
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:40:31
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千百次的想从这个世界消失,千百次的从睡梦中哭醒,千百次的不停的尝试,千百次的往来那条365步的街道,千百次的想死,其实我早已经明白1年前我已经死了,只是因为责任我必须活着,世界其实对我已经没有任何意义了,我还有必要活吗?还有必要吗,除了责任 已经没有任何东西让我留恋了

Wilderness of want to disappear from this world,thousands of times from sleep awoke crying,trying to keep thousands of times,thousands of times the streets between the piece of step 365,the want to die a thousand times,in fact,I 1 year already know I'm dead,alive only because of the responsibility I have,in fact,the world has no meaning for me,and I still need to live?Also necessary to do,in addition to responsibility has nothing to me want to stay out

Hoping to disappear from the world a thousand times ,crying out of my dream a thousand times ,trying again and again a thousand times ,going along the 365-step street back and forth a thousand times...


Hoping to disappear from the world a thousand times ,crying out of my dream a thousand times ,trying again and again a thousand times ,going along the 365-step street back and forth a thousand times ,desiring so strongly to end my life a thousand times .In reality ,god had told me what I knew in my heart that I should have died one year ago ,just because the responsibility made me alive so far .The world is really not any meaning for me .Do I have to be still alive necessarily ?Do I?There is nothing deserves my reluctance ,but responsibility . 绝对原创,请笑纳!


Hoping to disappear from this world for a thousand times, waking up from my dreams crying for a thousand times, attempting time and again for a thousand times, wandering along that 365-step street for...


Hoping to disappear from this world for a thousand times, waking up from my dreams crying for a thousand times, attempting time and again for a thousand times, wandering along that 365-step street for a thousand times, thinking about taking my own life for a thousand times. Actually, I know that I should have been dead one year ago, and it is just a sense of responsibility that keeps me alive today. The world is really of no meaning to me now, do I still have to live on? Do I? There is nothing for me to care about except responsibility.


英语翻译千百次的想从这个世界消失,千百次的从睡梦中哭醒,千百次的不停的尝试,千百次的往来那条365步的街道,千百次的想死,其实我早已经明白1年前我已经死了,只是因为责任我必须活着, 一种信念,重复着千百次有着咒语的魔力,就像千百次的祈祷,上帝也会落泪. 谁说的啊 什么意思? 含有千百的成语 含“千百”的成语 含千百的成语 《一颗小樱桃树》仿句.我的小桃树千百次地俯下身去,又千百次地挣扎起来,一树的桃花,一片,一片,湿得深重,像一只天鹅,眼睁睁地羽毛剥脱.仿句 急 一三字为千百的成语 一三字为千百的成语 千百的成语吧vhfghghgfh 我的体能和智力比以往任何时候都有增无已.我的青春,是的,.如果能活上千百次那就太好了.选自《名人传》.七年级语文 浪迹天涯头不回指的是什么动物七情六欲谁都有,心中暗恋泪自流梦里叫你千百次浪迹天涯头不会指的是什么动物, 求英语翻译 爱有千百种形态 我的小桃树阅读答案雨还在下着,我的小桃树千百次地俯下身去,又千百次地挣扎起来,一树的花一片、一片地洒落得变成赤裸裸的了,就在那俯身地刹那,我突然看见树的顶端,高高的一枝上,竟还 雨还在下着,我的小桃树千百次地俯下身去,又千百次地挣扎起来,一树的花一片、一片地洒落得变成赤裸裸的了,就在那俯身地刹那,我突然看见树的顶端,高高的一枝上,竟还保留着一个欲绽的花 雨仍旧这么大地下着,花瓣儿纷纷落下.我以为有了这场春雨,花会开得更鲜艳,谁知它却这么薄命,片片付给风和雨了!雨还在下着,我的小桃树千百次地俯下身去,又千百次地挣扎起来.就在那俯下 含有“千百”的成语有哪些? 包含千百的成语有哪些 英语翻译A.将军和壮士从军十年,经历了千百战斗.有的死了,有的胜利归来.B.将军和壮士战斗死去了,壮士从军十年胜利归来.C.将军在千百次战斗中死去了,木兰却在十年后回来了.D.从军十