I was deeply shocked by the beauty of them翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:22:40
I was deeply shocked by the beauty of them翻译

I was deeply shocked by the beauty of them翻译
I was deeply shocked by the beauty of them翻译

I was deeply shocked by the beauty of them翻译
I was deeply shocked by the beauty of them 翻译为:我被他们的美丽深深地震撼了


I was deeply shocked by the beauty of them翻译 I was moved deeply Originally I was wrong,deeply so I was shocked when i heard about the bad I was shocked at the news改为同义句就是要把shocked换种说法 I was shocked at the news of her d_____ 中文翻译“I was shocked at the change of his hairstyle 高手来修改英文文章语法错误When I knew about financial events like the South Sea Bubble and Mississippi Bubble from book for the first fime,I was deeply shocked by the facts that these companies' stock price could abnormally rise so many I was very shocked at what I saw.这句话怎么分析,还有为什么还有at? 看看有没有语法错误?l was shocked to see the scene.l was shocked when I saw the scene.l was shocked as l saw the scene.请问有没有语法错误?表达意思一样吗?还能怎么说? 句型转换 I am deeply shocked by the amount of money t句型转换I am deeply shocked by the amount of money they spent on their pets.(改为感叹句)_ _ I am by the amount of money they spent on their pets! Erectile dysfunction..When I first faced it I was shocked!& so was my wife.But we won the war!B shock这个词是 及物动词,但是为什么要加be呢?比如说 I was shocked when I heard this news.这里的 be + shocked 里的 shocked 是由动词变形容词么 i was no accident that he was so deeply mourned in China after his death.meaning? Old Frank was deeply moved. The nation was shocked at the news. I was deeply moved that tears come to my eyes.有什么错 I was shocked to see the scene. 这句话是什么时态或语态, 如何分析出来的