The optimizer was unable to continue due to a serious error.The most likely cause of this error stems from a problem in evaluating the functions within your model.Not all functions are defined for all values of their arguments.For example,@LOG( X 1)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:05:10
The optimizer was unable to continue due to a serious error.The most likely cause of this error stems from a problem in evaluating the functions within your model.Not all functions are defined for all values of their arguments.For example,@LOG( X 1)
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The optimizer was unable to continue due to a serious error.The most likely cause of this error stems from a problem in evaluating the functions within your model.Not all functions are defined for all values of their arguments.For example,@LOG( X 1)
The optimizer was unable to continue due to a serious error.The most likely cause of this error stems from a problem in evaluating the functions within your model.Not all functions are defined for all values of their arguments.For example,@LOG( X 1) is undefined for values of X less than or equal to 1.You should check your model for any such functions,and use the @BND function to place bounds on your variables to keep the optimizer from straying into any regions where functions become undefined.
Another complicating factor can be nonlinear relations in a model.Linear models can be solved much more reliably and quickly than nonlinear models of comparable size.If possible,try to linearize your model by approximating nonlinear functions with linear ones,or by eliminating nonlinear equations.
Another possible remedy when dealing with nonlinear models is to attempt different starting points.A starting point may be input in the model抯 INIT section.Refer to Windows Commands for more details.
If this problem persists after bounding any variables that could potentially lead to a problem,removing any unnecessary nonlinearities,and attempting new starting points,please contact LINDO Systems for assistance.

The optimizer was unable to continue due to a serious error.The most likely cause of this error stems from a problem in evaluating the functions within your model.Not all functions are defined for all values of their arguments.For example,@LOG( X 1)
就是说你的问题可能是由于以下几个原因引起的 函数在某个区域没有定义 模型非线性或者你给的起点不适当

optimizer The optimizer was unable to continue due to a serious error.The most likely cause of this error stems from a problem in evaluating the functions within your model.Not all functions are defined for all values of their arguments.For example,@LOG( X 1) 联合国是the UN 还是UN? (1/2)The file is either damaged or was not installed correctly.Please un the un peace-keeping the un peace-keeping the un peace-keeping Is China in the UN? UN 英语翻译A Chinese national named Du Zhaoyu was among the four UN observers killed in an Israeli airs strike against a UN position in the southern Lebanese village of Khiam on July 25. Advanced System Optimizer与 Advanced Systemcare区别 UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会) is part of the UN. It was f_____1___in 1946 after the war in Europe to hel一篇缺词填空 关于Oracle24.In your database,the STATISTICS_LEVEL initialization parameter is set to BASIC.What is the impactof this setting?A.The optimizer statistics are collected automatically.B.Only the timed operating system (OS) statistics and plan executio the UN 是第三人称单数吗 Where is the UN building是什么意思 when the teacher come un快 matlab 英文提示 Optimizer appears to be converging to a minimum that is not a root:Sum of squares of the function values is > sqrt(options.TolFun).Try again with a new starting point. __well-known pianist,LangLang,was named as ___ UN Messenger of Peace to help promot__well-known pianist,LangLang,was named as __ UN Messenger of Peace to helppromote global education.A.A;the B.The;a C.A;an D.A;\