market economy. In dealing with U.S. trade deficit with the specific trade friction, China need to adopt common international auto export restrictions and other trade policy measures. This will not only play a conciliatory role, but also reduces the cost of trade friction. Active planning, organization, implementation of U.S. direct investment. This will not only avoid the trade barriers, greatly reduce trade friction, and by investing in more efficient factories can introduce advanced technology and management experience, and enhance China's comprehensive international competitiveness of enterprises. China should also be in the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the United States and many in-depth and comprehensive understanding. In order to protect their own interests, China must learn to stand on the perspective of understanding and thinking Americans, the problems between China and the U.S., and the corresponding U.S. trade policy and operational skills. With this understanding of the promotion, so that U.S. trade policies and measures of a more targeted and effective.
Trade war is not the way out, who also play the two sides can not afford a trade war. Only two sides properly handle trade relations in order to better consolidate their relations, can better make ideological, political issues are resolved. Deal with the development of a regional power with a world power relations, not only beneficial to both countries to achieve win-win; but also world peace and development, sustainable development has an important positive role.
Sino-US relations are complicated, not a day or two can all be resolved. But as long as the spirit of contacts, understanding, trust, respect and the principle of cooperation, will be able to sort out these problems step by step and gradually resolved

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