英语中副词的位置副词位置不是实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后.那为什么He speak slowly slowly放后面?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 13:47:30
英语中副词的位置副词位置不是实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后.那为什么He speak slowly slowly放后面?
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英语中副词的位置副词位置不是实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后.那为什么He speak slowly slowly放后面?
那为什么He speak slowly slowly放后面?

英语中副词的位置副词位置不是实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后.那为什么He speak slowly slowly放后面?

It’s raining hard. 雨下得很大。
They lived happily ever after. 从此他们过上了幸福的生活。
She moved about gracefully. 她优雅地走来走去。
He speaks (behaves) naturally. ...


It’s raining hard. 雨下得很大。
They lived happily ever after. 从此他们过上了幸福的生活。
She moved about gracefully. 她优雅地走来走去。
He speaks (behaves) naturally. 他讲话(举止)很自然。
He gave her the money reluctantly. 他不情愿地把钱给了她。
He looked at me suspiciously. 他用怀疑的目光看着我。
She doesn’t work here now. 她现在不在这里工作了。
2) 有时放在主语和动词之间,这时有三种情况:
a. 宾语较长时,副词常常提前(以免副词离动词太远):
He carefully picked up all the bits of broken glass. 他仔细地把碎玻璃都捡了起来。
He angrily denied that he had stolen the documents. 他气愤地否认窃取了文件。
They secretly decided to leave the town. 他们秘密决定离开这座城市。
The firemen bravely went into the burning house. 消防队员勇敢地冲进熊熊燃烧的房子。
b. 有些说明性格或智力的副词,常可放在动词前面:
I foolishly forgot my passport. 我愚蠢地忘了带护照。
He generously paid for us all. 他大方地替大家付了钱。
He kindly waited for me. 他好心地等候我们。
They warmly welcomed us at the door. 他们在门口热烈欢迎我们。
c. 有些副词,如suddenly, soon, nearly, surely, almost, just, still, really等,常可以放在动词前面:
I almost forgot about the whole thing. 我几乎把整个这件事给忘了。
She suddenly fell ill. 她突然病了。
He nearly died of starvation. 他差点饿死。
I still don’t understand. 我还是不懂。
I’m still waiting for an answer. 我还在等待答复。
I’ve just returned from Shanghai. 我刚从上海回来。
She’s already gone home. 她已经回家了。
The meeting is just over. 会刚结束。
She was still weak after her long illness. 她久病之后身子还很虚弱。
Then she was already out of his mind. 这时他已不想她了。
4) 有些副词为了强调可放在句首:
Indoors it was nice and warm. 室内非常暖和舒服。
Recently I haven’t been feeling very well. 最近我感到身子不太舒服。
Indeed the note has disappointed me. 的确这条子使我很失望。
Really, it needs watering. 真的它该浇水了。
Apparently, he knew the town well. 显然他很熟悉这座城市
1) 频度副词通常放在下面三个位置:
a. 放在动词前面:
They sometimes stay up all night. 他们有时彻夜不眠。
She never saw him again. 她再也没见到他。
He seldom watches TV. 他很少看电视。
I usually go to bed at eleven. 我通常十一点睡觉。
b. 放在助动词后面(主要动词前面):
He can never understand that. 他永远理解不了这一点。
I have often thought of you. 我常常想到你。
Have you often ridden a camel? 你骑过骆驼吗?
c. 如句子里有系动词be,则通常放在be后面:
He’s always at home in the evening. 他晚上总在家。
She’s often late. 她常常迟到。
He’s seldom out of pain. 他很少有不疼的时候。
His thoughts were frequently on her. 他经常想到她。
2) 频度副词有时可放在其他位置:
a. 为了强调可放在句首;
Always, we went on foot. 我们总是步行去。
Occasionally he came to see us. 偶尔他来看望我们。
Often I didn’t see her until the evening. 常常我要到晚上才看到她。
Generally she remained in on weekdays. 一般周日她都待在家里。
Sometimes we’re busy and sometimes we’re not. 我们有时很忙,有时不忙。
b. 有时为了强调,可放在情态动词、助动词及动词be前面:
We usually don’t get up until nine on Sundays. 星期天我们通常九点才起床。
He never would go to a doctor, he didn’t believe in them. 他从不去看医生,他不相信他们。
She hardly ever has met him. 她几乎从未见过他。
I never can remember telephone numbers. 我从来记不住电话号码。
He always is late when we’ve an important meeting. 我们有重要会议时,他总是迟到。
c. 间或也可放在句末:
I have endless occupation always. 我总是有做不完的事。
I don’t see her often. 我不常见他。
He comes over to see us sometimes. 他有时过来看望我们。
Lester came only occasionally. 莱特斯只是偶尔来。
I should certainly visit her frequently to cheer her up. 我确实应当经常去看她,让她高兴起来。

1) 疑问副词、连接副词和关系副词通常都在句子或从句的开头:
How are things going? 情况如何?
That’s how I look at it. 这就是我的看法。
The first thing is to find out where she is. 首先得打听她在哪儿。
We have reached a point where a change is needed. 我们到了必须改一改的地步。
Here are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们这样做的原因。
2) 句子副词一般放在句首:
Maybe he would come round yet. 或许他会回心转意。
Actually, she had altered much less than I. 实际上她的变化比我小。
Fortunately, he found the money he’d lost. 幸好他找到了丢失的钱。
Surely you’ll stay for dinner. 你一定留下吃晚饭。
She actually expected me to do it for her. 她实际上是指望我替她干。
There has evidently been some mistake. 显然哪儿出了岔子。
You must know Bulla, surely! 你肯定认识波拉,没错的!
3) 程度副词都放在所修饰的词前面:
I’m awfully sorry for what has happened. 发生了这事我非常抱歉。
We are getting along fairly well. 我们相处得相当好。
She was extremely friendly. 她极为友好。
4) 有些副词位置很灵活,如only和even,可放在与他们意思最密切的词之前:
Only he knows some English. 只有他懂些英语。
He can only read. He can’t speak. 他只会看,不会说。
She speaks only French. 她只会讲法语。
There were only five girls in our class. 我们班只有五个女生。
Even my father doesn’t know this word. 连我父亲都不认识这个词。
She even helped us to do our housework. 她甚至帮助我们做家务。
Even at night he seldom relaxed. 即使在晚上他也很少休息。
It was cold even in August. 即使在八月这儿也很冷。
He was afraid to take even a drink of water. 他连一口水都不敢喝。
He looked happy, even gay. 他显得高兴,甚至很快活。
He speak slowly slowly 属于第一种情况:多数副词都放在所修饰动词后面(a)或句末(宾语或状语后面)



英语中副词的位置副词位置不是实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后.那为什么He speak slowly slowly放后面? 英语中副词的位置为什么有的副词在动词之前而有的在句子末啊, 英语中程度副词修饰动词时的位置是什么? 副词修饰动词 形容词 副词的位置 英语中 副词的位置``副词可以用多系动词后面?系动词后面什么时候用副词什么时候用形容词` 英语中 名词,介词,代词,动词,连词,形容词,副词 的位置?名词,介词,代词,动词,连词,形容词,副词 的位置 副词位置,何时在动词之后?何时在实义动词之前,助动词情态动词之后? 英语中副词的位置是什么? 英语中副词的位置在 英语中词类的位置?比如说名词、副词的位置? 英语句子成分的位置 动词 副词 形容词等 副词修饰动词所放的位置 well修饰动词、形容词、副词的位置 英语中,频率副词主要放在实义动词之前,be动词或情态动词之后,那其他的副词的主要用法呢?有哪些? 英语中 名词,介词,代词,动词,连词,形容词,副词 的位置? I probably was.为什么副词在Be动词之前?probably属于哪种副词?这种副词与Be动词 助动词 情态动词的位置该如何确定? 情态动词和实义动词同时存在副词位置副词的位置在be动词,助动词,情态动词之后,实义动词之前.He can run fast.这句话对吗?为什么听到的都是He can fast runHe can run fast和He can fast run一样吗?副词的 副词的位置不是在动词的前面吗?那为什么It rains heavily.副词却在动词的后面?