每个国家用5句英文描述美国 英国 新加坡 澳大利亚 加拿大

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:30:15
每个国家用5句英文描述美国 英国 新加坡 澳大利亚 加拿大
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每个国家用5句英文描述美国 英国 新加坡 澳大利亚 加拿大
美国 英国 新加坡 澳大利亚 加拿大

每个国家用5句英文描述美国 英国 新加坡 澳大利亚 加拿大
美国----United States of America (United States of America) is a 50 states and the Special Administrative Region directly under a federal constitutional federal republic composed of countries [1].North America is located in the central United States,including 48 states and Washington,DC.The east by the Atlantic Ocean,west Pacific,north of Canada,south of Mexico.The mainland is located at the northwestern shore of Alaska,the east of Canada,separated from the West and Russia across the Bering Strait; Hawaii is located in the central Pacific.In addition,the United States at the same time in the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean has a large number of federal and overseas territories.
英国---That is,the British National Emblem Emblem King.Center logo design for a shield,the shield and the bottom right corner of the surface of the upper left corner of the ground for the Red Lion 3,a symbol of England; the upper right corner of the ground for the payment of semi-standing Red Lion,a symbol of Scotland; the lower-left corner on the ground for the blue golden harp,a symbol of Northern Ireland.Shield emblem on both sides of the head by a crown,on behalf of England,a lion and unicorn supporting only held on to Scotland.Shield emblem around a motto written in French,which means "evil"; bottom Garter hanging chapters,sash read "day of God,I have rights." Shield emblem to the top of the gold jewelry set with silver helmet,wearing a crown imperial crown and the lion.
新加坡----Singapore is a city-state,the original intent of the "Lion City." According to the Malay historical records,about the year 1150,the Office of Sumatra benefit the Kingdom of the Buddha passed away and that the prince set to reach this island by boat and saw a black animal,inform the local people for the Lions,was the "Lion City" of.Singapore is the Sanskrit "Lion City" of euphony,as local residents affected by the Indian culture better,as names like Sanskrit.The Lions have a bold,robust features,as it names is a very natural thing.Over the past number of overseas Chinese as "hot interest",that is Malay,"Channel" means,but also because of its small and will be referred to as Singapore,Singapore Island.
澳大利亚--National Emblem:Australia logo emblem on the state on behalf of the federal states:the ground white St.George's Cross and the Red Lion on behalf of the New South Wales,the Blue and White Star and Golden Delicious on behalf of the State of Victoria,white Maltese Cross and the crown on behalf of the State of Queensland,yellow and black,shrike white on behalf of South Australia,yellow and black swan on behalf of Western Australia,Tasmania on behalf of white Red Lion.Above the national emblem is a blue and white garlands and a seven-angle stars; emblem on each side and a kangaroo standing pigeon-peng green eucalyptus branches,on behalf of rare animals unique to Australia.a yellow,green and white Like acacia in full bloom,flowers,showed the southern hemisphere of the charming scene of evergreen.Acacia is Australia's national flower,a symbol of Australia as Oceania.
加拿大----Shield emblem national emblem for Canada.1921 enactment of the middle pattern for the coat,face shield for the lower part of a three leaves; Photo four upper case are as follows:three golden lions,a stand-up Red Lion,a harp and three lilies were a symbol of Canada in the history of England,Scotland,Ireland and France,the link between.Shield logo has a lion on a red maple leaf holding is a symbol of the nation of Canada,also expressed during the First World War Canada in memory of the victims.Lions on top for a golden crown,a symbol of Canada by Her Majesty the Queen is head of state.Coat of a lion holding the left side of the United Kingdom,the national flag,holding the right side of the original Unicorn Lily of France Citigroup.With a ribbon at the bottom of the Latin words "from sea to sea",said Canada's geographic location - the west by the Pacific Ocean,east Atlantic.

美国 America
United States of America (United States of America) is a 50 states and the Special Administrative Region directly under a federal constitutional federal republic composed of countries [...


美国 America
United States of America (United States of America) is a 50 states and the Special Administrative Region directly under a federal constitutional federal republic composed of countries [1]. North America is located in the central United States, including 48 states and Washington, DC. The east by the Atlantic Ocean, west Pacific, north of Canada, south of Mexico. The mainland is located at the northwestern shore of Alaska, the east of Canada, separated from the West and Russia across the Bering Strait; Hawaii is located in the central Pacific. In addition, the United States at the same time in the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean has a large number of federal and overseas territories.
British sub-England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland four parts. England is divided into 43 counties, Scotland has 29 district and three in particular jurisdictions, the Northern Ireland under the 26 areas, 22 areas of Wales under. Scottish, Welsh Assembly and its executive body with overall responsibility for local affairs, foreign affairs, national defense, the overall economic and monetary policy, employment policy and social security control by the central government. In addition, there are 12 UK Overseas Territories. The country's social stability and life stability, low crime rate and very little violence.
Old stars known as the Republic of Singapore in Singapore, or Singapore (commonly known as Singapore or Singapore), is a city in Southeast Asia island nation, located in the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, on the south of the Strait of Malacca. South of the Straits of Singapore and Indonesia across the sea, the North and the Johor Straits between Malaysia, linked to Long Beach. In addition to Singapore, the island territory, but also including a few surrounding islands.
Australia, the word means "South China", the Europeans in the early 17th century discovery of this continent, the misconception that this is a piece of land through the Antarctic, so the name "Australia", australia from Latin terraaustralis (the southern land ) Change from.
Canada is located in the northern half of North America, with a total area of 9,970,000 square kilometers, second only to Russia, is one of the world's second-largest country. More than 2900 million population, is the world's average population density of one of the lowest 3 people per 1 square kilometers of land possession. 89% of the land there is no permanent settlements. Is adjacent to the south and the United States about 5,000 km, petroleum, mineral, timber, seafood, abundant water resources.


每个国家用5句英文描述美国 英国 新加坡 澳大利亚 加拿大 英国,美国,新加坡,国家,悉尼,用英语怎么读? 法国、美国、澳大利亚、新加坡、英国、日本、中国、加拿大的英文(国家、语言、人、首都)是什么?说的多种语言 各个国家怎么用英文简写如,美国,德国,新加坡,英国,加拿大,韩国,日本, 请提供各国国家名称英文缩写(三个字母的大写英文)至少要有这几个国家:英国 美国 法国 瑞士 新加坡 日本 加拿大 澳大利亚 中国 请问英国、美国、新加坡这三个词用英语怎么说? 英国,法国,美国,日本,德国,阿拉伯国家,伊斯兰国家等等 这些国家的body language 都是什么?每个国家有什么异同,例如:同一个动作不同国家都是什么含义,问好怎么表示.之类的.一定要用英文, 美国,英国,法国,新加坡,韩国,日本,意大利,西班牙,加拿大,德国这些国家的单复数, 帮我弄一份国家英文名列表要中国,英国,美国,澳大利亚,加拿大,日本,新加坡,韩国,法国要语言,人单数,人复数,首都(学英语用) 中国,美国,日本,英国用英文怎么说?最好把这些国家和别的国家用英文怎么写都告诉我. 英语是哪些国家的民族语言A英国,新西兰,巴西 B南非,美国,加拿大 C澳大利亚,英国,加拿大 D美国,新加坡,澳大利亚 英语是_____等国家的民族语言A英国,新西兰,巴西B南非,美国,加拿大C澳大利亚,英国,加拿大D美国,新加坡,澳大利亚 求日本、法国、英国、美国、新加坡、澳大利亚除首都外的城市名(各一个,英语)标明国家 以下实行内阁制的国家有().A 英国B 荷兰C 美国D 比利时E 新加坡 怎么用英语介绍日本、美国、英国?只要6年级水平就好,就像是Japan is in Asia.It's famous for .People there speak Japanese.这样的就可以,每个国家最多10句,最少7句 代表城市的英语,急美国、英国、法国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、印度、 德国、新加坡、西班牙、韩国、巴西、新西兰、奥地利、瑞士、 瑞典、俄罗斯这几个国家的代表城市英文. 用英语怎么说 加拿大 法国 日本 美国 澳大利亚 新加坡 英国 要求要用谐音说一下 加拿大、法国、日本、美国、英国、澳大利亚、新加坡、悉尼、纽约、巴黎、多伦多、东京、用英语怎么读?