你来自那种家庭,三口之家还是大家庭?这两种家庭各有那些优点和缺点?What type of family do you come from?A nuclear one or extended one?What advantages and disadvantages are there in these two types of family?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:52:20
你来自那种家庭,三口之家还是大家庭?这两种家庭各有那些优点和缺点?What type of family do you come from?A nuclear one or extended one?What advantages and disadvantages are there in these two types of family?
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你来自那种家庭,三口之家还是大家庭?这两种家庭各有那些优点和缺点?What type of family do you come from?A nuclear one or extended one?What advantages and disadvantages are there in these two types of family?
What type of family do you come from?A nuclear one or extended one?What advantages and disadvantages are there in these two types of family?

你来自那种家庭,三口之家还是大家庭?这两种家庭各有那些优点和缺点?What type of family do you come from?A nuclear one or extended one?What advantages and disadvantages are there in these two types of family?
I come from a nuclear family,but I hope I could be in an extended family.There are several advantages for nuclear family.For example,my parents will pay more attention on me because I am the only kid in my house.So whenever I am at home,they will listen to me and we can talk more about our feeling.Also,I can be better understand what my parents expect from me as well as what they are thinking about me.They will tell me on what they think in their heart instead of saying something to show off.However,the disadvantage to be in a nuclear family is I will not always meet my grandparents and I will feel there is a gap between my grandparents and me.Also,whenever I am sick and my parents need to work,I will be home alone instead of having someone else to take care of me.
The advantage of living in an extended family is that I will have a closer relationship with the family members.They will take good care of me for my parents whenever I need care,especially when I am sick and my parents are at work.Another advantage is that I can play around with my cousins,so I will not be bored.You know there is only one child allowed per family,so living in an extended family can fulfill my dream of having someone in the same age of me to live together.However,there are also disadvantages for living in an extended family.First,I will not have too much closed conversation with my parents because there are always someone else around.My parents will not comment anything bad I have done in front of the other people.As the result,I will never know what my parents are thinking unless there is no one around.Second,my parents might pay less attention on me because they think there are many people care and love me.
So both types of family have their advantages and disadvantages.

你来自那种家庭,三口之家还是大家庭?这两种家庭各有那些优点和缺点?What type of family do you come from?A nuclear one or extended one?What advantages and disadvantages are there in these two types of family? ①目前,中国家庭从原来的大家庭变为三口之家,家庭中的人际关系趋于简单化,逐步弱化养老的责任,传统孝文化日渐式微.②可是,由于文化的惯性,传统的孝文化在父母辈中仍然拥有叶落归根的 英语作文 给笔友tom写一封信介绍你的家庭情况家庭信息 三口之家 住在湖北省鄂州市 附近有个公园 根据汉语意思填单词(一空一词)1她还没有读完这本书.She ___ ___ reading the book ___. 2你生活在哪种家庭?是大家庭,还是小家庭?Which kind of family ___ you ___,___family or ___ family. 3你想要住在人口多的地 英文翻译:我们像许多中国家庭一样是一个三口之家 家庭制氧机是海氧之家的好还是海龟的好? 英语翻译旅途快乐=-------=-----=-----有点=-------=-------=------来自一个三口之家=---------------- 三口之家 英文表达三口之家怎样用英文表达,而不强调核心家庭,即不用 nuclear family 家庭里要怎么才能和眭?尤其是大家庭 英语翻译:你来自日本还是哪里的 英文翻译~~要对的~~~ 问你有个大家庭还是个小家庭? 答我有个小家庭? 三口之家,爸爸月收入3000,妈妈月收入2500,有一女儿现大三在读,这样的家庭适合投什么保险 如果一个三口之家年用电量为600千瓦时,三峡电站可供多少个家庭用电?葛洲坝电站呢? 三长两短来自那个典故?指哪“三长”、哪“两短”? 图片中的两种水管保温材料 哪种好呢 家庭自来水管 热水管保温的.请问是1号 好 还是2号比较好.图片来自网络有没有其他可以推荐的 大部分管子在室内 有两个三口之家一起出行去旅游,他们被安排坐在两排相对的座位上,其中一排有3个座位,另另一排有4个座位,如果同一个家庭的成员只能被安排在同一排座位相邻而坐,那么共有多少种不同的安 网络上流行的破解疑迷文章《埃及金字塔之谜最完美的解释》说得你相信还是不相信?文章来自央视国际 来自星星的你是20集还是21集