兄弟,你如果被困在荒岛上You are stranded on a desert island,on the island are wild pigs and coconuts,but not much else.If you lived there for 5 years,how would you survive?How would you amuse yourself?After 5 years,how would you change?你

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 12:47:30
兄弟,你如果被困在荒岛上You are stranded on a desert island,on the island are wild pigs and coconuts,but not much else.If you lived there for 5 years,how would you survive?How would you amuse yourself?After 5 years,how would you change?你
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兄弟,你如果被困在荒岛上You are stranded on a desert island,on the island are wild pigs and coconuts,but not much else.If you lived there for 5 years,how would you survive?How would you amuse yourself?After 5 years,how would you change?你
You are stranded on a desert island,on the island are wild pigs and coconuts,but not much else.If you lived there for 5 years,how would you survive?How would you amuse yourself?After 5 years,how would you change?

兄弟,你如果被困在荒岛上You are stranded on a desert island,on the island are wild pigs and coconuts,but not much else.If you lived there for 5 years,how would you survive?How would you amuse yourself?After 5 years,how would you change?你

兄弟,你如果被困在荒岛上You are stranded on a desert island,on the island are wild pigs and coconuts,but not much else.If you lived there for 5 years,how would you survive?How would you amuse yourself?After 5 years,how would you change?你 如果你和你的小伙伴被困在一个荒岛上,难以与外界取得联系, 如果你是鲁宾逊在荒岛上你该怎么办? 今天去面试,遇到了关于荒岛求生的问题,有7个人被困在了荒岛上,现在只有一条救生艇,船上只有够一个人的食物和水,而且船也只能坐一个人,如果你是一个企业家,你怎样说服其他6个人让你逃 鲁兵逊在荒岛上把荒岛取名为 SOS的表示方式SOS用灯光如何表示?(比如有人被困在荒岛上,在晚上他见到远处有船只经过,这个人有一只手点筒,他要怎么用灯光求救?)SOS用烟如何表示?(比如有人被困在荒岛上,在白天他见到远处 此刻你正在穿越时空,走进荒岛,见到鲁滨逊并与他在荒岛上一起生活. 如果有一天你一个人在一个荒岛 你要怎么生存?你身上什么都没带. 假如你被困在一个荒岛上,能吃的食物除了当地的少量淡水外,只有随身携带的6只鸡和500克玉米,怎么吃.不能种玉米,可以喂鸡下蛋.a先吃鸡后吃玉米 b先吃玉米后吃鸡c边吃玉米边吃鸡 d用玉米喂 鲁宾逊在孤岛上被困了多少年 鲁宾逊在荒岛上的生活经历给了你怎样的启示? 鲁滨孙在荒岛上 受到了什么启示,你遇到困难会怎么做 鲁宾逊在荒岛上的生活经历给了你怎样的启示 如果你在一个荒岛上,只有一只鸡和一根玉米,有两种生存方式:A先吃玉米再吃鸡,B喂部分玉米给鸡吃,让...如果你在一个荒岛上,只有一只鸡和一根玉米,有两种生存方式:A先吃玉米再吃鸡,B喂 如果在一个荒岛上,有瀑布和树和一根钢丝,怎样水力发电 中鲁滨孙在荒岛上生活了多少年? 鲁滨逊在荒岛上生活了几年? 鲁滨逊在荒岛上生活了多少年