有关珍爱生命的 英语 作文,最好长点,要有中文和英文,采纳了立刻追加300分,决不食言.求关于珍爱生命主题的英语作文,作文数量越多越好,作文越长越好!要得是英语作文!而且还要有中文翻译!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/21 13:53:42
有关珍爱生命的 英语 作文,最好长点,要有中文和英文,采纳了立刻追加300分,决不食言.求关于珍爱生命主题的英语作文,作文数量越多越好,作文越长越好!要得是英语作文!而且还要有中文翻译!
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有关珍爱生命的 英语 作文,最好长点,要有中文和英文,采纳了立刻追加300分,决不食言.求关于珍爱生命主题的英语作文,作文数量越多越好,作文越长越好!要得是英语作文!而且还要有中文翻译!
有关珍爱生命的 英语 作文,最好长点,要有中文和英文,采纳了立刻追加300分,决不食言.
求关于珍爱生命主题的英语作文,作文数量越多越好,作文越长越好!要得是英语作文!而且还要有中文翻译!看好了 ,是 英语 作文!还要下面配中文翻译!大家踊跃写上,我先选好的,采纳了立即追加300分,说到做到,

有关珍爱生命的 英语 作文,最好长点,要有中文和英文,采纳了立刻追加300分,决不食言.求关于珍爱生命主题的英语作文,作文数量越多越好,作文越长越好!要得是英语作文!而且还要有中文翻译!
Live Life
Life, it is precious. Nothing can be compared. It everyone is equal, everyone is just an opportunity, once lost, will not have a second time. Therefore, we must seize the opportunity to cherish and care for it!
Life everywhere, nothing is there. With human lives is too precious! Have life, have a competition and hard work; with life, can there be the ideal and hope; have life, can there be happiness and sorrow; a life, can there be cherished for life. remember reading a story is about in a morning, a loggers to forest logging as usual. He used electric saws to cut down a thick pine tree, the trunk counter - shot, bears down on his right leg. severe pain to make him feel a dark eyes. At this point, he knew that he must do first is to stay sober. He tried to legs out, and may not do. So he picked up the hand ax blasted to amputations of the Korean tree, cut down the next three or four, after Fu Bing broke. He also began to pick up the chainsaw tree cutting. However, he soon discovered that the fallen pine tree was 45 degree angle, tremendous pressure will always be stuck electric saws, electric saws out if the fault, where they rarely visited, there was no alternative. He's obviously a hard-hearted, pick up the saws, targeting his right leg. self-amputation. . loggers simply bandaged legs a bit and decided to climb back. Along the way, he Renzhaojutong, inch by inch of the climb, again and again lapsed into a coma once again waking times over, only one thought in mind : Be sure to go back alive! After reading this story, gave me great inspiration. In fact, each person have only one life, if you do not cherish it no longer has a second time. we should be like a story the same as that of the loggers, even in the face the greatest difficulty, can not easily give up their lives, to brave alive, we must cherish life. like loggers, like a massive hit in the face later, still only an idea: Be sure To live to go back!
Many people wanted to do their own live on the buckle down to action a number of things, for their own goals and healthy and happy to be alive. And some people are not liking it encountered something wanted to commit suicide. Some of the students because it does not obtain an ideal school, on the to jump. there is a child very much like a singer, they tell their parents that buy his CD, can parents do not agree, then angrily then committed suicide. In fact, people's life, always experienced some setbacks and difficulties. If everyone an encounter setbacks, they commit suicide, then this world does it mean that some people commit suicide every day. encountered difficulties, they should be to face, rather than the method of suicide to resolve. you should also think about your future promising, is very beautiful, and thus ended his young life is not for himself is a pity it!, if not for their own ideas should also think about your family, they put up with hardships to raise your big adults, and you they easily end their precious lives, how could they not sad, not sorry for it! human life is very short, we should treasure it, use it!
Many people wanted to do their own live on the buckle down to action a number of things, for their own goals and healthy and happy to be alive. And some people are not liking it encountered something wanted to commit suicide. Some of the students because it does not obtain an ideal school, on the to jump. there is a child very much like a singer, they tell their parents that buy his CD, can parents do not agree, then angrily then committed suicide. In fact, people's life, always experienced some setbacks and difficulties. If everyone an encounter setbacks, they commit suicide, then this world does it mean that some people commit suicide every day. encountered difficulties, they should be to face, rather than the method of suicide to resolve. you should also think about your future promising, is very beautiful, and thus ended his young life is not for himself is a pity it!, if not for their own ideas should also think about your family, they put up with hardships to raise your big adults, and you they easily end their precious lives, how could they not sad, not sorry for it! human life is very short, we should treasure it, use it!
Person's life is very short, there is no more than his own life on earth more precious things. We have a bright future, who is willing to let their own lives prematurely draw a full stop is not perfect Who does not want to be able to thrive Let us cherish life, to grow it, so that our daily life is full of sunshine, earth's most precious is life, life is not to buy, and be sure to cherish this precious life! please cherish their own lives!

For a deep well of young lives, hundreds of individual hard work more than a dozen hours;
为了手中周岁的孩子,双目失明的父母用瘦弱的双肩搭起了不畏泥石的人梯; In order to age the hands of children, blind parents, thin shoulders w...


For a deep well of young lives, hundreds of individual hard work more than a dozen hours;
为了手中周岁的孩子,双目失明的父母用瘦弱的双肩搭起了不畏泥石的人梯; In order to age the hands of children, blind parents, thin shoulders with the debris of people defying erected ladder;
为了怀中熟睡的孙儿,七十岁的老奶奶用脆弱的脊背构成了最伟大的避风港…… To arms sleeping grandson, 70-year-old grandmother with the fragile spine constitutes the greatest haven for ... ...
为了生命,我们不屈不挠;为了生命,我们一如既往。 In order to protect lives, we perseverance; to life, we, as always. 因为可贵的生命需要我们呵护,更值得我们去关爱。 Because the valuable life requires us to care, more deserving of our care.
作为社会中的一员,我们每天都在享受他人的爱:父母的、亲友的、熟悉朋友的、陌生社会奉献者的……当你在肆意支取关爱的“存款”时,你的账号上是否早就出现了“赤字”,你是否早就在“透支”了? As a society, we have every day to enjoy the love of others: parents, family and friends, familiar friends, and strangers who have devoted themselves to ... ... When you draw in the wanton love of "deposits", your account number on the Does early emergence of the "deficit", are you already in the "overdraft" of? 如同存款有存入才有支出一样,“爱的存款”也不能只索取不付出。 As deposits are credited to expenditure only, like "love deposits" can not just be obtained without paying. 送人玫瑰,手有余香”那是幸福的香味,是关爱的美丽。我们只有关爱自己,对自己负责,才有资格去关心爱护你周围的一切! Rose anyone to hand there are lingering fragrance "That was the smell of happiness is the love beautiful. We only love ourselves responsible for their own, to be eligible to show concern and love everything around you!
“关爱生命”是一种负责的生活态度! "Care for Life" is a responsible attitude to life! 生命是伟大的,生命是崇高的,没有人轻易放弃生命。 Life is great, life is noble, and no one easily their lives. 每个人心中都饱含着对生命的渴望,身体健全的人如此,身体不便的人同样如此。 Every one is full of a desire for life, able-bodied person so physically handicapped people the same。 呼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~好了。


As you know,the rules of the traffic is very imporTant. But recently there are some pedesteians always run red lights who didn"t realize the bad results becamse ...


As you know,the rules of the traffic is very imporTant. But recently there are some pedesteians always run red lights who didn"t realize the bad results becamse of their behaves. For example, disturbing the normal turns of the traffic, causing a series of accidents danger for people's lifies and
bad spirit in society .
Of cause if you broken the rule you would be punished like warning and paying the money for your behave.
In my opinion,obey the rules of traffic is the responsibility of evevryone but not the thing we have to do under other people's asking.
love life,refuse running red lights!
